
114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Admiring how fast I have received the first 'report' I almost can't help but wonder what Daemon would have done if I had told him Dorne would be neutral in this war. The amount of Sell swords he has gathered in a mere few months is almost impressive if not concerning. Not concerning to me as a person but as an ally... if they are this 'thrown together' won't their loyalties be extremely questionable?

I am sure he can handle if there is any backstabbing going on within his little 'army'... but I am still a bit worried.

I am just glad I made it clear we will not be sending any of the Dornish army to fight alongside his men. The Dornish will focus entirely on Tyrosh and the disputed lands that Tyrosh has claimed recently during the short peace after the recent war. Myr and its lands will be entirely his problem as far as pacifying and maintaining order, I am just on dragon support as far as those lands are concerned.

It's a bit fucked up that I am just joining in for the burning shit down portion and then letting him figure out what next to do with Myr. But if I am honest I am certain Tyrosh is going to be a pain in my ass to take control of and keep functioning. With the close proximity to Bloodstone, it will be annoying to deal with the Tyrosh 'higher ups'.

Already there is conflict between the Tyrosh merchants and my Brother because of the trade he has been 'stealing'. With this happening no doubt there will be hundreds of 'complaints' brought before whoever is saddled with the burden of being 'over' Tyrosh after this quick conquest. The moment Tyrosh is 'conquered' then the merchants will have no fear to just walk in and raise hell about the trade they have been losing.

It is a weird thought, one simple change of banner will change the entire 'economy' of the Stepstones and will cause quite a few problems for Lewyn... he deserves it.

"Few more weeks and the men will be ready to sail." My Father speaks up for the first time since I entered his Solar and started looking over things with him. "Not sure they will like their 'stay' in Tyrosh as much as they did in Lys." I snort while nodding in agreement knowing very well how different the troops will view living in Tyrosh compared to Lys.

"It won't take but a day to take the city if we use the dragons, Tyrosh has not even finished repairs." This is what is wrong with the free cities, they obviously have those that would prefer peace and to recover yet some dickheads got the whole city tossed into the path of the dragons.

No doubt it was only a few people from Tyrosh that were involved with whatever scheme that Daemon got caught in. But now the rest of the whole populace will suffer another 'raid' and this time will be expected to fall in line all because of those 'stupid few'.

"I take it that means you will not be gone long?" I hum while standing up and heading for the window after catching sight of a trouble-making small black dragon.

"I won't be gone long." I hear him mutter a 'thanks' to presumably whatever god will listen as I watch Balerion.

The black dragon has half of some burned animal in its left foot's claws and is doing its best to play keep away with Albion. The sight of them snapping and swatting at each other sends servants running in fear.

"Probably a good idea I don't stay gone for long." I might relocate my family to the Water Gardens before I leave to go anywhere just in case though.

Might be a good idea to make sure as few dragons as possible are in Sunspear when I leave if I want Sunspear to still be standing when I return.


114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


""Gentle."" I remind my Son as he tries to wiggle on the bed next to his Sisters.

The twins do not react beyond trying to open their eyes but quickly shut them when the strength to keep them open leaves them. I have no idea if it's because there are two of them and they are smaller because of that, but they are not as active as Aegon was around this age.

It could also be that Aegon is just a 'wiggle worm' as Daeron loves to call him.

"Sissie." Aegon once more comes up with a new name while gently patting one of his Sisters on the stomach.

"Nymeria is Sissie?" I ask with my tone betraying the amusement I feel.

"Sissie." He pats Nymeria once more on the belly while nodding his head while his other hand goes to his shoulder-length hair and swats it out of his face. "Aneys." He turns his attention to Rhaenys and pats her on the belly with a small smile.

"Maybe call her something else." I chuckle as he looks at me with confusion. "That is a name for a boy, and it is remembered as a name for weakness as well." Not that he understands what that means...

Aegon's little face scrunches up in confusion but he looks back at Rhaenys instead of saying anything. My little man seems to at least understand that the name 'Aenys' won't work for his Sister and is now hard at work to come up with another name. I just wish he would stick with one when he finds it, yesterday they were 'Nym' and 'Ray' but today it seems those names won't work.

The door is knocked before it swings open slowly and I turn just in time to catch my Husband looking around the room and settle his gaze on us on the bed. He smiles as he shuts the door and I smile back at him as Aegon starts wiggling his way toward the edge of the bed.

"Better stop him." Daeron calls out as he quickly crosses the room with a somewhat worried look.

"He won't jump... again." Aegon proves my point as he comes to a stop at the edge of the bed and then turns to wait for his Father to arrive at the bedside to pick him up. "Your Mothers advice is seemingly working." Daeron cringes hearing that and I shake my head in exasperation.

"Is that necessary?" He asks while hugging Aegon protectively to his chest which causes our Son to laugh and hug him back.

"It's just some hot peppers, he has the Blood of the Dragon, and a little heat won't kill him." Not to mention his Father is Dornish and eats almost exclusively spicy food.

"But it's a little cruel to force spicy things into his mouth just because he does something you don't like." I glare at Daeron as he shamelessly puts all the blame on me and he seems to understand as he turns away from me avoiding my rightfully angered look.

"If my Son did not inherit his Fathers stupid habit of rolling off of things for fun then it would not be necessary!" My voice comes out much harsher than I intended and both Twins start whining leaving me to quickly shower them with love and kisses as Daeron starts walking around the room bouncing Aegon.

"Well... when you don't get hurt from something then you don't fear it so there is a reason we both... 'test our limits'." Once more my Husband tries and justify the horrible behavior and if not for the need to calm the twins I would throw something at him to 'test his limits'.

"Like jumping from a tower into a fountain?" I ask seriously, when his Mother told me about him doing that as a child I could only imagine Aegon doing it and my heart nearly stops in my chest.

"Yes." Huffing I shake my head, if Aegon ends up getting hurt because of his habit I will be wroth with Daeron. "The twins might start doing it as well..." He mutters almost curiously as he approaches the bed but his words send a lightning bolt through my body as my jaw drops.

"They better not." I look down at the twins who are far less fussy now that I have lowered my voice. "I might just fall over dead if they start doing stupid things like that." Daeron laughs while sitting on the bed setting Aegon on his leg but I think he knows I am serious.

Hopefully, he does...


"So you will just fly over the day before the attack and leave the day after the attack?" I ask Daeron as he lays beside me, both twins are on his chest and he is placing kisses on the top of their heads.

"Attack!" Aegon slaps my leg hearing one of his favorite words.

"Don't attack your Mother, she brought you into this world and she can take you out of it as well." Daeron speaks up before I can as I quickly dart my hands out and grab my Son before he can start slapping at me again. "But you have the general plan... can't know for sure as plans never work as they should once you actually put them into action." I nod and turn to lay on my side dragging Aegon in between me and Daeron much to his displeasure as he wiggles for naught.

"At least you won't be gone for too long, when you are back we can start planning our departure to the Reach." I love Dorne thus far but I still want to get the Royal Progress done sometime soon, I want the twins and Aegon to see the Red Keep and grow up there as well as in Sunspear and the Water Gardens.

The Eyrie as well, Mother wants us to spend some time there and relax without any worries. In the Red Keep I will have duties and Daeron will need to start making more friends in court. In Sunspear Daeron is busy almost every day for at least a few hours, not that he complains about it and instead, he seems to enjoy it. In the Eyrie we will be strictly guests and will relax according to my Mother.

We are supposed to be guests and relax in most places we go on this Progress but for the most part, it has not been that way in reality. I was either pregnant and feeling bad or I was constantly talking with Lords and Ladies and being guided through castles so people could show off their House's history.

"We will be leaving soon enough... for now though I am going to take you to the Water Gardens to stay. I want to take all the dragons there before I leave for Tyrosh, my poor Father would appreciate it..." I nod my head against his shoulder as I keep Aegon trapped between myself and my Husband.

"Help!" Aegon calls out to his Father while swinging his arms wildly.

"You have to learn evasion tactics, little fella, if your Mother can catch you and pin you down then an enemy can as well." I smile seeing Daeron is too preoccupied with his Daughters to save his Son and my fingers quickly start tickling the little boy who wears a look of betrayal.

"Help!" He once more calls out but Daeron turns a deaf ear at his Son as he focuses on loving his little girls instead.

"No help is coming Aegon..." I laugh like one of the 'evil villains' in Daeron's stories and Aegon gasps as his face turns a little red from all the laughing he is doing.

I almost can't wait to see Aegon grow up while also I feel pained at the idea of him growing older. I want to see him grow bigger and slowly grow into the future King he will one day be but I also do not want to see him grow independent. I want Aegon to stay my small little man but I also want to see him become who he was born to be... the feeling is quite bitter yet also sweet.

"I love you." I stop tickling and instead, kiss his forehead before gently hugging him as he goes still and stops fighting for freedom.

"Love you Muna." I hum with joy as he muffles his words against my arm and nuzzles his face against me.