
114 AC

Water Gardens

Daeron Nymeros Martell


"I should be able to make it with plenty of time to spare if I leave in a few hours." I once more assure my Wife that I will be 'on time for work' and I can't help but be amused at how much it reminds me of 'modern life'.

Except for the part where I am not taking a car to work but instead, a giant dragon that I will use to burn some shit.

"Well, you keep feeding Aegon an assortment of food instead of getting ready..." Rhaenyra rolls her eyes and tries to seem unaffected but I know she is nervous about me leaving.

"Aegon loves the food I make for him." I steer the conversation away from my impending departure as I can comfort her some more before I leave and right now I just want to relax a bit more before I mount Gaelithox and head off toward Tyrosh.

"That is because everything you make him is sweet and you are tricking him into eating anything you give him by doing that." I nod in acceptance hiding a smirk from my long-term plan working.

One day I will give Aegon something so sour he sucks his own lips off... I just got to 'condition' him to eat anything I present him without hesitation.

"More." My Son asks impatiently as I stir the mashed fruit with some added honey and a little 'secret sauce' which is practically liquid sugar from a beaten root that grows by the river.

"Here is some more little Prince." I smile watching him happily take the food into his mouth from the spoon with zero hesitation.

"Does feeding him really make you so happy?" Rhaenyra huffs cutely and I roll my eyes before scooping some more sweet fruit and presenting it to her with a smile.

She takes the spoon into her mouth, carefully holding my hand to ensure I don't smear anything on her face. Aegon meanwhile slaps out a sticky hand that hits my chest and leaves behind some of his meal on my previously clean clothes.

"It's good." Rhaenyra nods happily while looking between Aegon and the stain with satisfaction.

"I am glad you like it." I narrow my eyes at my boy as I scoop some more food from the bowl and quickly shove it in his half-opened mouth, he happily ignores the 'forcefulness' and instead relishes in having another mouthful of food.

"Make sure you are safe while you are gone... it would be hard to replace such a good food giver, Aegon would no doubt be devastated if you got 'done in'." I snort not paying her any words in response even as her concern bleeds through her playful tone and warms my heart.

God, it's nice having someone care about you...


114 AC

Water Gardens

Rhaenyra Targaryen


"I will be fine, I would sooner let this little 'conquest' fall apart than see myself die a martyr or something stupid. The men will be in place and ready to storm the island city and the dragons will be mainly flying around to put the fear of fire into the citizens. I won't even be landing until the city is taken and I can meet the 'new' Archon." I nod as I squeeze my arms around my Husband as we stand beside his massive dragon who is practically purring like a small kitten as Aegon pats him on the snout.

...though the big dragon does seem annoyed when Balerion tries to land on him.

"I love you." I mutter as I lift my head and am quickly greeted with my husband's lips meeting mine and stealing my breath away.

"I love you as well." He breaks the kiss by pressing his forehead against mine while his eyes shift over to Aegon who is trying his best to get the large green eye above him to look at him. "I should go before Gaelithox decides he has pretended long enough to be a 'good boy' and wants to snap up one of these small ankle biters." I nod before pressing a kiss on his cheek and stepping back as he heads over to grab Aegon.

Aegon does not put up much of a fight as his Father passes him over to me and after heading over to the servant carrying the twins he bids them farewell even though they are resting.

"See you soon." He nods in my direction as I take another step back as he grabs a rope hanging off the side of his mount.

"Later." I smile back before frowning as he turns and climbs up the side of his mount.

This time it won't be as long as last time, he will be back within a few days at most and then we can get back to planning the trip to the Reach. I just have to deal with a few days without my Husband and then the annoyance of Reach Lords and Ladies can take up most of my attention again.

"Kepa." Aegon waves at his Father as he makes it into the saddle and the large dragon starts shifting to stand up.

"Yes, your Kepa is going to leave for a little while." I turn and start walking back toward the twins as I don't want to be hit with the winds from the large dragon's wings as it pushes off the ground.

For such a big dragon it easily pushes off the ground with its strong back legs, unlike Vhagar who has to get a running start before flapping her aged wings... I wonder if it has to do with having eaten dragons before.

Gaelithox should be older but Vhagar seems more aged than the black dragon when I see them side by side. I can't help but wonder if it's because of their diet or if it's something else...

"Let's take them inside." I quickly wave along the older woman carrying my Daughters as I don't want them to be awakened by all of the noise if I can help it.

I do however look over my shoulder pressing my cheek against Aegons as he also looks over my shoulder. We both watch as Gaelithox pushes off and won't land back here at the Water Gardens until Tyrosh is taken.


114 AC


Lewyn Nymeros Martell


"I will be meeting with the Archon, you are welcome to attend if you want to but you can stay on Seasmoke if you don't feel like it." Laenor shakes his head as we look over the small map detailing the city of Tyrosh, a map I actually helped make the last time we were at Tyrosh and I was flying over it.

If I knew we would be going back so soon I would have just staked a claim over the city myself instead of all of this back and forth.

"I will accompany you, someone has to watch your back." I sip my wine as I look toward the skies hearing the confidence in his words.

"Fine by me." The ships already left and now we only need to have my Brother arrive before we also head off to the city.

I notice Laenor shifting in place like he wants to say something again and I can't help but sigh wondering why he likes to think so much instead of just speaking his mind.

"Something to get off your chest?" I ask disinterestedly as I set my cup back down.

"I was thinking about what my Mother said..." I roll my eyes immediately and pick my cup back up wanting something to wash the sour taste out of my mouth after remembering that woman.

"What is done is done, she will accept it as your Father has or she can instead waste away in her own mind for all I care." Laenor visibly looks annoyed and I can't find it in myself to care, Rhaenys made a bad impression on me and made no effort to mend that fact at any point we were around one another.

If she wanted grandchildren from her Son she should have put an effort into guiding him into a 'proper' Lord as she so kindly put it last time. Left unsaid is how she views me as improper and seems to dislike me just because I live my life the way I want to. I can't help she is a bitter old cunt that lost the throne because her Father took an arrow to the fucking neck.

Seven Hells, she should be praising me for getting real revenge for her Father by attacking Tyrosh... or join us.

But instead of venting her stress in a constructive way as Daeron likes to put it when someone is acting like Rhaenys the Queen who never was is acting... instead she decides she will sit around Driftmark rotting away in her bitterness.

"Maybe she will get over it... I told her how I feel about everything and regardless it will be her and Father's blood who rules from Driftmark in time... maybe even the Iron Throne if things work out." I nod seeing he once more seems ready to move past this discussion, I grow bored hearing about his family issues every other day.

"Daeron laid out how it will work, he is a man of his word and will see it done." Laenor nods and I sigh in relief as I spot a dragon in the distance heading in this direction.

This tower is really nice, I at first thought it should be taller but it worked out in the end and I quite enjoy my seat of power. I can't wait until those new imported wood tiles get delivered from the Summer Isles. The ebony tiles I have so far look very good and I want to do the whole place in them, maybe I will even have them sealed in the 'wax' like my Brother recommended to have them look polished all of the time.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


I frown seeing how much of a resistance Tyrosh is putting up, the men who know their days are numbered seem to be throwing everything they have at my men. It makes sense from their point of view but is just wasteful at the end of the day as they will lose regardless of how many of their slaves they use as meat shields.

My eyes drift back to the burning ships not far from the island and I am not sure who I respect more, the ones who tried to meet us out on the waters or the ones trying and failing to hold their streets.

""Easy there big boy."" I pat the spike before me on my dragon's neck as she shifts in place with impatience. ""I don't see anywhere you can spit your flames without hurting something important..."" The ships seemed to not have been enough as Gaelithox obviously thought we would be burning a lot of stuff today.

I wonder how Myr is going for Daemon... maybe I should have flown over there once I saw how this was going to go?

""There."" Gaelithox already seems to have locked his eyes onto the small force trying to flee the city and head presumably for the small island's forest not far from the city's walls.

I am not sure who this is trying to run... but they would not get far regardless and my mount is itching to burn something.

""They are all yours!"" I feel my whole body shake as Gaelithox thrills while pushing off the wall and flapping his massive wings that soon take the both of us toward the small armed force surrounding a small group of men being carried by what I am assuming are half-naked slaves.

...poor slaves will burn with their masters but at least after today, there will be no more slaves in Tyrosh.