
114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"This turned out nice." I speak softly as not to be overheard and my Wife nods.

"It did... though I am upset you did not enter so you could crown me your Queen of Love and Beauty." Rhaenyra pouts her lips and I shrug.

"I would have named Alicent anyway, it's her name day after all." She snorts and turns a bit away from me which was actually her subtle way of moving my hand from her hip where I was feeling her up. "Come on, don't be mad about that..." I mutter but she only responds by lifting her chin a bit and watching the joust.

Damn... well I guess there is always 'door number two'.

Scooping up Aegon off the floor I set him on my knee and he giggles as I start bouncing him in place. He cares not for the loud clashing of Lance on armor and instead is watching the twins across the box getting rocked by maids. Lately, he has been trying to get them to play with their toys with him as they start sitting up on their own and moving stuff around curiously like their toys or food on my plate when I hold them at a table.

"Where did Visenya go?" I whisper to my smart boy and he looks around curiously before pointing toward Aemma's dress and I can see half of Visenya sticking out of the bottom of some of the ruffled fabric.

Looking up I meet eyes with Aemma and she huffs as she knows I saw her trouble-making Daughter. But I am still happy she is showing some emotion toward me as lately, she has been a bit upset since I planned out this name day celebration for Alicent. We all know there surely would have been some kind of event but the fact I did it kind of rubbed her the wrong way.

I mainly did it so I could invite the Riverland Lords I didn't want to waste time visiting but also wanted to 'befriend'.

I think she knows that as well, or at least believes me because I have told her as much more than once. She is just ready to move on from Kingslanding and head to the Vale which is her next destination. She will live in the Eyrie likely for a year or more with Visenya, Lady Arryn was very receptive to the idea as far as I have been made aware.

"Kepa!" Aegon grumpily calls out to me as he clenches his little hands into fists like the hundreds of other times we have 'boxed'. "Fight." I shake my head even as I hear a few giggles from others who have been invited to sit in the royal box.

But I notice Aegon is also tossing eyes toward the jousting and seems to finally be taking an interest in it as he realizes they are 'fighting'. Likely he is making a comparison between the joust and how I rough house with him on the bed tossing him onto a fort of pillows so he can run back to me and get tossed again.

"Wait till you are bigger, then you can go fight out there." He pouts just like his Mother which makes me roll my eyes as I almost feel the smug radiate off the woman as she watches the both of us with keen interest.

"You need to be as tall as your Kepa to go play out there." Rhaenyra joins in even knowing full well she will earn Aegon's displeasure, it's a worthy sacrifice though for us to stand together on an issue and make sure he understands.

Can't have him doing dumb stuff and getting impaled on a spear trying to joust...

"Ok." He nods but shrinks in on himself as he crosses his arms and stops watching the joust.

I lock eyes with my Wife and she looks ready to use her princessly authority to let Aegon play or something foolish so I quickly distract the upset boy with tummy tickles that send him into a kicking fit.

"Ah!" He grunts. "Kepa!" Giggles echo through the box only this time much louder as I notice most sitting in here with us are watching as my Son tries to escape my lap as I tickle him till his face turns red.


114 AC


Viserys Targaryen


Watching my Good Son with my Grandson I smile as I see the very image of what I longed for most of my adult life. Casting a look toward my own Son I see he is somehow still napping away even as the lances crash against armor out on the field.

I sigh before turning to look forward and instead of letting the goings-on get to me, I will instead focus on the game before me.

From the corner of my eye I once more spot Visenya peeking at me from the side of Aemma's dress. I smile but don't spook the girl by turning to look at her like I did before and it sent her hiding under her mother's skirts.

It's a shame how she seems so... distant from me.

Something that will worsen as she goes to stay in the Vale with Aemma but I know she will be happier at her mother's side. Aemma will look after her and I can always spend time with Visenya later when she is old enough to learn more about how things in our family work. We live a complicated life and I feel I missed out on teaching Rhaenyra a lot of that but she seems to have learned on her own in the end.

I hope it can be different for Visenya.


114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"Your Mother is coming?" I ask and Daeron nods with a small smile.

"She misses the little ones, Lewyn is going to fly her over in a few days when her own guards and servants arrive." I nod and wonder if this will delay our trip to the Vale and then the North but I push that aside as I myself have been missing my Good Mother.

I know Daeron must miss her if that is the case.

"Good, the twins likely have forgotten about her..." I frown at the thought, our family needs to stay closely knit.

"Probably but she has plenty of love to smother them in and they won't forget again so easily now that they are a good bit older." He is right, but even so, I want to find a way to spend more time with my Good Mother without having to stay in Sunspear.

Sunspear is like... a second home after all I have been through there.

It is what Dragonstone should be to me, but even so, I can't spend months and years down there when there are things I need to be doing. I need to further my 'alliances' in court and start properly looking after Dragonstone so it won't poorly reflect on me as a ruler. The young dragons spreading across the island have been little havoc's fighting and burning things down that are separated from the large settlements on the island.

I am half tempted to ask Gaelithox to go and deal with the little troublemakers.

But they are the future of House Targaryen, some will die and some will grow and later be claimed by future generations of House Targaryen. If everyone hatched an egg and claimed a dragon like that then there would be no dragon riders with big dragons. Everyone would be flying hatchlings and the big ones would waste away in their caves or die fighting in battle for territory as their more wild sides kick in.

"What are you thinking about." Daeron kisses my cheek and wraps his arms around me from behind me as he pulls me flush against his front.

"Dragonstone." He hums and nods before kissing my exposed neck as he moves me toward our favorite couch in our room.

"Lots to be done." I nod in agreement and sigh in relief as he moves his hands up my sides massaging them. "We will get it done, however." I am sure we will, we make a good team as he likes to say.

Today was a success with many of the Riverland Lords agreeing to meet before they leave to head back to their castles. We will work hand in hand befriending them and continue our plans of soon meeting Vale Lords and Northern Lords in there homes and befriending them as well. Then we can focus on Dragonstone and maybe do some work with my Uncle in Essos to increase trade between the Free Cities and Dragonstone to increase the quality of life of the people living on the island.

It will not only make many people happy but also will look really good on Daeron and Myself which will help with his plans involving the small council. His wish to work his way to Hand of the King and be prepared for when I become Queen are very exciting to look forward to. It will be quite the sight to see the pin of the Hand of the King on my Husbands chest.

I wish to put it there myself but it works better for everyone if he has as much experience in the post by the time I become Queen. That way there will be as few mistakes as possible and the displeased Lords can't whisper about it being a 'Woman's' fault or a 'Dornish mans' fault. We will make for an odd pair on the throne but it will set a good precedent for many future generations to look back at.

A Queen and her Dornish consort... if the Lords heard about it thirty years ago they would have rebelled.

Now after all the leg work we have been putting in and the healthy state we are inheriting the realm in... we will likely be remembered as two of the best rulers of Westeros. Westeros and beyond as the new lands in Essos along with actually being the first rulers to actually have a real claim over Dorne.

We just need to make sure Daemon does not do something foolish like start a war with Yi Ti or something...