
113 AC


Viserys Targaryen


Finally having a moment alone with my new Grandchild I can't help but smile as I look down at the boy resting in my arms. Rhaenyra and Daeron brought him by at my request and I had them 'dragged off' to go check on 'some things'. An excuse to have the boy alone for a moment and it was worth the scheming as I get to see him open and close his eyes and kick his little feet against the blanket wrapping him up.

Aegon is quite active compared to other babes I have held but I suppose that is much better than the alternative. If he is this restless given a few years I expect him to want to pick up training quickly at least. But he also might grow out of it even in a few weeks, Rhaenyra would certainly be annoyed if he turned into a calm child after all the hells he put her through.

Either way, the boy can be restless like many with the Blood of the Dragon or he can be the opposite it won't matter. I believe regardless he will make a fine King one day as he will be my own Heir's Heir and will one day sit on the most dangerous seat in the world. I hope both of them have little in the way of problems during their reign.

A knock on the door is all the warning I get before my daughter pushes it open and walks in with quick steps. She has recovered quickly from the childbed and is even eager to take little Aegon up into the sky on her dragon. My own Mother did that for me and Daemon even against the Maesters warning her... I expect my daughter will do the same against my warnings.

"Your request has been fulfilled Good Father, though I doubt the 'urgency' that was stressed on the matter..." Daeron speaks up as he follows behind his wife with clear amusement dancing in his eyes as he watches Rhaenyra scoop her baby out of my arms.

"You just wanted some alone time." Rhaenyra huffs but can't stop the smile on her exasperated face. "If that is all you wanted you could have just said so, I was expecting there to be a real problem with the Royal Progress. To find out they just wanted to hear about our preferences in rooming and meals..." She huffs once more and I also smile seeing her act so Motherly as she smothers her son in love even as he struggles against the blanket.

He will surely be a wild one.

"You won't put it off any longer than you already have?" I ask quickly moving the conversation along.

"We still have three months before we head off for the Stormlands, it might be a bit early but we will see how Aegon is at that time to decide." Daeron answers as he walks around the table holding my model of Valyria.

I smile wider seeing his eyes take in all of the work I have put into the model, his eyes linger on the large tower built into the Volcano. I almost speak up about it but stop seeing my daughter about to speak up.

"I would prefer going through Dorne first to see my Husband's lands but he insists that we put it off for the end of the year. He says the weather is best right now to get the Stormlands and the Reach over with before going into the 'dry ass desert'." I catch the amused look Daeron sends her before his eyes return to the model looking over the Anogrion with curiosity.

I am itching to talk about Valyria with the young man but this is too good of an opportunity to hear about their plans. Rhaenyra has been bouncing around from the library and looking into stories of the Long Night to reaching out to various Lords and Ladies to plan visits. She has transformed since getting married and being named my Heir, she is almost an entirely different woman now.

"Otto has informed me of the enthusiasm the HighTowers have at hosting you on your visit to Old Town. I heard they are going to host a tourney in Aegons honor that will be one of if not the biggest of the year." I reach for my cup and pull it up to my lips to wet my throat as I hear Daeron hum a melody. "Though Lord Strong mentioned the Tyrells planned to do one as well but I have heard no official confirmation such as Otto gave me." This will be the first Royal Progress of its kind, the Old King made many trips around on Vermithor but not to as many places as these two are planning.

Many people have never even seen a Valyria or silver hair let alone a Dragon, I am sure it will be quite a sight for many people. Most people have only heard of the horror of Dragons and the damage they can do, some do not even believe they can do as the stories say. To see a dragon such as Gaelithox with their own eyes will certainly be something to remember...


113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"I won't lie it is kind of... charming how your Father wants to spend some time with Aegon. I wonder if he will be like that once the boy is no longer a fat-cheeked cute babe and instead a rowdy troublemaker." I tickle my boy's nose earning more wiggling from my little 'Wyrm' in his swaddled blanket.

"He has always wanted a boy, he must see a 'son' in Aegon that he never got to have." She replies with a little bitterness but also pride.

"He was right about the egg and if it hatches while out on the Progress." I change the subject not wanting to dive into how her Father would rather her being a boy... I quite like her being a girl.

"I am certain you will figure something out, you got me pregnant and you wanted a Progress." I snort before shaking my head, if 'Drogon' hatches while we are out traveling or in a Lord's Castle I am sure I can keep him around.

I will have the food and his bond so I am confident the little black and red troublemaker will stick close to me. I just hope he does not trigger something in Gaelithox and cause him to go on a rampage trying to eat the little 'Dragon Nugget'.

"I will." I respond realizing she was looking at me expectantly and smile as she likely tosses the worry aside as it fully settles on my shoulders.

I will certainly remember 'you got me pregnant' the next time she is pressed under me wantonly shouting my name and demanding I seed her depths.

"Where are you most looking forward to visiting?" She asks as she runs a hand through her hair resting her back against the cushion on the couch.

"The Wall." I respond and hear her groan as I turn away from her rocking my son in my arms.

"We are not going to the wall, Aegon will freeze over... I will freeze over." I roll my eyes, I really want to see the wall so I might leave her ass as Winterfell as I fly up there to see it.

"Winterfell then." It is supposed to be pretty big so I think it will be a fun little stop, it's the main place we are visiting in the North anyway.

The other castles of note in the North are going to be short stops, maybe a day or two before we press on and head to the next. White Harbor and Winterfell will be the big ticket items in the North, need to sow the seed of friendship early. I want to make sure no bullshit comes up for any reason, I don't know if the King will screw another woman but if a boy comes out I want to be ready.

Murder is always an option even if it will be a bit bitter tasting.

But there is also the fact I am Dornish and a lot of people are unsettled by me being the consort to Rhaenyra. So seeing one another face to face and shaking hands and eating while having rich conversation should fix that with most people. There are actually quite a lot of decent people in Westeros if you ignore the very toxic few who stand out and taint the barrel. A face-to-face meeting and discussions of what to expect in the future will have many Lords and Ladies ignore me being Martell.

I will just have to get used to people asking to make an early engagement for my boy since I know it will be coming.

"I am sure you are looking forward to The Eyrie more than any other spot." I comment as I walk over to the couch and slowly take a seat next to her.

"Cute boy is about to fall asleep." Rhaenyra mutters as she leans her head on my shoulder looking down at Aegon who yawned widely and closed his eyes. "I think you might be right, the Vale sounds nice from all my Mother has told me. But I do look forward to the long stay in Sunspear, I want to enjoy it with both of you." She wraps her arms around me and squeezes and I feel my heart melt a bit at her sweetness.

Makes me want to punch something to get rid of the almost dizzying sweetness.


113 AC


Daemon Targaryen


House Magnar has named this place 'Kingshouse' but it is the last place a King would be.

Cold and barren would be what I called it but I can't lie about how strong of a position it is in, added on to how hard it is to even sail to Skagos. This must be one of the hardest places to attack on the island in the current state of things. I have seen some tall peaks that could have a small fort built on it and the path up fortified to keep out invaders.

Looking off at the tree line not far away I grit my teeth thinking I once more seen movement at the edge. The tall thing with horns almost seems to be plaguing my mind with how often I have spotted it recently...

How did it even get onto this cursed island?

A loud squeal escapes Caraxes and I reach over to place my hand on his snout, the poor dragon hates this place. Last night he even took to escaping the winds by digging out one of the caves on the cliff to stay warm. I do not think we will stay here long, I have heard all I wanted to hear and think it is about time I head back to Kingslanding.

It is time I talked with my brother about... things.