
113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Your Uncle seems even more... jumpy since he has returned from the North." My sweet sister Myriah speaks up to my wife as we rest after overseeing our things being packed up.

"Don't tell anyone I said this, but he has been... seeing something follow him." I raise a brow and sit up suddenly very interested in this conversation.

"Something?" I ask with my lips curling up into a grin at the thought of the boogeyman having a boogeyman.

"A giant of a man with horns or something." She waves her hand around flippantly but her face remains uncertain. "He said it got so close to him he could 'smell' it." I blink in surprise, Daemon may be many things but a liar is not really his thing.

He is crazy but not this kind of crazy... what kind of cursed voodoo did he bring back down to Kingslanding? He had been back for over two months now and I have had little interactions with him beyond a family meal. I wonder if I brought it up would he talk about it or would his male pride be hurt?

"I don't think that sounds good." I clear my throat noticing both of them turn to me. "There are many unexplained or left undiscovered things when it comes to magic. Just as dragons are fire magic made flesh my guess is the 'Others' are the same with ice magic. This 'thing' he could be seeing could be some kind of magical 'person'." Dear God don't let there be those horrible elder Gods that are supposed to be in the Far East showing their face here.

I mean the 'old Gods' the North worship is bad enough when you think about it since not even their names are allowed to be spoken or passed down. Some Lovecraft shit is going on there that I don't like, it's why I am more chill with R'hllor or even the Faith of the Seven. I think R'hllor very well might be a living embodiment of the concept of life and light and the Seven are fake but the Old Gods are just plain freaky.

I mean their trees are the stuff of nightmares when they randomly decide to start 'bleeding'. My guess is they let out their sap and the tree 'cries' when someone is using the tree to watch what is happening around it. My speculation grows each time I see a Weirwood and it soon starts crying after I am observing it.

Freaky Tree Gods.

"He told my Father many stories he learned in the North, he might also just be seeing things after his long trip." Rhaenyra seems to not want to deal with possible magical demons of any nature as she stands up. "Daeron you still need to help them load Gaelithox saddle bags since only you can get on his back. In the meantime, Myriah and I will ask my Mother to take the babes to see the Dragons in the pit." This asshole wants to flee to the safety of her sweet girl Syrax and put me to work in the same 'order'.

But I won't voice a complaint, my neck chilled as I talked about ice magic and thought of those damn trees. I would love to use the rope pulley to pack all of our valuable belongings going on the Progress onto my mounts back.


113 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


The odd chilly feeling I had is finally gone as I hug Syrax around her thick neck and she trills vibrating my whole body. I look over at Myriah holding Aegon and a little bundled-up 'stone egg' that I brought for my sweet girl to sniff. Syrax laid her very first clutch of eggs and I am eager to put one of the two eggs into the cradle with my son. But I won't give up on my husband's hopes and dreams of 'Balerion reborn' until I know for sure he is just imagining the egg to be alive.

""What do you think?"" I ask my not-so-little 'little girl' and let go of her neck as she cranes it to sniff at Myriah and my son, the egg included. ""If it is not going to hatch let me know, I will put one of your own eggs in the cradle with Aegon."" I brush my hand down her neck as I approach her head which is taking deep sniffs at the babe.

"Think she will even be able to tell?" Myriah asks and I nod patting the jaw of my mighty and beautiful mount.

"She is a Mother as well now, she will know for sure." Either way, if nothing hatches soon I want to swap the egg out for the gold and red egg. "My sweet girl's first eggs should be hatched by my own babes." I nod liking the idea, Daeron will forgive me... we will just have to make plenty of babes for all of the eggs we have.

"The eggs are from Shrykos as well, he might not be as elegant looking as Syrax but I am sure the dragons that hatch from the eggs will be beautiful regardless." I nod and step back as Syrax pulls her head back with a snort of hot air making Aegon squeal in joy at the feeling.

My little babe loves Dragons.

""Is it a good egg?"" I ask her hoping for more of a sign from her, she only looks and huffs air once more. ""That is not telling me anything."" I roll my eyes and turn back away from the unhelpful she-dragon.

"Maybe it just needs more time, I am sure there will be plenty of time to let Aegon sleep with the egg during the Progress." Myriah hands me back my son and I nod at her words, and if nothing happens and I start to get worried I will fly back and get a 'fresh' egg from the warmers.

Maybe I should ask my Father to keep them on the warmers for longer than they should be, I don't want those two eggs doing to the Dragonmont. Even if they do not hatch for Aegon I want to have at least one of those eggs hatch from one of my children... meaning I need to get pregnant again. I can't help but sigh at the thought, I want a year off at the very least from being so miserable but there were also a lot of good times as well.

We will just see what happens, as far as eggs and babes go...


113 AC

Water Gardens

Lewyn Nymeros Martell


"This place looks better every time I see it, it seems the speed of construction has not slowed at all." I nod in agreement with Laenor's words, our quick trip over here from Bloodstone was not wasted.

"The smooth pink 'marble' looks good here but I do not think it will look as good as flooring in my chambers back at Bloodstone as I was thinking. I think I should instead use something darker to match the 'lifeless rocks' the walls are crafted from." Laenor snorts and shakes his head before he looks at me with a bit of apprehension.

"Have you asked him?" He suddenly blurts out and I purse my lips causing him to sigh at my nonverbal answer. "He is the best choice..." I hold up a hand cutting him off as I gaze around making sure no one is around to overhear.

"I already know that." I just have not found the correct way to ask my Brother to fuck my wife and our sister. "It is not easy to explain something like this to him..." I think he might slap me on the head if I told him about the, difficulties I have faced in my marriage.

"Just ask him, I don't know if I can take another 'talk' from my Father or a prodding look from my Mother." He sighs and I chuckle at the thought.

"I will ask soon, just not right now... he will be traveling soon with his wife and son and I think we can both bring it up at one of his stops. Maybe we head to Storms End, you have some distant kin there anyway and it would not be odd for 'all of us' to show up at the same time. I am sure Laena would love the excuse to show off her mount to another castle full of people." My Wife has enjoyed flying over every castle she can find close to Sunspear when she stayed not long ago.

It should have freaked out quite a few of our loyal Lords to see the beast that burned Dorne along with Balerion during the 'Dragons Wroth'. But Laena cares little for things like that and just loves to be in the saddle much like Myriah and I am sure that is why they have become fast friends. When Myriah is not at Kingslanding she is with my Wife flying the skies or gossiping about court life.

"That will work, the sooner the better though." I nod and crack my neck suddenly feeling stressed out at the problem quickly approaching on the horizon.

It will go one of two ways, He and his Wife will agree and help out their 'family' or Rhaenyra will have Syrax eat me and Laenor to free herself from the headache. I can't even expect Daeron to help, it would look bad if he jumped on this kind of 'deal'. His marriage seems happy and I hate to do this but he is the 'best' option available.

He has the Blood of the Dragon but if that was the only concern we could even ask Daemon to help us out. But I trust Daeron to keep things silent much more than I trust Daemon the 'Rouge'.


113 AC


Daemon Targaryen


Keeping the fire roaring in my room I can't help but shake my head in amusement, the days have begun to blur together. Each night I light the fire and keep it well stocked to burn through the night so another 'incident' does not happen. I refuse to believe someone made it into my room past my own trained men but I can not deny the facts.

The water basin in my room was frozen solid and there was undoubtedly a handprint in the center of the ice. Twice or more the size of my own hand, and yet no one saw anyone around my room that night. The balcony was locked and the windows shut tight, something else happened.

Whoever or 'whatever' did that seems to dislike heat so I keep it nice and toasty during the night. I am tempted to sleep with my Blood Wyrm but I have already gotten strange looks from my Brother since my return. His concern about the stories I told him of only grew when he saw a crack in my usual confidence when I told him of the 'incident'.

But I do not need his concern, instead, I need to slay whatever foul demon is haunting me from beyond the wall. I know now why the dragons refuse to fly beyond the wall, it is a frozen hell full of demons. Without a doubt, Aegon likely saw a darkness beyond the wall as Viserys says... I am sure of it.

I will slay whatever darkness followed me home and get some much-needed rest before deciding what to do about what I know now. It could be hundreds of years before the foul creatures decide to move down to south of the wall. I should also talk with my Niece and her Husband to see what they have found out on their own.

They put me on this path indirectly and I want to know what they know.