A New Bag of Tricks, Part 3

Note: This chapter is an early draft. Will be editing it heavily in a bit. It's still a good read but it will be much better after the edits. 


"Here, Will." Dess offered me an item carefully wrapped in cloth. "Found this at Vlad's treasure room. Thought you might want it back." 

I knew what it was even before I unwrapped it—the broken pieces of my broadsword, Hrunting. 

"Yeah…" I wasn't overly sentimental, but I got kind of teary-eyed seeing my old weapon back in my hands. "…Thanks, Dess." 

I raised Hrunting's broken hilt high, letting the midday sun's light reflect on its broken blade. While in my head, I wondered how much it would cost for me to have it repaired, and if the sword's spirit—the legend that made its blade so sharp—would remain intact. 

Funnily enough, my questions didn't matter.