
114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"-I mean what was the price to use magic like that?" I purse my lips as my Husband goes on and on about the passage he read from a book that was delivered to my 'stash' while we were gone.

I requested anything that was on the subject about things beyond the wall... it seems a few new books have found their way into my collection while we were on progress. The one written by a member of the Night's Watch that goes over the destruction of Hardhome seems to have his attention the most.

Something about the wildling city being blown up and it looking like the Sun rising in the North from the perspective of the man who was standing on top of the wall keeping watch at East Watch.

"I thought you said they used some kind of water magic like your own to destroy the Arm of Dorne... now they apparently have fire magic able to destroy cities?" He has more than once mentioned the Children of the Forest being 'powerful' in ways that are just not documented.

"The hammers of the water... or at least something like that." Daeron nods while closing the aged book with a frown. "I am starting to wish I just never looked into the scary magic that is out and about lurking under the surface." He shakes his head before turning to look at the twins who are dressed up for the day.

"Well if the Children could use magic like that whenever they wanted then they likely would not have been slaughtered by the First Men as badly as they were." I do not think they are as dangerous as he seems to think from reading vague stories, if they were then they would not allow themselves to be nearly killed off.

Taking the stories of old as a lesson or keeping them in mind for what 'could' be possible is not a problem. But worrying about them annihilating a city with a 'Sun' they call down to attack with... seems a bit foolish even if it's concerning.

"True, but I still do not want to anger the short forest people if I can help it." I hum as he slips beside me and wraps an arm around me pulling me against his side. "I want to ask Lord Corlys when he arrives if he saw the remnants of Hardhome with his own eyes, might help shed some light on the story." I turn my head and press a kiss on his cheek as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

"I am sure he would enjoy talking about his Voyages... I can remember him telling me about the trip he took over the top of Essos." Lots of creepy things he claimed to have seen but I can hardly remember beyond having trouble sleeping that night.

"Let's go see if Aegon is pulling your mother's hair out." I nod in agreement pulling away from his embrace to head to pick up one of the twins.

"Let's pray the Gods are merciful and he has not ruined his clothes already, it would be nice to not have to change him before the guests arrive." The Velaryons are coming along with Lewyn who was visiting Driftmark, but I know Daeron is mainly looking forward to laying eyes on Valaena.

Picking up Rhaenys I wonder how much the twins will resemble their half-sister.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Sitting in a decent-sized room around a table with the 'whole' Targaryen family I kind of feel off-put as Aemma avoids even looking at Viserys and Alicent. But unlike her, I at least have to attempt conversation with the rest of the people in the room and can't hide being 'being wronged'.

Nodding once toward Alicent I notice Aegon looking at Aenar with curiosity and I can't help but smile a bit. They have not been introduced properly but they have each seen each other in passing multiple times and looked at each other oddly. Aegon has seen a lot of other children and babes during the progress but this is the first time he has seen another silver-haired boy.

Though it is kind of hard to even tell if Aenar is a boy... they have let his hair grow to his shoulders which in my opinion is oddly fast for how young the babe is. But his face resembles Rhaenys and Nymeria more than Aegon but I think Aegon has a keen enough eye to tell Aenar is a boy. Aenar himself likely is just confused not having seen many other 'small people' and is blown away as he clutches the maid's clothes and watches with a hesitantly curious gaze.

"Once Valaena is is here we should sit down all the children and let them check each other out, would be smart to let the young dragons play together as well." Would be best for the dragons to sort out any 'pecking order' while still small but I do not know how dragon hormones work so it might be a while before that is a problem anyway.

"Aenar does not have a dragon." Viserys replies offhandedly as he cuts a piece of meat not noticing the awkwardness of Alicent... or simply not caring.

I purse my lips as I turn to look at my Wife who is looking thoughtfully at Alicent and Aenar. She smiles a bit when she locks eyes with her 'friend' and nods toward her half-brother with the smile remaining.

"That should be fixed, no?" Viserys stops his fork midway to his mouth before turning to his Daughter raising an eyebrow.

"Huh?" He tilts his head before understanding lights up his face and he looks toward his Son. "He has an egg but it has yet to hatch..." I purse my lips leaning back in my seat while setting down my own utensils.

I simply won't allow there to be conflict where my Son will be put against Aenar, it won't happen but that does not mean I don't expect people to try. I currently see no signs of Otto trying anything but that does not mean he won't later or someone else won't. Even a minor Lord could kiss ass to the 'Firstborn Son' of the King and try to corrupt his mind to push his own agendas. 

That and the Faith along with the Maester order...

But right now I am seeing what could very well be a 'seed' used to push down on Aenar for the fact he has not hatched an egg. He still has plenty of time to hatch an egg and he just might... but a seed can be planted by anyone and not just 'enemies' hoping to make gains.

"We could try to swap the egg out for a 'fresh' one... I could also head over to Dragonstone and snatch up one of the hatchlings. Last time I was there I saw quite a few small ones, without my big beast snapping up the younglings they have managed to populate quite nicely." I could help Aenar tame a dragon like I have my own children, though they hatched there so I expect there to be trials and errors I will have to anticipate.

Like the truly wild dragon being more of an ass than even Balerion, but 'Sunfyre' hatched on the island and apparently has been a sweetheart to my Daughter on Driftmark.

"That... I am not sure if he is ready." Alicent speaks up with concern obvious in her tone as she turns to look at her Son who is still being held by the maid sitting almost behind her.

I momentarily wonder why she does not set her Son beside her or on the table like how Aegon and Visenya currently are but as I turn to look at the two in question I get my answer.

...they have spilled at least two cups already and it looks like Aegon has something smooshed on his face.

"I will think about it." Viserys speaks up and I nod while gesturing to my Wife to hand me my Son so I can manage him as he looks ready to do something wild.

He's just got that look in his eyes.


"Let me help." I approach the much larger grey dragon that seems to have hit a growth spurt recently.

"It is nice to see you as well." Myriah rolls her eyes as she passes down the custom 'seat' that has become an almost standard issue for any dragon rider Mother.

I have revolutionized the car seat into the dragon riding world and I could not be more happy about.

"Pretty girl." I completely ignore my Sister as she holds out a hand to get assistance down from her saddle as I instead focus on the small sleeping bundle I now have in my arms.

"I see how it is." Myriah playful curses at me as I turn my back to her and undo the last straps holding my Daughter who I have yet to see until now.

"She is bigger than I thought." Rhaenyra approaches and I almost roll my eyes as she seemingly lifts Nymeria up a bit more as if showing her off.

I hope she is being playful and not showing some kind of jealousy or feeling regret for what has happened now that the 'product' is before us... it could get messy if she gets territorial.

"She was not a twin so she naturally will be bigger at this point." I respond carefully as I gently pick up Valaena from her seat and let it fall to the ground which wakes her up. "She looks like how her Mother looked at this age." I muse aloud as Myriah approaches from my side and nods with a smile toward Rhaenyra.

I almost sigh aloud see Rhaenyra pass over Nymeria to my Sister and smile back, it seems things have not hit the fan.

"You can carry me as well!" I hear the voice of my Brother from behind but I ignore him as I focus my full attention on the bundle in my arms.

For now, I want to spend some time with my 'niece' and introduce her to her 'cousins'... I can fool around with Lewyn later. Though I can't help but smile hearing him huff and instead greet my Wife as if he has not seen her in many years.


114 AC


Myriah Velaryon


"Actually if you have some time I wanted to discuss some things after you settle in." Daeron sets down the bottle of wine my Good Father just gifted to him and I notice a sly smirk work its way onto the aging man's face.

"What kind of things?" He asks directly while looking around the room and settling his gaze on the six children playing on a fluffy carpet.

"To start with I had some casual questions about Hard Home but I also wanted to talk to you about something... serious." I turn away from the two of them and instead focus on the children who all seem fine with being surrounded by similarly aged children.

Valaena being the youngest is being held by Rhaenyra as she sits on the ground and lets Aegon and Visenya play around her. Lewyn is helping Aenar with some wooden blocks that I have seen Aegon playing with a bunch of times while the twins are being fussed over by their Grandmother.

"Small council things..." Rhaenyra mutters before nodding toward Daeron and my Good Father who has been pulled aside away from the rest of us.

"I assume that will make him quite happy... he has been itching around Driftmark lately and I would be willing to bet he wants his old position back." I speak up silently enough to not be overheard while sitting down beside my Good Sister.

"We wanted to finish up the progress quickly after stopping by to 'check' on my Father but I think plans are changing. I think Daeron wants to reschedule the rest of the Progress for a later date and or just skip most of the minor nobility. If we keep our current schedule it will be almost another half a year before we even reach the North." I purse my lips not really liking the idea of them being gone that much longer.

"Let's talk about this later tonight..." I mutter noticing an odd look from Lewyn as he looks over his shoulder toward Alicent who is sitting alone watching the children play from a distance. "Why don't you join us down here!" I speak up loud enough to be heard by the 'Queen' and she widens her eyes before looking around.

Seeing I was talking to her she looks conflicted before slowly rising and heading over to us. It might be 'rude' of me to talk to her like that based on her station now, but I did not waste time getting to know her. If all the time I spent with her when I first came here can't afford me some leeway then I will completely just ignore her going forward. I don't have time to waste kissing ass when I already have a harpy for a Good Mother that I am forced to deal with...

"I would like that." She responds as she sits near her Son who is beside Lewyn.

Time to feel out the Hightower Queen for myself.