
113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Sitting in my Father's Solar I look around the room with a critical eye, this was intended to be the place I ruled Dorne from one day. But if I am honest I will likely spend very few days leading Dorne from Sunspear, the sad truth of my Wife having a 'higher station'. Not that it's that big of a loss if I am honest, I will likely be Hand of the Queen or at least serve with a similar purpose without a title. So I will end up having to have someone else handle the day-to-day of Sunspear... maybe Myriah as she has no 'Seat' to rule from.

I think she would like it as well, something to keep her busy and gives her some power over people beyond just her dragon.

"Is this all you wanted to show me?" My Father speaks up as he looks over the last of the reports I summarized to hand over to him.

"Yea, I just wanted you to stay in the loop." He nods but a frown deepens as he reaches for something on his desk.

"This came... from the Sealord of Braavos." I lean forward and take the letter and open it to read it.

Scanning over it twice I feel annoyed that it seems I might actually have to head over to Essos soon but also a hint of excitement. Annoyed that I know this could cut the Royal Progress short or at least put it on pause for a time, but more so annoyed I will be spending time away from my Wife and Son. But also excited that I might see some more combat soon and this time I won't have any 'clean up' as Braavos is the one I am 'working for'.

I get to burn and drown shit people and then just fly back home without worrying about the consequences... how fun.

"What do you think?" My Father speaks up clearing his throat and looks at me seriously.

"It's fine, as soon as word comes in that the Sealord wants to follow up on the threats from Pentos just let me know. I will fly across to the Disputed lands and then follow the coast up to Pentos... barely an inconvenience." He nods letting out a breath, likely has been worried about how I would respond.

He is good friends with the Sealord and the Sealord also gave me the dragon eggs that I enjoy having for my Children. If I screwed him over after promising to be his 'deterrence' for rising conflicts with Pentos that would make me a shit person. A man's word is all that he can be measured with other than his actions in this world but his word is more important during 'deals' such as the one I made. Even without the threat of a Faceless man coming to stab me, I would still not want to smear my name for something as simple as a fly-by while shooting out some flames.

Pentos is also lacking black walls and is one of the worst-defended Free Cites in Essos, their location makes them easy pickings. It's why so many Khal's head there for tribute since they can sack the city pretty easily if they don't get enough gifts for leaving the city alone. It's in one of the best spots for trade in likely the whole world if I am honest, not as good as Qarth, and it's Jade Gates but still a damn good spot.

But as far as stopping someone from attacking it could be in a far better spot... even ignoring dragons.


"My Wife." I flop down on the stupidly large bed in my old chambers that have always been used by the heir to Sunspear.

"Stop, please... you know I don't feel good today." Rhaenyra huffs and pushes me off as I try to cuddle up to her.

"Come on, you know you want to visit the market today and see those street performers." She shakes her head with a frown on her lips as she nuzzles herself further into the mattress.

"Cant." She childishly whines as she pulls the blanket over her head.

"Fine... I will just take Aegon on my own." I roll off the bed expecting for her to speak up for me to stop and wait for her to get dressed but she does not say anything leaving me confused. "You really that sick?" I ask while slowly getting worried about something she might have eaten while in Lys and all those street vendors.

If something is wrong with her then Lys is getting taken off the map.

"I am just tired and want to sleep, be careful with Aegon." She turns away while lowering the blanket so her head is no longer covered. "Let it be known if someone comes in here for any reason I will have Syrax eat them..." She yawns and I nod while not feeling entirely sure about leaving her like this.

Walking over to my Son who is in his walker and watching the both of us with great interest I kneel down before him. His fist half stuck in his mouth comes out covered in slobber as he reaches for me with needy hands. I can't help but grin slipping my hands under his pits and lifting him from the walker.

"Think we should leave her on her own?" I ask him loud enough my Wife can hear us, if Aegon seems 'receptive' to the idea I can just blame him later if she is mad about it.

"Ahhhh!" He cheers while slapping his wet hand on my cheek, his fingers feeling my stubble and his eyes shining at the texture of my cheek.

"Alright, sounds like it's Aegon's idea." I speak up once more and hear a very much displeased grunt from my Wife but I am already heading for the door and won't stop now.

Looking at my Son I grin at him as he will be my perfect little escape rope if the She Dragon is angry when we return.


"What a cute little boy~." A sultry voice coos at Aegon as he looks around in confusion before spotting the half-naked busty woman eyeing his adorable self. "He has his father's eyes." She quickly turns her attention toward me and I almost scoff as she pushes her bust upwards and starts eyeing me up.

"Nice try, just because we are at the market does not mean we are ON the market... fuck off." I add the last part seeing the undeterred look in the woman's eyes, she wisely backs off though when one of the guards steps up.

Got to have my wits about me, not only are some of these street walkers desperate but I also have one of Rhaenyras guards with me. She just recently was the one 'negotiating' with Lewyn but I don't trust anything that was said. Seemed like a setup in my books so I will sit back and watch her set up whatever little 'trick' she is trying to get me to pounce on.

"You are going to tell your Mother I was on my best behavior when we get back." I tell my Son as I head toward a sweet's stand to buy him something to lick on.

He only remains clueless until the smell of freshly baked sweets hits his nose, the little shit goes to kicking when he smells something he wants. He will use his walker if he is in it to find the kitchen with nothing but a scent in the air. I need to make sure he does not turn out like a pig in the future and keep him in shape, would be embarrassing if he could not fit his ass on the throne one day.

"Two honey cones." I toss a Gold Dragon on the table which is an overpayment of the century but by the gleam in the merchant's eye, I know she will give us the best she has and not something that has sat out for hours.

Plus I slipped it out of my Wife's coin purse so it doesn't affect my pocket money.

"Right away." She bows her head and quickly turns to the side to go for the fresher stuff covered with some baker's cloth.

Taking one in my free hand I let Aegon grab his own from the Woman by leaning forward and his hands take the cone from the Woman with practiced ease. This little dimple-cheeked babe has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand and is experienced in the way of getting what he wants. He opens his mouth wide to take a bite but finds the sticky honey covering the baked treat a tough advisory as it smears around his mouth.

I walk away from the baked goods stand and head to where the kids around this part of town act out plays. The whole time I am walking Aegon tries his best to eat the good-smelling treat without smearing himself with the sticky honey.

His endeavors are fruitless as his face is soon covered and half of my tunic used as a rag.


""You see them?"" I ask my Son while switching to the language he seems to pick up the fastest. ""They are pretending to be Nymeria and all her brave sailors fleeing the evil Dragon Lords... your blood comes from both the Hero and the Villain in this story."" He doesn't understand but it's obvious hearing his Father speak up and point at the stage has his attention.

Sitting on a raised platform that was brought out for me to sit on after I was recognized by some of the business owners I rest my Son on my knee. His eyes are trained on the stage before us as an adorable girl sporting strong Rhoynar features pretends to be Nymeria. She has all her lines memorized likely by heart as she puts on the performance of a lifetime before the larger-than-normal crowd. Word likely got out I was here and people came to join in on the 'fun' knowing their crown Prince was slumming it up today.

"Desmond." I speak up to one of the guards standing before me and he turns his head slightly to let me know he is listening. "Find out if she has a family or not and if she does see that they bring her to the palace later today. I want to schedule for her and her little friends to perform in the palace at some point." I wobble my knee bearing the weight of my Son making him totter in place as he tries to keep his balance.

"It will be done, My Prince." Desmond responds in his deep and aged voice as he turns and makes his way toward the back of the stage, another guard quickly taking his place when he walks off.

Sometimes all the guards seem a bit annoying and makes me feel claustrophobic but when I have Aegon and Gaelithox is off resting somewhere it feels more comforting than uncomfortable. Aegons safety will always be more important than anything else so it's not worth mentioning my dislike of being surrounded by heavily armed men. Though I doubt they would be needed... Balerion is resting on a roof behind us with his head hanging off keeping himself ready to leap into action.

The rapidly growing dragon no longer snaps at Visenya's dragon but neither like to spend time together unless their bonds are together. Balerion would rather have a full belly and a warm spot to sleep but I can tell he is protective of Aegon by how he makes sure to stay close by at all times. Never will you see the 'Black dread reborn' far away from Aegon regardless of the time of day or even how late at night it might be.

A good sign of how close the two of them will be in the future in my opinion.