99 R18


114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"So things seem to have calmed down?" I ask my Husband as he reads another report from Lys.

"Seems so, this is better than I hoped for if I am honest... when we heard that the Elephants and Tigers were fighting I feared the worst." I nod in agreement as we both sit on the couch in our bedroom while massaging each other's feet.

Well more like I am tickling his feet much to his annoyance while he uses one hand for a single foot and his free hand to read over letters.

"At least Volantis seems to not be a problem, With Braavos showing some dissatisfaction with my uncle's expansion it's best if Volantis wears itself out fighting among one another." This is also 'good' for me as there has been a lot more support for me in court with the fighting in Essos making the Westerosi Lords unsure of the future.

They would rather sit back and wait out what my Uncle is doing in the East than cause any problems for me as I expected there to be. Even with us having seen almost half of Westeros on our Progress and plans to see most of the other half I do not expect things to ever be 'easy'. I am a Woman and I know for a fact that men do not want to kneel to me... other than my Husband who has no problem kneeling between my legs.

"Why are you smirking?" Daeron's face scrunches up and he pinches my big toe as I shake my head with a small smile.

"Nothing." He snorts and pushes my foot off of himself but I use the freed-up space to put my other foot on his toned and muscled stomach. "I will tell you if you finish what you started." I tempt him while raising my brows with a lifted chin and he ignores me until I wiggle my toes at him.

"If you don't start putting your back into it then I will call off this little arrangement altogether." He wiggles his own toes at me and I sigh as he tosses aside the letter he was reading and sits up to adjust the pillow behind his head to sit up as he grabs my foot with both hands.

"Fine." I turn to check on the twins sleeping in a ring of pillows and cushions as I myself also sit up so I can 'put my back into it'. "I am surprised Mother has not brought back Aegon with how fussy he has been today." I muse aloud and my Husband shrugs in response.

"I think she enjoys him being a pain in the ass... something about him reminding her of you or something." I glare at Daeron but he only shrugs making me huff.

"She did not say that." He snorts and tries his best to keep a straight face but his lips keep curling upwards. "She didn't." He slowly nods making the little frustration inside of me roar into a full-on flame.

"As you say, Your Grace." That's it!

I push his feet away and yank back my own foot before adjusting myself to lunge at him much to his amusement. He easily catches me and spins me around to face the same way as he is while making me sit in his lap. I wiggle against him but he wraps his legs around mine and keeps them in place while putting his arms under mine. Soon I find myself being put into a 'headlock' like he always does when I am trying to 'fight' with him.

"Let go!" I grunt while trying to move but only manage to bounce in his lap a bit.

"Go ahead and wear yourself out, I can do this all day." My momentary frustration at him and my Mom secretly calling me a problem child behind my back is long gone and replaced with a fluffy feeling as he breathes on my neck.

"I will call for the guards if you do not let me go." I 'warn' him with as steady a voice I can manage but it only makes him laugh as we both know it's a lie.

"Call for help." He tenses his arms lightly forcing my chin down into my breasts before licking me on my neck.

"Ah!" I cry out as he turns sideways putting us on our sides as he kisses and nips at my neck and right ear.

"Don't be too loud... you will wake the twins." I grit my teeth and spin my head sideways as he lets up a bit giving me more freedom. "No biting." he presses my head back down lightly as I try and return the 'love bites'.

"You will have to let me go eventually." I taunt him as I rock my hips side to side feeling his hardening length with my rear.

"I think I quite like the position we are in, though it might could be improved." I hum a response as he lets my head up once more but this time I wait out an opportunity to strike instead of going for an easy bite.

"How so?" I ask but regret it immediately as he used that moment of me being distracted to adjust his arms like lighting.

His left arm slipped out from under my own and instead went around my neck and he pulled it back to put me in a 'submission hold' as he likes to call it. His right hand threads itself through my hair as he holds the back of my head keeping my head locked in place.

"This is how we usually do it." I can feel his smirk on the back of my head as he adjusts his legs to try and move mine how he wants them. "This is how my Wife likes it." His tone drops and turns a bit taunting before he kisses the back of my head.

"I never said I liked it like this." I respond smoothly without my voice weakening or even letting out a squeak as he pries open my legs.

But my joy at not showing any 'weakness' crumbles as he flexes his arm and I shiver as he cuts off my breathing. I don't move even as he laughs mockingly and starts to grind his length against my ass, the fluffy feeling heats up and I close my eyes tightly.

"You don't have to tell me anything for me to know you love it." He lets go just as suddenly as he restricted me and I take a slow smooth breath.

"Let's take the twins to my Mother... or your Sister." I feel heat pooling inside of me and my thighs tingle as he hums in approval before kissing my ear.

"Sounds like a plan." He frees me and I quickly move up with anticipation building up.

...I feel bad waking the twins but they have been keeping us up the past three nights and there Muna needs to scratch an itch.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Feeling my peak approaching I quickly pull out and slip my cock between my Wife's raised thighs which are pressed together. The slick lubricant she has been leaking since I put her in a chokehold has her thighs drenched making it easy to pump my length between them.

"Uh!" She voices her disapproval at me pulling out but the greedy she dragon has already gotten off three times while this is my first so I ignore her.

Pumping between her thighs quickly I keep my arms wrapped around her legs and hug them tight as I stand on the ground with her laying on the bed with her ass hanging off. Each time I 'bottom out' my sack slaps against her ass making me glad once more for the soundproofing as it lightly echo's in the room. The debauched sounds of flesh clapping and my Wife pitifully whining at me 'abandoning' her sends me over the edge as I shut my eyes tight.

"Fuck." Rhaenyra curses and I can't help but groan as I open an eye and look at her and how I shot my load on her breasts and some even got on her face. "Put it back in." She commands with far more authority than even when she orders servants around.

Coming down from my peak I just grunt and slip out from her thighs while keeping ahold of her ankles with one hand and using the other to slap one of her reddened ass cheeks.

"Be patient." She ignores me and keeps wiggling her ass off the edge of the bed as I reach for my shirt.

Tossing my shirt over my shoulder I then put both hands on her hips letting her feet fall onto my shoulders. This slightly splits her thick thighs and gives me a good view as I push her back on the bed. Meanwhile, as I keep her from falling off the bed while I attempt to clean off the super sperm from my cock she has been 'cleaning' herself as well.

I purse my lips watching her use a finger to wipe up the thick load that was multiple days worth and she brings it to her slightly pouty lips and licks it up. I shiver as I use the shirt I plan to burn to clean myself up as my Wife gives me a feral and hungry look with glossy eyes. The worst part is I know it's not the Shimmer as she has built up a decent immunity with two Shimmer-enhanced pregnancies... or that could be the best part.

"Roll over, bitch." Her eyes show amusement as she bites her bottom lip and rolls over onto her stomach.

* Slap *

Even without intending to I slap her plush and abused rear once as I reach forward to grab her hips and pull her to the edge of the bed again. She hums loudly as I do and when her feet hit the ground and she is lifting her ass upwards I tighten my grip seeing her sway her ass from side to side. Her ass that has managed to keep the same shape but practically has 'leveled up' drives me crazy as I grab my length with one hand to line up my tip with her dripping slit.

God this woman is going to drive me crazy.


"Do... it... again." Rhaenyra speaks up between exhales as I have managed to fuck her onto the bed with me sitting practically on her thighs as I drive my length into her hot depths.

"Hmm?" I lean forward over top of her pressing my body against hers as I slow down and slowly pump into her. "Do what?" I ask curiously as I kiss the side of her head and she turns to face me and gives me a quick kiss and then a lustful look.

"You know what..." She bites her lips and I am genuinely confused for a moment as I keep rocking into her cunt that seems to want to drain my very soul out of my body.

But then it hits me, what started this little romp, and I can't help but smirk as I slip my arms into place to carefully put her into a chokehold. She moans with her mouth closed as I ever so slightly put pressure on her neck and stop her breathing without actually hurting her neck. Straightening out my legs I almost force both of our faces into the mattress as I do a mock push-up but instead only lift my hips.

"Like this?" I huskily ask as I start ramming into her depths with force but at a medium pace so we can enjoy it instead of recklessly searching for an orgasm.

She nods rapidly with her face ever so slightly changing color and I keep a close eye on her as I know I need to be careful doing this. Kinky sex is fun, it can give you the most wild and untamed finishes possible, but you always need to be safe doing it.

No point in busting a nut if you choke a bitch to death.


"I am not sure if I am frustrated or insulted every time you 'pull out'." Rhaenyra huffs after I move off her chest after tit fucking her and finishing into her mouth as I pressed her head into the bed.

"I certainly did not just pull out... I bottomed out into your throat." I snort and lazily block a vengeful slap that was aimed at my chest.

"You know what I mean." She rolls over to me and lays half on top of me and half off as her eyes lock with me. "I think we can stop avoiding another baby already." I shake my head quickly while chanting a mantra in my head to try and push down the horny thoughts.

I banish thee, breeding fetish!

"The twins can't even talk yet." I shrug seeing her pouty look.

"But I like it inside... it's warm and nice." I scrunch up my nose and try and escape her grasping hands but she latches on like a koala. "You like finishing inside as well." She tempts like a succubus after my lifeforce but I hold the gate of 'reason' as I try and make a stand.

"Baby." I speak up dryly. "Do you not remember screaming about wanting to kill me if I ever tried to get you pregnant again?" She shakes her head cutely with upturned eyes that recently Visenya and Aegon have been practicing.

The thought of the children is like a swift kick to the dick and my defensive line pushes back all the horny thoughts as I wrap an arm around my Wife. She frowns almost as if she sensed the change in mood but I smile at her regardless. I pull her along with me as I shimmy over to the edge of the bed and in one smooth motion I pull her around me and spin while sitting up to place my feet on the ground.

"Come on!" She whines seeing me lift her up like the Princess she is and I head for the tub of clean water I had prepared in advance.

"Nope, wash time and then cuddle time after I put new clean sheets on the bed." She goes slack in my arms like dead weight as she 'throws a fit' but I kiss her sweaty forehead and come up with a plan. "I will give you a magic hands massage in the water." She perks up and life returns to her as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek.

"Good, my back is aching a bit anyway." 'Magic' hands win me another battle...I might have used my bending more in the bedroom at this point than I have in the field.

No regrets though.