A New Bag of Tricks, Part 2

Note: This chapter is an early draft. Will be editing it heavily in a bit. It's still a good read but it will be much better after the edits. 


8:30-10:00, T-TH: Elective 1: Grimoire Studies: A comprehensive study focused on the history and usage of rare arcane artifacts with Mistress Laurana Löwenthal; Great Library Lecture Hall 3. 

10:30-12:00, T-TH: Elective 2: Black Magic Defense: Learning to combat the vilest form of arcane arts with Mistress Grelda Grimsever; Seidr Longhouse, Room 7. 

12:00-1:00, T-TH: Lunchbreak

1:00-2:30, T-TH: Elective 3: Rune Theory: Understanding the language of runes and the power they possess with Master Black Jack; Seidr Longhouse Room 5.

3:00-4:30, T-TH: Elective 4: Blade Dance: Mastering a sacred tradition of combat that unites swordplay, dance, and the arcane arts into single a deadly style meant to dominate a battlefield with Swordmaster Malegant Troyes; Drengr Longhouse Studio 3.