108 R18? Yuri Warning?


115 AC

The Eyrie

Daeron Nymeros Martell


""Keep your eyes closed."" Aegon groans in annoyance but I silence him by dumping the water cupped in my hands over his head.

"Do you think she is fine?" Rhaenyra asks from the bed where she is drying her hair while watching the twins play with each other on their stomachs.

"I already said what I think." I ruffle my son's hair helping him get rid of the 'soap' that is actually pretty bad to use, it apparently can damage the hair pretty bad so we use it rarely.

We ran out of the better stuff that we brought along with us that is made with oats or something, I will have to see about buying some more somewhere. I doubt I will find any for sale anywhere near here except maybe in Gulltown but that is a few-hour flight at least and it can wait.

"You said she seemed 'distant' but then at 'peace' with what had happened once we were flying back." I nod while my Son slaps my bare chest with his soapy hand, a smile on his face makes me smile as well.

"I think she regretted it once she actually saw people dying, but once it was done she hardened herself to what happened and seemed content." Looking away from Aegon I lock eyes with my Wife who looks thoughtful.

"So things went to shit and we won't be able to bed her now that she will be scared of us?" I sigh and drop my head back on the edge of the tub while making sure to keep Aegon's head above the water.

A horny Wife is a fun Wife until moments like this.

"It's a coin flip, she either will be scared of us and avoid getting 'closer' with us... or she might just sling some leg." Depends on if she feels like she 'owes' us or something or maybe even is scared of us and is willing to let us bed her to avoid our 'anger'.

But honestly, I think I will just leave this to Rhaenyra, I don't mind having fun with some Nobel Ladies around Westeros, it's good politics if we keep it mostly private. It's also practically in my blood to be lustful and passionate, but I don't plan to step on Lady Arryn's toes with her being Gay. I know Redfort was reeking of jealousy by the time we returned, she did not even seem to care that we had been covered in soot and ash and only wanted to put herself between me and Jeyne.

"I will feel it out tomorrow, if it looks like it's a flop then we can move on to the next castle and get this Royal Progress done. I have been thinking a lot about what you said about me talking to my Father about a seat on the council. A specific seat for the 'Heir' is a good idea but I know it will be hard to get him to make something new even if it will be a nice change of pace." I hum and feel my Son grow more frustrated as he tries to escape the bath but I am holding him back.

It's odd, he loves water but he hates baths.

"Why does it seem like the main reason we came to the Eyrie was to bed your 'cousin'?" I can't help but chuckle a bit as Rhaenyra snorts.

"I wanted to see my mother's childhood home as well..." She mutters and I roll my eyes as I stand up in the tub keeping Aegon under my left arm where he is flailing about like a fish.

"I am sure." Walking toward the bed dripping wet I find my wife's appreciative eyes looking me over but I ignore her since we have the children tonight and instead, I drop a wet Egg off on the bed before her.

"I am regretting taking the babes from Mother..." Rhaenyra huffs as I turn and head to dry off before putting on some underclothes.

"Feeling hot after all that fire earlier?" I know I am, seeing Rhaenyra in a new light really got me going but I had the wrong woman in my arms to be popping a boner.

I hope Jeyne did not notice... that would be awkward.

It'll be fine.



115 AC

The Eyrie

Jeyne Arryn


"Fuck!" Cursing I clench my thighs on Jessamyn's head as she laps at my cunt with her greedy tongue.

She seems more eager than normal tonight.

Not that I am complaining.

I also know the source of this 'change' in my partner, the sight of me beside Daeron.

"Lift." She commands as she pats me on both thighs and I arch my back a bit lifting my rear and she slides a pillow under it to raise it up a bit.

"Mmm." Humming in comfort I relax on the sweat-covered bed after lowering myself back down and letting her return to what she was doing before.

This is also a nice distraction.

Helps a bit with forgetting the smell.

Who would have thought that Human flesh smells almost like cooked meat until it turns into a rancid acidic smell after burning and turning to ash?

I didn't know.

But I do now.

"Keep going!" Running my hands through my favorite red locks of hair I bite my lips as pleasant feelings wash over me.

Gods I hope they do not think I am a craven.

I was feeling sick earlier but it had nothing to do with killing off the Stone Crows.

I have long dreamed of them getting what they deserved for killing my Father and Brothers. They forced me to live the life I have lived with their actions, something I will never forgive. I love being Lady of the Vale but I hate what it cost me, more than most people pay in a lifetime.



A constant fight with near poverty.

Waves of doubt smashing at the 'sea walls' guarding my sanity.

Lack of love only a family can give.

But now they are gone.

Sure, some could have lived somewhere, but no doubt they will pop back up in a few years.

But the majority of them are gone, in the future the Stone Crows will struggle to survive in the hectic war-prone Clan society they so love. They refused to bend the knee and have long prided themselves on staying savage and 'independent'. But they either died today or will die a slow death in the future at the hands of the people who choose to live the same lifestyle as they do.

This is thanks to the Future Queen and her King Consort.

Rhaenyra and Daeron did this for me.

"Uhh!" Clenching handfuls of hair and feeling waves of pleasure wash over me I close my eyes in bliss.

I should do something nice for the both of them as well.


115 AC


Daemon Targaryen


"Are you certain you are pregnant?" I ask Melisandre as she watches a fire in the fireplace that is making the room dreadfully hot.

She never lets the damn thing go out, always putting new 'offerings' into the flames to keep it roaring and heating the room. If it was not for my Dragon Blood I would have long ago doused the flames and told her to pray elsewhere but thankfully I am blessed.

"I am." She responds with a sly smile as she turns from the flames for a moment to look at me with those soul-stealing red eyes that won her way into my bed in the first place.

I sniff and nod turning back to look at the letter that I was reading that was congratulating me on my future child that is on the way. It came with a gift of some fine silks that I threw into my new storage which is rapidly filling. I might just need to find a bigger palace to keep all of the shit people are sending me to get in my good graces.

Sighing I shake my head.

"Is something wrong?" Melisandre asks and I am surprised to see her standing before my desk with a tilted head.

"Nothing... just tired." I have been tired a lot lately, not as bad as the time I was cursed by that foul ice demon but pretty close.

"You should rest, I will accompany you." She smiles and I frown wondering what kind of 'accompany' she is referring to.

The kind that ends with her lips around my cock or the kind where she lays on the other side of the bed staring off at the fireplace as if it's her long-lost lover.

I think I will kill this bitch once she births my child.

She has been a great help with her connections in Essos, along with the connections of her religion that have helped with many of my problems. But if I have to see this bitches face every day for the rest of my life I will kill myself before I even start graying.


115 AC

The Eyrie

Aemma Arryn


"Visenya." I sternly speak up and my Daughter stops in her place where she is trying to climb over the table.

She wants to sit with Egg.

"Muna." She turns and pouts and I keep my face neutral as I point back at her seat.

"Finish the food you asked for." She loves Dornish spices and I can't help but blame myself for that after how long we spent in Sunspear and the Water Gardens.

But those spices are expensive in places that are not Dorne, and we are in the Vale where I know they would have cost a fair amount. So Visenya will have to sit down and eat what she asked for and not let it go to waste because she wants to play with her nephew.

Shaking my head as she sits back down with a pout I turn to once more look at my other Daughter who is feeding Aegon. Aegon himself seems annoyed and wants to try to eat alone like Visenya but from experience, I know he is still a messy eater so Rhaenyra is making sure he does not make a mess.

"Muna." My 'Son' speaks up and I can't help but smile a bit as I meet eyes with him and he smiles wide. "If she is troubling you I can handle her." I roll my eyes knowing he is just trying to instigate Visenya who now is bouncing in her seat having heard him.

"Muna!" Visenya cheers and I sigh while narrowing my eyes at my Good Son.

"Go- around the table!" I quickly stop my youngest child from climbing across the table and help her down so she can no doubt run around the large table to her Good Brother.

"Come here." Daeron scoops her up and sets Visenya down on his lap while scooting his chair back a bit. "Can you pass her plate over?" I nod, grab the plate, and push it across the table.

I shake my head in amusement as Visenya now eagerly eats her morning meal now that she is getting the same 'treatment' as Aegon.

The sight of both of my Daughters happily enjoying their morning warms my heart like no fire ever could.

This is nice.