
113 AC


Viserys Targaryen


What have I done?

Watching Alicent deliver something to her Father, my Hand of the King, they both look toward me at the head of the table. The young woman I lusted upon repeatedly... even when I tried to stop myself knowing it was a mistake. Her Father that I am certain sent her to me on purpose with that letter that night, she distracted me so well. They gaze each containing something that makes my stomach churn but I can't help but smile and nod toward Alicent.

It is not her fault if I had to guess, or else I would not have bedded her more than once, something I find to be like a thorn. I feel like I pull it out only to find I have dug it in deeper, more like a hook than a thorn in that way. Alicent is a hook in my side that delivers regret and release, regret at betraying my Wife, and release from all the stress.

I would not be the first King to do something like this but I feel sick knowing my behaviors could be compared to Maegor. It is a blinding light trying to warn me but I ignored it and it is too late, one is a mistake... as many times as I have done it is intentional. Something I dread to have to confess to Aemma and is not something I feel comfortable sending by raven. So time moves on with this regret pooling inside of me, eating away at me.

It is a broken cycle, I want to tell my Wife and confess what I have done but she is not here. She is staying with Rhaenyra in Sunspear until she knows if our Daughter is pregnant or not. Leaving the stress to build up with an easy way to release it... it's not like it can get much worse than it is already. I have taken her to my bed and doing so again will not change anything, it helps with my worries for a moment only to be like a log tossed into the fire in the morning.

I think I need to do something... maybe speak with a Septon or someone of the Faith to try and find a way out of this using the God's help.


113 AC


Daemon Targaryen


Waking up without a visit from the demon of ice is one of the most blissful things I have ever felt. It truly helps me appreciate the small things, no ice in my room or snow making me slip when I get out of bed. It brightens the day as if a second sun rose in the sky, the Demon will no longer plague my dreams.

I care not that I have been stuck at Dragonstone since learning it can not come here, I was even willing to sleep in the Dragonmont. But it seems the fused stone of Valyria famed for its defensive capabilities is also capable of keeping out creatures of nightmares and the Cold. Which has bought me the time needed to think carefully and plan without the paranoia, a plan to slay the Demon once and for all. Then I can go where I please once more without worry of being hounded by the freak.


113 AC


Laena Velaryon


Running my hand over the large snout of my mount I can't help but smile, she fills me with joy and happiness like no other. Vhagar is capable of making even the worst of days feel like a celebration... even with my Brother standing behind me. Which amusingly is earning him a thunderous growl from my mount who is also not pleased to see my Brother once again.

"Speak Laenor." I make him suffer my silence no more and he quickly steps forward but steps back after Vhagar turns her head slightly.

"I came to talk to you about the recent... talk that Lewyn and I have had." I nod and turn to face him wondering what the two fools have done now.

"Well go on, don't leave me waiting all day." He looks around almost like he is expecting someone to be listening to him making me roll my eyes, no one will be this close to Vhagar.

"Rhaenyra seems to be more accepting toward the plan than originally, Lewyn thinks things will work out if given enough time." I furrow my brows in thought as I remember how the two fools almost got themselves cut down.

Offering up their wives to Daeron since they would rather play with one another, something I heard Rhaenyra was furious about. I expected her to not even want to see the two of them again, I certainly hoped it would lead to some bruises at the least. But instead, it seems something more is coming of their scheming to solve their 'problem' of not being able to bed a Woman without their stiffness... no longer being stiff.

I am would think Myriah is happy with this development though, it's quite obvious she was dissatisfied with marrying Laenor. Not because of who he is or the size of the lands he is to inherit, nor was it about riches or glory. She already has her eye on the dragon she wants to ride and it is not my Brother, it is instead her own Brother.

I can't help but feel odd thinking things might work out to where Myriah and Myself will be getting into the bed of my Good Brother. Daeron is already married and it is seemingly one of the happiest marriages I have ever seen. So it feels like I would be betraying Rhaenyra or trying to steal something from her... maybe I should take Vhagar for a flight to Sunspear.

I am a Martell myself now, so it only makes sense I am allowed to visit Sunspear even if my Husband has his own Seat on Bloodstone.


113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Quickly making my way back to my chambers after dropping Aegon off with his Grandmothers I plan to storm through my door. My Wife has been taking it easy the past week since she is almost certain she is pregnant once more. But Laena arrived this morning and Myriah and her have snuck off into my room with my Wife... likely talking about things that Laenor and Lewyn kicked up.

But I won't be left out, I have a voice and I damn sure plan to use it to put an end to this and have everything settle down for good.

Not bothering to knock since it's my own room and the guards outside would never attempt to stop me I simply throw the door open. It flings and slams into the wall as I look around finding three stunned looks aimed at me as I enter the room looking for 'trouble'. I spot wine being drunk and when I look at the cup in Rhaenyras hand she huffs and lifts a clear pitcher that I know has juice and not wine.

"How are you, Ladies?" I ask as I close the door much quieter than I opened it and also slide the lock before heading toward the couches the females have claimed for their meeting.

Like three lionesses with their kill, they lounge on their sides propped up with pillows or lean back into a stack of them. Lazy cats or maybe lazy she dragons I guess would fit them better, but I know they are not here to rest.

"We are fine Husband, is there something you need?" Rhaenyra asks not bothering to comment on my entrance into the room.

"Oh, I don't need anything..." I sigh as I sit beside her pulling her against my side and she nuzzles her head against me as I do.

The room goes silent and I frown seeing none want to be the first to speak, eyeing Laena she is wearing her father's house colors. She is a Martell by marriage but spends almost all her time at Driftmark or flying her dragon wearing Velaryons colors. No one expected her to move into Sunspear and take up our colors and remain unbowed, unbent, and unbroken... actually, maybe they expected her to do a little... 'bending'. But still, she is in an odd position almost like an estranged wife or something, even though she is newlywed and should have a happy marriage to look forward to. Instead, her Brother is the one with her husband and I am sure it is awkward for her, maybe she is happy she is left alone for the most part and can just fly around all day long.

Myriah is wearing a Rhoynar-styled orange low-cut dress while casually resting on her side with her head propped up on some pillows. She seems entirely unbothered, unlike Laena who keeps looking between everyone since I entered the room. I still don't get what is going on with her, this whole situation strikes me as odd because I know if she was against it she would say something. She is VERY vocal and not scared to say what she wants, which is why her silence is deafening.

My best guess is her silence is approval but to what degree I can't say.

"Alright Nyra, hit me with it straight." I speak up first seeing they all are fine with playing the silent game.

"Nothing, we are just talking and humoring the idea." I nod seeing she is not going to avoid the subject, it does involve me after all.

I get they would like to talk about it among themselves but when I am quite literally the most 'important piece' in the equation I should also be here. It only makes sense, I have never said I wouldn't do what is being asked but I also have not said I want to either. I would love to be able to just brush it off and wipe my hands of the whole thing since it would be far easier but then I remember who these people are.

I actually like all the people involved or even love them, these are 'my people' and I certainly do not want any outsiders brought into the group. If it came to it and Laena or Myriah had to find someone to knock them up then there is a very high chance it could become a problem. Their children would have dragons since it's practically expected for them too. Rhaenys has eggs from her dragon that she would give to her grandchildren and Myriah has 'half' ownership of the eggs from Syrax and would give one to her babe.

So as much as I want to ignore this and let them solve their own problems I really can't, who knows if things went to shit with their lovers and their children took their Fathers' side. We could have a Dance of Dragons because of shit going sideways with people who did not even need to be involved. There is a reason I was asked to do this after all, I am the safest option and there is zero chance any children I have with Laena or Myriah would be a problem.

"We talked about it and there are some big issues that need to be discussed seriously if it happened. One of the biggest is the fact that Myriah giving birth to a future Lord of the Tides and the babe having no Velaryon in them is a problem." Well, I disagree since I even have some distant Velaryon but I won't argue about that since they are more worried about the living Velaryon blood passing down.

"Fuck it, pass me the wine." I lean forward to grab the pitcher from Myriah as she sits up and pushes it toward me.

Just when I think things are going to calm down for a bit it almost seems like someone is purposefully stirring the pot. But I guess that is the nature of this world with the 'Game of Thrones'.