The Lūmenaires, Part 1

"What exactly do you want?" Mistress Lorelai asked. 

That was my question too. 

Clearly, this disciplinary hearing was a farce just by not having me, the accused, around to defend myself. I'd seen enough 'Order & Law' reruns to know things don't work this way. The fact that they were accusing me of a whole lot of wolf crap made this whole thing smell even worse. 

"We want security," Caelestis answered. "A safe place where our children can learn without the shadow of death constantly at their backs. 

Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. If anything, a lot of these novices needed a little more of death's shadow on their backs to make them grow up from being momma's boys. Yeah, that's right. I'm looking at you, Arabella Adelstein. 

At Caelestis' words, a lot of the helicopter moms in the PTA nodded their heads. 

"We want peace of mind!" another mom chimed in. 

More nods from the peanut gallery. 

'Peace and security…'