
114 AC


Alicent Hightower


"It's nice to see you, I hope you didn't have to cancel anything to meet with us." Daeron speaks up after the door is shut behind me and I slowly approach the couch across from him and Rhaenyra.

"I had nothing planned." I lower Aenar and set him on the ground not far from Aegon and both boys quickly make a lot of noise as they shuffle toward one another.

I smile watching Aegon grab at Aenar and do his best to hug him, Aegon is certainly a sweet child.

"Cute." Daeron snorts before leaning forward and grabbing one of the small cakes that are on a tray. "I wanted to talk to you about a few things and plan out a tourney." He takes a bite of the small cake and then holds the rest out for Rhaenyra who has her eyes closed and her head leaning on her husband's shoulders.

Her brows are scrunched and it's obvious she has a headache as she rubs her head with a groan. But her eyes snap open when she has the cake smeared against her lips and she quickly eats it straight from Daeron's fingers. I turn seeing her take his finger into her mouth and hollow out her cheeks as she 'cleans' it of the cake. My cheeks heat a bit but I push it down even as Daeron chuckles and watches me with amusement obvious in his eyes.

"A tourney?" I ask after clearing my throat and he nods letting my attempt to push things forward pass. "Whatever for?" I ask and he smiles wide.

"Your name day." My eyebrows raise and I realize he is right, it is soon to be my name day.

"I see..." I would like to say it's not needed, but then I remember I am the Queen and it would almost be improper to not do something.

It would seem cheap of the crown to not celebrate the Queen's name day, even if I do not care much for the event.

"I will pull together a sizable prize pool that the King can add to if he would like and I am sure it will draw many Lords and Knights to come and fight for the prize. I doubt the farthest Lords and Ladies could make it in time to watch, but most everyone should be able to make it on time if they want to come." I blink in confusion, why would Daeron put together a prize pool for my name day?

"You will make a prize pool?" I tilt my head not finding a reason for him to do so and subtly getting a bit worried about some kind of scheme.

Maybe trying to flaunt his wealth?

"I will be painfully honest, plans are changing as far as our Royal Progress goes... I would like to knock out as many Lords and Ladies as I can with this tourney. I would prefer to ignore most of the Riverlands except maybe House Tully as they are a paramount. So if I can get a lot of the Lords to come to your name day then I can avoid personally spending time at their home and instead move to Lords I have yet to meet in person." I hum and nod along, the reason seems sound enough but I doubt this is the only reason.

I am certain he also wants to flaunt some wealth and there is a reason behind that.

Maybe to show his profits from the Essos expansion going on in the East?

An attempt to pull some aid into further invasion?

"I see." He purses his lips at my words and soon leans forward for another cake.

"If you do not like the idea I can plan something else, I am not trying to pressure you into doing something. It is for my benefit but I also saw a way to host you a bigger celebration at the same time, if you do not like it then I will drop it." His genuine words ease my worries a little so I shake my head.

"I would love for you to do as you have said, I have heard nothing of a celebration thus far and assume it has not been brought up yet or kept in the small council room." The Master of Coin loves to count coppers so I do not doubt if my Father or Husband brought up a name day celebration that he has been trying to cut costs.

"Good, I will bring it up with my Good Father later this evening... for now let's talk about more casual things-" He bounces his head side to side which slightly knocks his head against his Wives head who frowns at him. "-like what the Ladies of court have been gossiping about recently?" He seems unsure of what to bring up next so I know his main goal for this meeting has been accomplished.

But I do not mind talking his ear off about court gossip while Aenar is playing with Aegon.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"My wife... If I did not know better I would assume you wanted to scare your friend off." I snort as my Wife groans and shakes her head.

"I do nothing wrong." She purses her lips and I roll my eyes before running my finger over her lip and she nips at it playfully.

"Other than attempting to suck my soul out through my finger... multiple times, I would agree with you." She only lifts her chin haughtily at my words as she lifts her bust up a bit with her arms crossed underneath it.

"I would suck your cock before her if I wanted to run her off." I stare at her in shock before bursting out laughing as she shrugs with a 'it is what it is' type of look on her face. "I think she would pass out before she could stand to her feet though... seeing your Monster has that effect on the Ladies." My ego swells as she strokes it but it's also not entirely incorrect.

We quite literally had a serving girl bring in fresh towels while in the Reach and the girl fell out and hit the floor after seeing me naked. I thought at first it was because of pure shock but the rumors that quickly spread the next day... she apparently liked what she saw and talked it up with all of her friends.

"If she was not the Queen I would take you up on that just to see if you are right..." I mutter while my thoughts drift back to Alicent's hesitant looks after I brought up the tourney.

"If she did not start fucking my Father then I would have likely brought her into our bed at some point." Rhaenyra huffs as she stands up and heads toward Aegon who is making a great escape as he heads for the closed door into our room.

"Your Dorne is showing." She only sways her hips more as she heads for our Son leaving behind those tantalizing words.

Fuck... should I have done more to prevent Alicent and Viserys?

I mean I would rather the Devil I know than have some random woman seduce him and try to poison me and my own family in an attempt to push her child on the throne. At least with Alicent and Otto, I have a rough idea of what they will do, which mostly means wait till the last moment and once Viserys dies try to steal the throne. Which won't work with me being Rhaenyra's Husband and Dorne on the table, the men of Dorne would stop any attempt from the HighTowers forces pushing up toward Kingslanding.

That is ignoring my dragon as well... I am confident I could secure the throne for my Wife without having a dragon at this point. But then again many of my allies are only my ally because of my giant black 'fuck off' dragon.

"Let's go see Valaena, I want to hold that little cute babe." Rhaenyra speaks up and I smile remembering my adorable Dornish looking Daughter.

I can't wait to spoil her rotten and have her drive me crazy with wild antics in the future.


114 AC


Aemma Arryn


"There you two are." I speak up seeing my Daughter and Good Son enter my bedroom after sending word ahead that they were on the way.

Now all of the 'hatchlings' are in one place.

"Egg!" Visenya shouts seeing Aegon riding his Father's hip with both his arms clutching tightly to his father's Doublet.

When Daeron wears Targaryen black and red... he looks just like the Son I never got to raise.

"Senna!" Aegon shouts back after lifting his face from his father's side and smiles wide seeing my younger Daughter bouncing on the bed in anticipation.

"Where is Myriah?" I ask wonder why she did not accompany the two of them, they have her Daughter after all.

I pass a look over the sweet baby girl that thankfully looks like her Mother... it could have been a disaster if she came out looking more like her father. Not just a political nightmare but also a nightmare to try to distinguish which of the Targaryen-looking girls is who. I can only imagine if there were four silver-haired and purple-eyed girls running around the Keep.

"Taking a nap, she is worn out from Valaena crying all night." I nod at Rhaenyra's words as I take Rhaenys from her and hold her against my chest.

"Poor thing." I mutter shaking my head remembering how bad Visenya was not long ago.

I bite my lips knowing I soon want to head to the Eyrie and relax with my Arryn side of the family. I won't see the twins or 'Egg' for quite some time and I know Visenya herself will be disappointed. But it won't be for quite some time more, she can enjoy them for now and then we will head off to our own little 'adventure'.


114 AC


Daemon Targaryen


"You are with child?" I ask Melisandre and she nods, my gut drops and a chill runs down my back at the confirmation. "I see." She places a hand over her stomach where her womb is and rubs it with a tender look in her blood-red eyes.

This bloody witch... what have I got myself into?

"It will be a healthy child." She nods happily and I can't help but tilt my head back in confusion.

"What else would it be?" Other than dead... that is an option.

"A whole number of things... the Night is Dark an-"

"-and fucking full of terrors." I grunt silencing her rambling as I slowly look toward the letter I recently received from my Brother.

Far less bitching than I thought, but still a healthy dose of fear in his words... or rather Otto's words. I know that snake is the main reason he keeps sending messengers to me, he fears the power I grow on this side of the sea. Here I stand as Daemon the Conqueror and Otto the fucking Second Son thinks he can bark at me from across the water.


"Volantis?" I ask aloud and my red wife stops caressing her stomach and looks up at me with a smoldering look.

"They have not spoken against your plan nor have they agreed." Damn cowards, the mighty 'Tigers' who claim to be the blood of old Valyria, scared by the Elephants.

It matters little in the end... if I want it I will just have to take it, with or without those ambitious yet cowardly men.