
113 AC


Daemon Targaryen


"This all seems a little..." I nod hearing my brother trail off after bringing up a few things, mainly some of the things I heard at the wall and on Skagos.

"Well it was not all horrible, Caraxes found a mouth into a large chamber in one of the 'mountains'. It turns out there is a volcano on Skagos, it is likely where all of the Dragon glass I was seeing is from." If all of the stories I heard are doom and gloom then the discovery of another Volcano in Westeros is the exact opposite.

"Really?" He lifts a brow and I nod. "I am certain that is written down somewhere but I have never heard of it before..." Neither have I, it seemed Dragonstone was one of the very few places that is not Valyria that had any.

It is tempting to do something with it, it is colder on Skagos and the volcano does not leak constantly so it might build up and erupt in a massive event but it's worth the risk. Skagos could easily provide enough space to farm for livestock to feed more dragons and it would be more space and territory for them to grow. Even with the Cannibal no longer patrolling the Island and snapping up young dragons a new one will eventually take his place. Maybe it won't start eating its kind but dragons are territorial when not 'tamed'.

"I think it is worth looking into, more territory to grow dragons out of the way from anyone else other than the distant houses on Skagos. The dragons would not risk flying off as the temperature is low and they hate it. It would act like a large natural cage and it would still have enough space to house many dragons that can grow fairly large." With no chains and large space to fly around and hunt even those wild unicorns, dragons could grow large on Skagos.

Valyria was able to grow hundreds of dragons to giant sizes and Dragonstone could as well if not for the fear people would have. If one dragon got outpaced by another in its territory it would fly off to find food and could attack ships in Blackwater Bay. It's why Cannibal was a blessing in disguise for so long, he kept everything under control.

"It would be expensive to do anything on such a remote land, we also have lost the knowledge of binding stone. It would certainly be no Dragonstone... but I suppose it does not need to be." He looks thoughtfully at me and I drum my fingers on the table. "Give me some time to think on it further, I need to focus on Rhaenyra and Daeron setting off this evening and then I will put my mind to it." I can't help but smirk, he seems more open to the idea than I was willing to allow myself to hope.

It is cold, so cold my balls will freeze off but there is a lot of potential to the idea as well. Winterfell was built on a hot spring that pipes hot water into the walls keeping the castle toasty on the inside. I could have the same done inside of the castle raised on the Volcano with the steaming water springs I saw surrounding it on all sides, a 'Dragonfell' for House Targaryen to live in.

"That is all I can ask, I will certainly not slack off should you decide to pursue this and I will put forth a great effort to see it done." He looks at me skeptically but I roll my eyes, I crave a seat such as this but there is only one and it is meant for my niece at this point.

I will bring it up once more to ensure he keeps it in mind after my Niece and her Husband fly off to visit the lesser Lords and Ladies of Westeros.

I can't help but wonder why they even care to do this, it seems a waste of time in my eyes. People knelt to dragons, they will stay on their knees because of dragons and any ass-kissing only gives them the bravery to reach for things they should not. They will be hounded the whole Progress about their son Aegons hand in marriage, and Lords will throw daughters at them the entire time.

I can already see my Niece tiring of it and flying back to the Red Keep.


113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Well this is it I suppose." I hug my Mother and then my little Sister before stepping back.

"You will make sure nothing happens won't you?" Aemma asks as she embraces Aegon on the side with a worried look.

"Mother the 'seat' on the saddle is fastened to it in six different ways and even managed to keep me strapped in when we tested it. Aegon will be fine it is only an hour's flight at worst and the guards sent ahead are already ready to receive us." I bite my lips to stop from chuckling remembering Rhaenyra testing out the 'car seat' on the back of Gaelithox.

It was quite the sight when the old dragon decided to dive from above the clouds almost colliding with the ground only to pull up at the last minute. Rhaenyra was as pale as a clean sheet when she managed to recover she was wroth with my partner. But there is little anyone can do to the large black fiend when he wants to be mischievous.

"I won't see this sweet boy until you arrive at Sunspear..." My Mom manages to scoop him from my arms making me sigh as we will not leave for at least another ten minutes so she can snuggle Aegon some more. "He still smells so good..." She sniffs at his head and he squirms with a small grunt leaving his lips.

I give him a pitying look as he is smothered in love and affection with his small half-open eyes meeting my own. I could be convinced he is pleading for a rescue attempt but the little man will have to get used to people wanting to love on him. He still has a long way until he is rid of his cuteness and will be able to run around to escape people wanting to cuddle him.


"Don't you have your own dragon to mount?" I ask my wife as she sits behind me on my saddle facing away from me and double-checking Aegon in his seat.

My son seems to be the most excited as if he knows what is to happen next as he coos and gurgles. It is the most vocal I have ever heard him and it brings a warmth to my heart. though I don't know if it's because he is on a dragon or not being poked at by a hoard of family.

"Syrax could just follow behind us..." She mutters and I sigh before turning to look at her.

"She could but it would look better if we arrive flying both dragons and not simply using one as a pack mule. But it is your decision as I won't say no to having you within arms reach when I get bored up here..." She scoffs and shakes her head before making to 'escape' my grasp as my hands seek out her soft hips.

"I will join my sweet girl, be good Aegon." She mutters the last part with a low voice before ducking her head down to kiss his forehead and then she heads for the rope ladder.

"Be careful." I call out as she descends a little too fast for my liking, she ignores me and speeds down it regardless.

I have been noticing she is still not showing signs of 'coming down' from having Aegon lace her with Shimmer. It is confirmed the little man has his own Shimmer heart or at least a lesser version of it. I wonder how many generations it will be passed down from me into the future but it also worries me with the dangers it presents.

For now, there is nothing I can do about it, maybe I can figure something out eventually but even if it becomes a trait of my descendants it's not the worst thing. It will let my future decedents know if their wives are being unfaithful since their kids will have drugs in their blood. If someone is born without it then there is a good chance your hoe is cheating on your ass.

Would be a fucked up way to find out when one of your kids comes out a sloth compared to your other ones...

But I do worry there will be side effects, so far there are none, and Rhaenyra if anything seems healthier than ever before. Aegon is a healthy babe and sleeps like a champ at night even with magic drugs hyping him up.

I can't help but wonder what he will be like once he has a training sword in hand in a training yard bouncing around like a crackhead. People will think the dragon blood surely has caught fire in his veins without a mature mind controlling the excitement this heart pumps into our veins.


113 AC


Aemma Arryn


I watch the two dragons fly off as I hold Visenya to my chest, a loneliness building quickly at seeing them off. Soon Saera and Myriah will leave as well to Driftmark for a small time before heading off to Sunspear together. Myriah acting as an escort for her Mother on her dragon as things are still shaky in the shipping lanes. But my thoughts and heart leave with my daughter and my new Grandson, I would be lost without Visenya to hold onto.

I would have loved to go with them but I could hardly keep up in a wheelhouse and I don't want to have to squeeze onto a saddle with one of them. It makes me have some small regret about not taking up my Good son on one of his many jests about claiming a dragon. I told him and my Daughter about the feeling I have when I look toward the Dragon pit and both said I should go claim Dreamfyre.

I rub my cheek on Visenyas much longer hair compared to her nephew and she squirms, my thoughts drifting. I bite my lips and head back to the wheelhouse after one last look toward the large doors of the Dragon pit. I will think on it some more, if I can find the courage I will head in and see the she-dragon and try my hand at claiming her. If it works out then my babe and I will join the two who just flew off as they travel Westeros.

I will need to have a saddle made to fit one of those 'seats' Daeron had made for Aegon but I am sure it will be an easy matter. Viserys won't say much or he will hear from me and all I have been holding back even if I dread the confrontation. I have done my duty and it might do me a whole lot of good to leave this stinking city for some time, I have wanted to go to the Eyrie for a while now.

I will at least meet Daeron and Rhaenyra there when they plan to make their way to my birthplace. I want to show it to my Daughter myself, they won't be in the Vale for many months so I have time. Time to decide if I will jump onto a dragon's back and attempt to fly into the skies or if I will ride in a wheelhouse to my old home.

Visenya squirms again and I smile knowing what she would choose even though she can't speak up her opinion just yet. But not too much longer and she will be calling for her dragon, I can just tell with how much she loves her quickly-growing bond.