The Lūmenaires, Part 2

Note: Changed the title of the previous chapter. ;) Still working on the chapter edits of the previous seven chapters. 


It may have just been me, but it looked like this host of ljósálfar warriors weren't just here to provide security for us. It looked like they were here for war—but for who, now that was the question. 

Throughout the day, rumors of the Academy's new guests would reach our ears so that it became nearly impossible to get anything done on campus without hearing about the gold-clad warriors and their pristine white banners. 

At first, people talked about how many of the Lūmen had arrived. It was a number that began with fifty, which, by the time I finished with Black Magic Defense and was on my way to lunch had bloated to about five hundred. With the way we saw these guys patrolling the many pathways to one of the open-air canteens, five hundred didn't seem like a silly number. It felt kind of accurate, to be honest.