
113 AC


Aemma Arryn


"That was nice, they are very cute." I speak up after watching the little performance done by some of the children from the market.

Sitting with my Daughter and the two young ones along with my Good Family we are served various food and given a play to watch. Daeron and Aegon apparently watched this play the other day and he wanted to have them perform it again for all of us to watch. I have to agree with him and say they made a very cute showing of the history of the Rhoynar.

"It was nice, I think 'Nymeria' played her part well compared to what I have read about her recently." Rhaenyra speaks up from beside me as Aegon and Visenya make noises at one another with Visenya getting out a few words.

She has even started calling Aegon by a cute name 'Agon' and no matter how much we try to get her to add an E to his name she won't do it. It only adds to the sweet feeling that has set in after the performance, once more I am glad I flew down here. The Red Keep has always been stuffy and draining but since arriving in Sunspear I feel like a sail that has finally caught some wind.

"I wonder if it would be a bad idea to name a daughter after Nymeria..." Rhaenyra mutters with a hand going down to her stomach almost making me sigh at her.

"You already know some will frown at naming your first daughter after Rhaenys and now you want to make a Nymeria as well?" I ask in amusement getting a hum and nod from my daughter as she adjusts her Son in his small seat beside her.

"Why would I care what people think, names only are given meaning by those who wear them. My Children will wear their names with pride from their namesakes but also will give the name another story and history. I even have been thinking about Aenys and Maegor as names for a Son, Daeron did not like Aenys but he was accepting of Maegor if I end up liking it." I shake my head at her, there would be whispers if she named a Son after The Cruel, but I also accept that she is right about names and their meanings.

"Just keep in mind that if you name a boy Maegor or Aenys that people will always relate them to 'The Cruel' and 'King Abomination'. Just like people will look at a Rhaenys born with Martell blood and even the Martell name as either an insult or homage to Queen Rhaenys." There is also the matter of naming a boy Maegor and people expecting him to act like Maegor and maybe even they will try to 'force' him to act like Maegor the Cruel.

It could very well lead to a civil war if left alone and someone sinks their claws into a young second son named Maegor. But I doubt my Daughter or Good Son would leave any of their children to the snakes of Kingslanding. They are very loving and attentive of Aegon, more than I even was with Rhaenyra if I am honest, something I am changing with Visenya.

It was always in my mind that I was to have a Son and I put so much effort into it and neglected the attention I should have focused on my Daughter that I already had.

Regardless of any names they give to my Grandchildren I have high hopes for them and will keep my own eyes open. I won't let anything like the ambition of another blind me again, I will appreciate whatever I have in my hands. Worrying about things that 'should be' will only see me racing into a grave once more.

"What's this?" I ask as my Good Son serves me something that looks like glazed boiled eggs and he also serves some to Rhaenyra.

"Something I always loved growing up but could only get during this time of the year, a special spice from Yi Ti that is only sold during its short season. It is hard to get ahold of a large quantity of it leaving me too long to try it again each year." I smile and nod as he slips back around the table, I also can't help but notice he did not share with the rest of his family.

Something they also noticed and are frowning at him as he eats away at the glazed snack. I also lift one to my mouth after sniffing it and finding it pleasantly sweet-smelling. It hits my tongue and tastes like nothing I have ever had before while also reminding me of many sweet treats. A hint of honey and something floral that changes to a nutty taste as I bite into it, I can easily see why he loves this.

"It's good." I speak up after finishing one and when I look toward the jar containing the rest he pulls it closer to his chest protectively.

"You want another?" He asks with a kind smile but it does not seem like he is willing to share more so I shake my head feeling a tinge of regret and amusement.

"No, thank you Daeron, enjoy them with peace of mind." His smile widens and he lifts one to his mouth but is stopped by my daughter's hand.

"Aegon and Visenya want another." Rhaenyra says and I quickly notice how both children seem unbothered and are playing with their wooden spoons.

"Aegon can't even eat one... and you ate Visenyas." He grits his teeth but Rhaenyra only leans forward and takes his fingers and the egg into her mouth making me feel helpless at her table manners.

But it's also always nice to see her so genuine around her Husband and not distant like in some marriages. Her increased appetite also gives me some hope that she might be pregnant once more like she confessed to me a few hours ago. This means she might end up extending her stay in Sunspear for quite some time as she deals with her second pregnancy, something I would not mind as I will stay with her. She can finish her Royal Progress after giving birth and letting the babe get to the same age Aegon was.

The longer they stay in Sunspear the longer I will stay, something I look forward to almost as much as their trip to the Vale. I plan on going through the Vale with them but at this point, I might even travel to the other Kingdoms with them as well. I am loving seeing Aegon and Visenya play together regardless of the small age difference. I also love being away from the constant eyes of court, this is much better than hiding in my chamber all day long or going through the private garden.

It's something to bring up with the both of them when they are no longer fighting over food.


113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Don't cuddle me." I bump Rhaenyra with my hip as she tries to cuddle up to me. "You at more than half..." She groans and slaps away my hands trying to keep her at a distance, like a snake she wiggles up next to me and wraps around me like a koala.

"Don't give your pregnant Wife something you do not want her to eat." She replies simply as she nuzzles her face against my neck tickling me with her nose. "I want more of those little things..." I snort and shake my head as I wrap an arm around her and pull her on top of me.

"Unless you want me to fly over to Yi Ti... it won't be possible." It pains me to say it... I even did the math and found out it would only take like half a month round trip if no problems came up.

"No I don't want it that bad, there are limited days left till I start swelling up with babe again and I want to enjoy the time I have left being able to move around easily." I nod while she adjusts herself on top of me to get comfy, her warm soft body almost melding with me. "But now that you said something... maybe we should take a trip over to Yi Ti at some point. I always have liked hearing stories about Essos but have only seen Lys, maybe after we finish the Progress we could fly over." I slip my hands around her and embrace her as she finally stills and just lays on top of me.

"I like that idea, I need to go to Braavos again at some point and I would also like to see more of Essos than I already have. It only would take like eight days if we flew straight to Yi Ti to actually get to Yin by my math which give or take a few days. We would have no guards but I am confident in keeping us safe... just not sure about any babies which might make it a hard trip to plan for." Essos is huge but dragons are fast and can cover large stretches of land in a single day before needing to rest.

"I think it would be fine to bring them..." She seems unwilling to give up on the idea, likely thinking about taking 'them' on dragons back around the world. "Aegon rides with us all the time without problem and I am certain the next babe will be the same. We just would have to keep our wits about us and carry enough gold to hire guards wherever we go. I am not claiming it would be easy but before it gets too late and one of us losses a Father we should go for an adventure. This Progress will satisfy me as far as Westeros goes... I want to do a trip through Essos as well before we are locked into our duties and responsibilities." I nod having much the same feeling, but it would take a lot of planning and preparation and would make this Progress look like a walk in the park.

"Let's talk about it when the Progress is over, just give me some time to think about it and making sure it will be as safe as possible." Maybe I could send men in advance to each of the Free Cities, it would not take many just to have a small guard that would function well enough.

With dragons and my power, I am confident alone to keep us and any children we have safe but having some help even if just 'meat shields' is very useful. I would regret it if I never took the time to see this whole available world before I could no longer find the time. We are in the prime of our life as far as this kind of opportunity goes, it's tough to pass up on it. It could be beneficial in many different ways as well, if Aegon is old enough to remember it by the time we go then it would help shape him as a person.

We also could befriend various merchants and important people around Essos, sitting down for a meal with someone is much more beneficial than a letter sent from far away. There are just as many benefits as there are dangers, some serious thinking needs to go into this before we tell anyone else though. The Royal Progress will hopefully pull most of the Lords into supporting Rhaenyra and not just wanting to skip over her for our Son Aegon. A trip through Essos does nothing for us in Westeros but hopefully, it won't matter after the Progress.

But I am not as worried about Westeros as I was when I first married Rhaenyra, this Progress has shown me the 'truth'. Most Lords only really care about their own keep and the people above them so to speak. In the Stormlands the only things the Lords and Ladies cared about were their own House and station and House Baratheon along with House Targaryen. I expect the trend to continue and I will also continue to pick out a powerful House in each of the Kingdoms.

If House Baratheon ever did try something down the line I already have my eyes on House Connington and House Tarth to replace them. It would be a simple matter to topple Storms End into the sea and have one of the Lords I actually hit it off with to step up as Lord of the Stormlands. I will do the same in every kingdom after I get a good measure of the actual lords who rule from the castles in those lands.

Aegon had his Harrenhal and if someone makes me I will have my own Harrenhal for all to know I will not fuck around with them. Though I think the Progress is serving its purpose as almost every Castle we have visited even the ones who were sour about a 'Dornish man' staying under their roof have all been positive when we left. The only one who rubbed me wrong was Lord Baratheon but he is a very stony man and it's hard to get a read on him to begin with. He has given no reason to think he is up to something but I also will keep eyes on him and stand ready to make an example out of him or anyone who causes trouble.

Yes, first finish this progress and ensure I have a good read on the various Lords and Ladies and then I can worry about Essos and any benefits from a vacation on the neighboring continent.