Disciplinary Hearing, Part 2

Note: I'll be publishing the edited versions of all the early drafts by this weekend. Look forward to them.


I'd saved some of Wisdom's Folly's operating expenses on the prediction that we would eventually clash with the PTA, but I didn't think I would need those extra funds for myself. Lobbying some of the PTA's senior members to look kindly on my endeavors wasn't going to be possible though, because it looked like all those senior members were in the room. More importantly, I wasn't. 

How was I supposed to defend myself from slander when I hadn't been invited to this godsdamned hearing?!

'Freaking helicopter moms…'

Beneath Arabella's feet, the lines of her shadow were rumbling, and I could guess that my emotions were beginning to seep into my phantasm too. 

I might have even done something reckless if I hadn't just noticed the barely perceptible shake of Grandmaster Dwalinn's head.