
114 AC


Aemma Arryn


""That will not be necessary."" I approach the dragon keeper who is seeking to lead Dreamfyre into the Dragon pit.

""Your Grace?"" He turns in confusion and I bite my lips hearing how he addresses me.

""Dreamfyre wishes to fly around for a bit longer, she will return on her own."" I can tell just from her eyes that she does not wish to go into the pit, I think the long break without any chains has spoiled her.

But that is fine, she deserves to spread her wings as she wishes to.

""As you wish."" The dragon keeper bows and turns to head toward the other keepers who have similarly been sent off from the other dragons.

I guess they were told to be prepared for us seeing how this is the majority of them, too bad they won't have much to do with the spoiled rotten dragons we have given free rein to for too long.

...the hatchlings seem the most displeased with people waving sticks around if the quickly retreating keepers are anything to go by.

I snort while watching Daeron try and handle Balerion as the rapidly growing dragon stands up with its wings swinging aggressively. Aegon not far away standing on his own beside my Daughter claps his hands in joy at the sight.

""-I will cut that tail off if you keep hitting me with it." Daeron warns the dragon as he pins its tail down by stepping on it which earns him a snarl from the black dragon.

"Alby!" Visenya shouts from beside me as her own dragon quickly heads toward the fun leaving us behind as Dreamfyre pushes off the ground with a gust of wind nearly taking me off my feet as she swings her wings.

"Just another day." I sigh pushing down my nerves as I see everyone else acting like their normal selves.

"Muna." Visenya looks up at me with the obvious desire to chase after her trouble-making dragon who just collided with Daeron's legs trying to knock my Good Son over.

""That's it!"" Daeron jumps back from the black and white dragons and seems to have a plan in mind as he turns to his own dragon. ""Go ahead and eat these two!"" Daeron 'commands' his dragon who only recently laid his giant head on the ground and does not look to be in a rush to pick it back up.

"Haha." I laugh and lean down to grab Visenya and lift her up to sit on my hip as I head toward my eldest Daughter. "They seem to be having fun." I speak up when I get closer to Rhaenyra and she huffs before kneeling down next to the 'Seats' that the twins are still strapped into that Daeron just took off of Syrax.

These babes have likely gotten the most time on Dragon back out of any others... not that they mind, in fact, they seem to love it and find it comforting.

""I am just ready to see if Daeron can do anything for Father."" Rhaenyra quickly talks while waving over one of the many servants who seem to have been waiting for our arrival.

Though they seem scared of the dragons and have been keeping a 'safe' distance.

"We will see soon enough..." I mutter while lightly bouncing the impatient younger Daughter of mine as she looks around wildly. "You will see your Father soon." I look down at Visenya and she stills at my words and looks up at me with her curious eyes.

"Kepa?" She asks and I nod to which she smiles and almost lunges out of my grip as she points toward Daeron who is putting the green and cream dragon into a box of some sort. "Kepa!" She shouts making me look around hesitantly as she is not exactly being secretive.

"Not Kepa." I shake my head and push down her hand making her frown at me.

"Kepa." She grunts but seems to not care about what I have to say as her young mind quickly gets distracted by the servants taking some of our traveling chests from the pile Daeron and the dragon keepers made.

I hope this won't turn into a problem... 

She has latched onto Daeron and just like Aegon takes to calling him 'Kepa' and 'Father' whenever the mood strikes her. Mostly she just asks him for rides on his dragon chanting along with Aegon 'ride ride ride' whenever the mischievous Prince feels like riding his Father. I have corrected her countless times along with Rhaenyra but it does not help that Daeron never aids in our efforts.

I think he enjoys Visenya calling him that even if he knows it could rub Viserys wrong.

"-you feeling alright?" Rhaenyra who stood back up and is holding Rhaenys turns to me with a frown.

"I am fine, I am just ready to rest my back for a bit after all the flying." My back feels fine, my heart however is beating wildly not knowing what to feel about the coming meeting.

I have made my peace but it suddenly feels raw seeing the Red Keep.


114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"How do you tell them apart?" My Father asks as he looks down at my two little girls who are lying on their backs looking up at him with half-opened eyes.

They are still tired.

"We used to keep them in different colored clothes... mainly purple for Rhaenys and red for Nymeria." He nods while taking his right hand and setting it on Nymeria's belly and gently tickling her.

Nymeria not knowing who he is looks a bit offput but as her hand finds the outstretched hand Rhaenys offers she calms down. The two sweet babes both look on the verge of crying but are likely put at ease with me standing beside the 'stranger'.

"-and now?" I shake my head and turn to my Father who looks at me curiously. "I ask how you tell them apart now?" I hum and nod while looking down at my girls with a smile.

"I just know." He snorts and I smile a bit wider as he looks amused at my answer.

"Fine, keep your secrets... I will find my own way to tell apart my precious Grand Daughters." I nod while not being able to hold myself back from leaning down to pick up Nymeria who still is a bit upset at her stomach being touched by someone she does not know.

These girls... I know Daeron is heavily amused by their antics of crying at other people but I know they need to get used to other people rapidly or they will suffer as they grow. It would not be good for Princesses to be scared of people and hide away, there was once a Targaryen Princess who was like that and she suffered. I think he name was Rhaella and she was also a twin, the Daughter of Aegon the Uncrowned, and she ended up becoming a Septa because of her fear.

"I will leave you for now, I am ready to see what my good Son can do for me and he should be prepared by now." I nod at my Father as he takes one last look at both girls and then at me. "I will stop by again once I am done with Daeron and then we can have our evening meal together if you want." I hold Nymeria to my chest as she presses her face against me and goes still.

"That sounds lovely, Father." He waves over his shoulder as he heads for the door with obvious anticipation.

I hope Daeron can do something, seeing how much pain Father is in... it is not a good feeling.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


 "How does that feel?" Pulling my hands out of the hot water I look down at the King as he lays out almost floating in the lightly steaming bath.

If I am honest I did not have much hope for this, healing a fresh wound and an old one that has festered are two entirely different things.

"The pain is still there but it feels far better than it has in months." He smiles lightly while sitting up and running his good hand through his hair. "This seems promising." I hum while standing up from where I was kneeling beside the large tub.

"We can do this a few times a day, I have not treated a wound such as this before and together we will see how well it... heals." I mainly felt like I was just wearing myself out making the tub glow but if he says he feels better then there might be something happening.

Worst comes to worst I can try using shimmer to speed up any natural healing... but that might cause anything wrong to also mutate or something and kill him far quicker. I am sure he will be fine for a few years at the very least and if it looks like his arm is going to rot or something then I will try to convince him to cut it off sooner than he likely would like. If that does not help him and neither does padding his clothes to prevent further wounds... then it is just destiny.

He should still have almost twenty years in him even if things go horribly wrong, in that time if I can't heal him I should at least be able to ease his suffering. Not just 'medically' but also I can help shoulder the burden of ruling as I slowly take over his small council and I will keep anything from pestering him. I will give him as easy a road as possible to coast out his reign and then I will also have long prepared for my Wife to take the throne.

A win-win for everyone involved.

Our growing family can all have happy times and I will actively work to end anything that threatens that while ensuring things will be secure for when I want to kick my own feet up and relax.

...so long as Essos does not blow up in my face then things should go pretty smoothly once I have made plenty of friends throughout Westeros nobility.