109 R18


115 AC

The Eyrie

Daeron Nymeros Martell


Packing my freshly cleaned clothes into my 'trunk' that I will load onto my Dragon tomorrow I hum a song. Knowing we will be leaving tomorrow around mid-day I feel a bit excited to finally see the North, though I am disappointed in myself for cutting down the schedule to only visit three places in the North.

White Harbor.


The Wall.

We will stay a few days in White Harbor getting to know the 'richest' family in the North.

Then we will spend a few weeks with the Starks.

Lastly, a quick trip to the wall that we will likely do during our stay at Winterfell, probably about halfway through our stay or a few days before we plan to leave.

Aegon is excited to see some snow after I have been telling him about all the fun stuff we can do with it. He obviously has no clue how cold it is going to be and I hope he does not throw a fit when we are out playing in it. I have been wanting to play around in the snow myself with my Water Bending so I will be a bit disappointed if he ends up not liking it.

I don't want to go out there on my own... it would be more fun with my Son.

The Twins will be bundled up so much that they won't even be able to see the snow so they won't be a factor as far as snow playing goes this time around. I will just have to take them again later when they are older, maybe around eight or nine years old when Aegon is around ten. I hope they also end up with my Water Bending, if they do then we can build a giant ice castle or something together.

Some real Father and child bonding.

If we do it near the wall or apart of the wall the castle might stand for hundreds of years.

Would confuse the heck out of the Night watch though.

The Lord Commander would ask 'Was that always there?' and the nearby people would shake their heads in confusion.

Maybe... I could make something that could hint toward the Night King's existence to really scare the Night's Watch. When Rhaenyra is Queen I plan to send some 'financial aid' to the Night's Watch to help them build up their defenses. Maybe some ballistas on the wall with some Wildfire to tie to the ballistas' bolts to rain fire down on the attacking White Walkers.

The Nights Watch has been forbidden from building any real castles on the wall ever since the 'Night's King' event. It was a guy who got seduced by a 'snow-white woman with blue eyes' from beyond the wall who chased her down and had sex with her. He went crazy and I think he became Lord Commander and took over the Night's Watch calling himself the Night's King and sacrificed people to 'Ice Gods'.

it took the Wildlings and the whole North to attack the wall where he was in a castle and even though the men under his service did not want to serve him they were forced to. Even with reluctance in them they still defended the wall for quite a long time before the Starks and the Wildlings defeated and killed the Night's King.

The Starks tore down the old castles on the southern side of the wall and there is none on the Northern side, from then on they were banned from building any true fortresses and that is why places like Castle Black are little more than wooden forts.

Depending on-

"Daeron!" I jolt in place feeling my Wife shake me from behind with both of her hands on my hips.

"Huh?" I turn to see what she wants.

"Are you listening to me?" I shake my head and Rhaenyra sighs. "I was asking if you could help me take the children to my Mothers room." I raise a brow and look toward the sleeping twins and Aegon who is playing with a wooden toy.

"Why?" Rhaenyra smirks and I get a strange feeling.

"Just trust me." She speaks in a slightly temptatious tone while wiggling her silver brows.

What is she up t-

Realization hits me when I remember she was meeting with Jeyne to discuss 'something'.

"You didn't." I deadpan.

"I did." She nods with a proud smile.

Dorne ruined you... or let out the 'dragon' that was always inside... it's a coin toss of which is true.


"You know your Mother is not a fool, right?" I ask as we head down the smooth stoned hallway toward Jeyne's room.

"What do you mean?" Rhaenyra asks as she walks beside me with her arm looped with mine.

"She knows we are up to something when we drop the children off with her-" I cringe a bit remembering the narrowed-eyed look Aemma gave her Daughter that Rhaenyra seemed clueless about. "-and then you yap about needing a 'good nights rest' before the flight tomorrow." I shake my head knowing Aemma already knows we are a bit deviant.

"Oh well." Rhaenyra shrugs and I sigh as we approach the large door with an Arryn sigil on the door.

Oh well indeed.

Rhaenyra knocks on the door and I feel equal parts excitement and uncertainty.

I know sex is pretty much used as a pastime for most people, there is little else to do when people are not working. Then you add on politics and forming political alliances and friendships in the bedroom and the act becomes even more commonplace. Hell, in Dorne sex is just a part of everyday life for most people and I have long gotten used to the idea of people having casual sex with no strings attached. I myself steered away from it most of my life, both from fearing a disease and not wanting to get attached to someone who I had no intention of keeping in my immediate circle.

But over the course of this Royal Progress, things have shifted a bit and now this is the second time Rhaenyra and I are going to bed someone I hardly know.

I can't say I love Rhea, I like her and I am pretty sure I knocked her up and we have a plan for the child. But Jeyne... I did not have any big plans for her before meeting her, the idea was she was Rhaenyras kin and would be our main support in the Vale. Rhea, I had ideas about her potentially working on the small council if I can move pieces around enough, maybe Master of Laws would work. I arrived at Runestone with the idea to 'seduce' Rhea to support Rhaenyra and myself since I knew she was rubbed wrong by Daemon and likely had a poor perception of House Targaryen.

But now my Wife has pretty much taken my example and is running with it... and I am unsure if I should praise a higher power or sit her down and talk about slowing things down.


I doubt this will be the last time though, when we make it back to the Red Keep and I work my way onto the Small Council I am sure we will make some 'friends'. So long as it stays the way it has been so far I honestly don't mind either, only females and only when I am present and an active part. If it follows those two 'guidelines' then I think I don't care how many people Rhaenyra decides she wants to 'try out' together or attempt to 'form alliances' with through the bedroom.

The door swings open after a decent wait and a flushed Jeyne stands in the doorway with hardly anything covering her body. A slight sheen of sweat is visible on her skin and some love marks are covering her neck and the top of her breasts painting a decent picture of why she took some time answering the door.

"I see the two of you got started." Rhaenyra snorts and I blink in realization this is not going to be a three-person 'party' but instead four.


Well, there goes any of the uncertainty I had, now a dying need to participate in my first foursome is washing over me.

"Come in." Jeyne tries and fails to find a response to Rhaenyras 'joke' and instead steps back a bit while gesturing into her bedroom.

"I am sure he will." Rhaenyra jokes once more before tugging me along and into the room while my eyes trail over Jeyne and then travel to the bed where a nude redhead awaits.

"I definitely will." Rhaenyra my love, you give the best surprises.

Here I was caught up in thoughts about bedding the Lady of the Vale and my Wife snagged the Ladies lover as well.

Two thumbs up Rhaenyra, two thumbs up.


I never thought I would see such a sight.

But now that I have I think I can die happier.

Three raised asses.

My Wife on the left raising her hips the highest showing off her bare and smooth glistening cunt. The familiar wide perky ass slightly shakes from side to side temptingly as Rhaenyra snakes a hand down to her slit to part it with two fingers and another slips into her tight hole.

A similar sight plays out on the right but instead, the soaked cunt of the blonde is being rubbed ruthlessly in circles. Jeyne's ass does not lose in the slightest compared to my Wife in fact they are shaped nearly the same with an equal amount of perkiness to them. Kin indeed is my thought as I walk on my knees forward on the bed and use my right hand to replace Lady Jeyne's causing her to take in a sharp breath.

Looking down directly in front of myself and in between my Wife and Jeyne is the largest of the three asses. Jessamyn's ass however has a 'shadow' cast over it from my length which paints a picture worthy of being framed. Using my left hand I grab the base of my cock and adjust the angle to press my tip against her puffy cunt that pulses as I push my hips forward.

"Nnh!" Jessamyn jolts and squeezes the pillow she is hugging tighter as she presses her face into it more.

She wanted to go first before Jeyne for whatever reason, I am not going to get into their relationship dynamic and I doubt they would want me to anyway.

Moving my left hand over to my Wife I slip my middle finger and ring finger into her cunt before working it exactly how I know she likes it to be worked. Meanwhile, I pick up the pace and mimic the 'technique' with my other hand earning an odd noise from Jeyne as I push forward with my hips.

"Fuck." I curse as I slide my cock further and further into hot velvety walls that squeeze and pulse with every heartbeat of the knockout redhead who is trembling before me.

Fourth best day of my life right behind the day I got married.

Chills run across my body as my lower stomach makes contact with Jessamyn's jiggling rear and after a bit more effort I bottom out balls deep in the redhead. Her plush cheeks squished against my body as she adjusts herself side to side massaging my cock without even trying.

God I want to spank that, but finger fucking the other two takes priority.

Wait a second.

"Rhaenyra, press yourself against my side." If I can't spank her I will just have to borrow a 'hand'.

Rhaenyra curiously raises her head while biting her bottom lip and when she sees what I gesture to with my head she nods with a gleam in her eyes. Rhaenyra smoothly moves backward being careful to not get 'out of reach' as I start pulling out of the cunt I am buried in with my length. Walking on her hands and knees Rhaenyra gets to a point where she has to stand on her knees before turning and pressing herself against my side while wrapping one arm around me to help keep balanced.

She smirks before pressing a kiss on my cheek and I thrust forward into Jessamyn clapping her fat ass against me.

"That's... sexy." I nod at my wife's words and soon a curious and flushed Jeyne raises her head to watch as I once more pull back to expose half of my cock before throwing my hips forward impaling her lover.

"NNH!" Jessamyn makes a noise and Jeyne looks down at her head which is pressed into a pillow and Jeyne bites her lips before copying Rhaenyra and walks backward on her hands and knees.

Alright, this might kick my wedding down to the fourth-best day.

Sandwiched between two soft bodies I pick up the pace working my length in and out of a moaning Highborn Lady. Rhaenyra and Jeyne both have an arm wrapped around me pressing their tits against me as I struggle to keep my hands snaked around and under them to slick their cunts. Kisses are peppered across my skin and a few play bites almost send me into a fury as I watch Jessamyn's cheeks ripple.

This is scratching a primal part of my brain I did not even know I had.

Pleasure jolts up my spine as wonderful friction does its wonders and pulls me closer and closer to the first of many finishes tonight. Turning a bit I meet the blue eyes of Jeyne who is mimicking the movements of my Wife and is grabbing a hip of Jessamyn to help push her off my cock when I pull out and pull her back as I thrust forward.

"I am going to seed your lover's womb." I taunt the blonde who gives me an astonished look while Rhaenyra barks a laugh while pressing her forehead on my shoulder.

Looking between my eyes and the body of her lover Jeyne seems to go through many emotions as I steadily work toward my climax. She locks eyes with me and smirks before moving her head forward to press a kiss on my lips.

"Of course, My Prince." She speaks in a husky voice. "We live to serve you." Pressing myself as deep as I can as both Rhaenyra and Jeyne pull back on Jessamyn's hips I shut my eyes feeling waves of ecstasy wash over me.

Not having expected such words from Jeyne even though I know she is just 'bedroom talking' I am caught by surprise. The sheer rush of 'power' over the two women joining me and my wife in bed almost makes me groan as I unload into the tight pulsing cunt soaking my thighs.

"Fwuck." I hear a muffled curse from the redhead I am seeding and press forward more despite having bottomed out into a snug fit as my balls pulse.

Sawing back and forth only a few inches as I milk all of the pleasure I can I feel Jessamyn push back against me as her walls clamp down harder than before. Rhaenyra even spanks the redhead once sending pleasant-to-watch ripples through her doughy ass as Jessamyn rides her own finish on the first cock she has ever had.

"On your back." I command the blonde after slowly pulling out of her lover causing a bit of seed to spill out and onto the sheets.

Double checking Rhaenyra is not feeling left out I find her teasingly attacking Jessamyn's clit as the redhead arches her back and tries to 'escape'. My Wife meets eyes with me and then nods her head toward Jeyne who just flopped onto her back and bounces a few times causing her breasts to rock around.

Alright, it's official, today surpassed my wedding.


Prone-boning the Lady of the Vale as her head is locked between my wife's legs is not how I thought I would spend my night, but I am glad it is happening regardless.

I compared her ass to my Wives but after mounting it I can say without a doubt she is not as active of a person as my Wife is. Where my wife would flex her rear and even try to push back against my movements, Jeyne is left helpless and at my mercy. That or she is losing oxygen to her brain as Rhaenyra keeps her legs locked around the blonde's head.

Turning I find Jessamyn still 'recovering' on the side with a glass of wine in hand as she sits watching us with her knees pulled up to her chest and her chin resting in between them. She purses her lips when we lock gazes and slightly parts her legs showing off her abused and puffy cunt.

"Ahh!" Turning I find my wife rocking her hips and running her hands through blonde hair as I feel the walls clenching my length double down in force.

Feeling a bit left out I pick up my pace as I adjust my hands to almost get in the position to do a push-up to really nail into the Lady of the Vale. An adjustment that earns a groan from said woman as she wiggles her hips knowing what is coming.

But no mercy is given despite the fact she is coming down from a climax of her own.

None will be given until both she and her lover are 'defeated' or I send myself into unconsciousness.

Whichever comes first.