
113 AC

Water Gardens

Daeron Nymeros Martell


Pursing my lips while relaxing in a hammock I let Aegon slap away at my bare chest while he tires himself out. My thoughts spin about the latest news from some of my 'spies' in the King's court that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Viserys is fucking Alicent and although I can't judge the man since he is just that 'a man' and has needs to vent... I can damn sure be mad about who he picked.

Makes me regret not dragging Alicent off into bed with Rhaenyra when I felt there was a chance Rhaenyra would have gone for it. I have long ignored other women simply because I wanted to laser focus on my Wife and make sure we were solid as a rock. But after the 'talks' with Rhaenyra and my Sister along with my Good Sister... I feel like I missed out. Rhaenyra is not nearly as opposed to the idea as I thought a spoiled little Princess would be.

I still wanted to shut it down because of the 'chance' of Rhaenyra thinking the street works both ways and wanting to try something with another dude. But after a heart-to-heart on the matter, I am confident she has no interest in any other males. She is mainly just curious to see what adding another female to the mix could add to what we already have. So we both get to try out something 'new' by adding in another female and we also are helping with the 'Heir problem' at the same time.

Seems like a fucking Win-Win to me and my cock.

"Need a break?" Aemma asks as she approaches with little Visenya struggling to walk beneath her, Aemma is half bent over keeping her Daughter upright as her feet patter along.

"No thank you, Mother, he will soon be ready for a nap and I will just wait him out and then join my Wife." I am letting Rhaenyra chew the ear off Laena and Myriah about Alicent while I sit out of ear range and don't have to suffer.

"If you need a break I am ready to take over whenever." Aemma seems to want to take Aegon, I know her thoughts are likely cloudy as of late with the news from Kingslanding.

I felt like shit having to inform her that her Husband is banging someone less than half her age. I can tell it hurt her more than anger her as of now but I am sure that sadness will turn to rage eventually. Even after they have become distant as of late because of the birthing incident I doubt she ever thought he would do this. It should have been obvious though, in my opinion at least, he is a King and there are few Kings who are not lustful.

I think the power really amps up the horny part of the brain and drives people to fuck whatever they can when they wear a crown.

Gunna need to start early on Aegon, teaching him it's alright to fuck around so long as he keeps it clean and professional. Only knocking up his Wife... which might be ironic coming from me in the future but I don't want him to make too many bastards. I would not mind having a bunch of Grandchildren to raise to be knights and maybe even secure them some land to rule, making them Lords and Ladies of new branch families. But at the end of the day, Aegon will be a King of House Targaryen so it would be problematic if a bunch of his kids were raised to Lords.

I am not trying to tempt the Gods to start a Dance of the Dragons.

"I am good." I respond once more as Aemma rests her gaze on Aegon who is watching Visenya stomp her feet. "If you need to talk... I am all ears." I try and put on a reassuring look as she turns her gaze my way.

She seems reluctant but I also know she has closed off to pretty much everyone, Rhaenyra complained about it just last night. She said her Mother won't even talk to her about how she feels about it, she even wanted to fly back to Kingslanding to confront her Father. I convinced her that giving him the cold shoulder during this pregnancy would hurt Viserys more than anything else she could do.

We are still going to finish the progress and grow public opinion of Rhaenyra and Myself but distancing from the King to show displeasure seems like a decent plan. Politically it could hurt as far as Kingslanding court drama goes but that won't matter anyway because the whole council will be replaced when Rhaenyra becomes Queen. This will also really dig into Viserys the family man who loves his Daughter and will show him how much he fucked up. The dude could have hired a whore like any other person with half a fucking brain in his position would do.

But instead, he went for his Hand of the King's Daughter who just happens to be Rhaenyras friend.

"I am fine Daeron, thanks for offering though." I nod not pressing the issue, I can't imagine how being betrayed twice by the person you invested your life into must feel.

I am sure things will work out in the end but I am going to keep my eyes on Aemma, she seems stable but you never really know. She gave her everything to Viserys and this could really fuck with her mentality, maybe even more than the decision to cut her open. At least then she could accept the fact the baby needed that to live, but this is just a knife in the back in comparison.


113 AC

Water Gardens

Myriah Nymeros Martell


Here I thought we would be getting into some 'fun' when we came to the Water Gardens away from all the extra eyes at Sunspear. The Water Gardens has a small staff and is the perfect place to 'try things out'. But instead, news of the King and the little Hightower girl has everything stirred up and I would feel like a ass if I asked to... do some stuff with them.

Leave it to someone from the Reach to fuck everything up.

"Want some more?" Rhaenyra asks while gesturing to the wine jug, it feels like since she cant drink wine during her pregnancy that she is making me do the drinking for her.

"I am fine." I shake my head feeling it spin a bit with all that I have drank so far and it's only mid-day.

"Alright." Rhaenyra purses her lips while her hands under the cool water adjusts her 'outfit' that would certainly entice Daeron to take her right here in the pool.

At first, I was a bit hesitant when I finally realized I would get what I wanted, not nervous about another being in the bed but just put on the back foot with the discovery. I did not expect Rhaenyra to put that condition through, at first I thought it was because she felt some jealousy. But not only do I think there is not jealousy there but instead curiosity, I also found myself curious about what has my Brother so ensnared with this Princess. He could have fucked any female he wanted before getting married but he never did. Then he gets married and I have yet to see them sleep apart if they can help it, and I know it's not because of 'appearances'.

He just genuinely wants to spend all his time with her.

"How long do you plan to stare at my legs?" I roll my eyes and look off into the distance without even offering an answer to the crowned Princess's question. "Cute." I grit my teeth stopping myself from retorting, I will just hold onto my grievance until I have a chance for 'proper revenge'.

"Do you think the HighTowers are going to try and get the King to accept Alicent as a second Wife?" Laena comes to my rescue but the way she did it makes me cringe as Rhaenyras eyes turn stormy.

"Only King Aegon and The Cruel have taken multiple wives." Rhaenyra responds evenly with a voice laced with venom, I slip my hand onto one of her clenched fists and hold it trying to let her know she is not alone.

It is easy to see the game Otto is playing, there is no doubt in my mind he sent his Daughter to the King's bed. I know Alicent and she would never have the courage to make a play like that on her own, and it was no lust for an aging man that made her do it. She is a sweet little flower who wants to be taken care of and loved by a nice man, not used as a way to release the King's lust. Otto is wanting some dragon blood Grandchildren... and what he does with those is a VERY dangerous game.

"The Faith would oppose it normally... but with the Hightower's relationship to the Faith it could easily get accomplished if only the King approved of it." Laena continues, she knows Rhaenyra is not mad at her for her words and is likely just wondering what the Princess thinks of all this.

"They house the High Septon in the Largest sept in Old town and have done so for a very long time. I agree they could get the High Septon to help and at the end of the day so long as he speaks up in favor the Common Folk would not say anything. The only ones who would say anything would be the Lords and Ladies but... they might not say anything either." Rhaenyra looks conflicted and I know her thoughts are likely drifting toward the 'worst' that could happen.

It's hard after all, to think about all the good when the bad could be VERY bad.

Not to mention Alicent is someone she has been close to, and now she is going to have to see her in a different light regardless of how Alicent feels about this. Rhaenyra is left with little to do as it will be up to her Father to decide what he will do and even if she flew off to confront him now she might only make things worse. I know how much the King loves his Daughter and he would listen to her words but she cant always be beside him making sure he is seeing things from her perspective.

He will eventually have to listen to his council as he does often, and with Otto being the loudest voice at his side... it is set up to be a mess. I both agree with Daeron saying she should ignore her Father and let the distance hurt the man but I also think it could go wrong as well. But it's up to the two of them to do what they want and I am just here to offer my advice if they ask for it.

"Alright, no more of that... I am headed to find my Husband and to work off some of this stress." Rhaenyra turns and puts both hands on the edge of the pool and lifts herself out of the water.

I can't help but let my eyes admire her rear as she does and as she slowly stands to her feet I bite my lower lip. She brushes a hand through her silver locks as she looks over her shoulder catching me staring. Her hand stops and her lips tug up into a small smile as she slowly turns around.

"You coming with me?" Rhaenyra asks while raising her brows suggestively.

"You bet." I quickly slip out of the pool, not giving her time to rethink her decision or regret it. "Let's go see where he is." I nod at Laena who sinks in the water to her chin with wide eyes as I loop an arm with Rhaenyras arm.

She seems unprepared, but I won't miss the chance if it is presented.