
115 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"-then the oaf jumped into the frozen pond and got caught under the ice!" Lord Mormont barks a laugh that I can't help but smile a bit at as the jovial mood washes over me.

I was a bit concerned with how many of the Northern Lords showed up at Winterfell before we did. I guess when it became known months in advance that the Royal Progress was going to be 'cut short' and we would not visit every castle in the North they got curious enough to come see us themselves.

That or they felt slighted and wanted to come and see if they could stir up trouble.

Though I doubt its that, I have had nothing but a good time in the short three days we have been here. It might be the coldest region but the people always seem to be 'warm' and welcoming reminding me of some good old 'southern hospitality' if I had to compare it to something.

Not that these people would not pull us apart and sleep just fine afterward, they are not saints.

But there is a vast difference here in how people talk and act around 'Royalty' compared to South of the Neck.

Personally, I like it.

"How did he get out?" I ask after sipping some more honeyed liquor.

Maybe the reason so many Lords showed up in Winterfell was to just get together and drink without rest. People in my last life would always be looking for excuses to 'party' which always boiled down to drinking until they dropped. Although people drink wine like fish down south, it's usually weak, and only drink it because there are so few options for flavored beverages.

We really should look into getting a tea trade going with Yi Ti, I miss both hot tea and cold sweet tea.

"Old Bran dropped onto the ice smashing a hole into it over where the dumbass was, then we pulled both out..." Lord Mormont's eyes go distant as he smiles wide.

I snort in amusement before turning to see my Wife talking with Lady Stark, each of them holding one of the twins and Aegon is playing on the ground before both of them on a large bear rug.

Aegon seems to like the North, from the Hot springs to the bearded people whom he likes to try and tug at I have yet to see him look bored since we arrived. The twins on the other hand have been fussy, they hate the extra layers of clothes, and unless we are in one of the heated rooms they have to keep them on.

They may have the Blood of the Dragon and 'fire' may be in their veins according to my Wife, but they also have Dorne running through their veins and the blood of the people of the Sun does not mix well with the cold.

Poor baby's noses have been red since we passed the neck...

"Excuse me." I down the last of the horn of 'ale' I had and set it down as others nod at me in acknowledgment as I stand to head toward my Wife.

Aegon is the first to notice my approach and works his way to his feet while trying to meet me halfway. I smile before bending over to snatch him up peppering his cheek with kisses despite the fact others are likely watching. I have not seen a single Father show 'love' to their children in the way I do in my entire life in this world, it's usually 'left' for the Wife to do.

But screw that, I do what I want and will raise my children how I please.

I am sure people will have colorful opinions about myself because of the way I do things, but I have never been 'normal' since I was reborn and I don't feel the need to even try to be.

""Want to go check out the Glass Gardens again?"" I ask my Wife as I let Aegon wrap his limbs as much as he can around my side with his face nuzzling against my shoulder.

""That sounds nice, I have been wanting to stretch my legs."" Rhaenyra smiles and turns to Lady Stark. "I suppose we will-" I tune her out as I turn to look at the great halls door that was just thrown open and I spot one of the Starks strutting in.

The Brother of Lord Stark.

This guy seems to have a poor opinion of my Wife and Myself.

I am not sure if it's because of the Conquest and him disliking all of the 'Dragons' or if he is just a gruff individual.

But I do know he is an unpleasant person to be around so I picked the right time to leave the hall so I would not have to suffer his presence.

Too bad he is too much of a coward to voice any complaints.

I would love to smack him around the yard in a match.


"She was telling me about how her Uncle barged into his wife's chamber during the birth of his first child, and then passed out and knocked a tooth out of his mouth when his head hit the corner of the bed." I cringe as I sit down on a small bench and sit Aegon on the ground so he can explore.

"He should have just sat outside then..." Shaking my head I try and not remember my own experience with the 'birthing room' but fail.

At least I didn't faint.

"Most men do." Rhaenyra huffs as she passes Nymeria over to me and I sit my Daughter up on my thigh and let her look around as much as she can with her 'scarf'.

I can barely see her face...

"Are you looking forward to returning to the Red Keep?" I purse my lips judging her reaction as she shrugs and watches Aegon try to stand using the leg of a table not far from us.

"I am looking forward to my duties as Princess of Dragonstone." I snort causing her to frown. "What?" She raises a silver brow and I shake my head.

"Nothing." Her frown deepens and she narrows her eyes.

"Obviously you found something amusing, care to share?" I purse my lips imagining her sitting at a desk all day doing paperwork or coming up with plans for her domain.

"I was just thinking about hiring that woman who made those dresses for your name day to make an outfit I have in mind." I know we lack the proper materials for a proper 'office lady' attire but I look forward to seeing Rhaenyra dress up in something as similar as possible.

Maybe some Teacher roleplay?

Might be fun.

Though now that I think about it... she would do better in the 'Student' role.

"Whatever." She huffs. "So long as you are not doubting my ability to rule." I shake my head, she has no hands-on experience 'ruling' but she is more prepared for the duty than most of the heirs I have interacted with during this Royal Progress.

Some of the Lords are lacking in comparison to her as well.

"I would like a garden like this." I hum at her words and look around at the 'Glass House' which is pretty much a medieval greenhouse.

Brandon the Builder was a genius.

Ignoring the Wall he helped design apparently.

Winterfell is a masterpiece even compared to some of the best castles we have stayed at.

The only castle I would compare to it is High Garden if I am being honest with myself.

"Maybe we could come up with something." I pull down the fabric that is annoying Nymeria and let her fuss a bit with her displeasure obvious in how she is kicking her little feet. "I think if you are planning to have anything built it should be something impactful and less 'artsy'." Currently, the only 'big' buildings in Kingslanding are the Dragon Pit and the Red Keep.

Currently, Visenyas Hill is lacking a meaningful structure with a pretty crappy Sept being at the top along with a Whorehouse which is funny considering what 'would' be built there one day.

The Great Sept of Baelor.

Poor Baelor likely won't ever even be born though.

So something else should be built there and I would like for it to be built by Rhaenyra's orders.

But what?


115 AC


Lewyn Nymeros Martell


"Mother." I kiss my silver-haired Mother on the top of her head as she rocks my niece.

"It's nice to see you up before the moon rises." She shakes her head while digging deep with her words.

"I have been busy." She snorts and wakes up poor little Valaena who immediately makes it known she is not happy.

"Busy drinking and spending coin, you should be lording over your island with your towers construction almost reaching a point where you can start hosting a small court." I shrug as I once more approach her instead of sitting at the table to get served food.

I reach out and lightly move the wavy hair of my niece who looks the spitting image of her Mother. Curiosity boils up inside of me wondering how my Nephew is fairing and my other two nieces.

"Any word from Daeron?" I ask before lowering my head to kiss my niece's forehead even as she squalls with no sign of stopping soon.

"No." I grimace hearing the bite to her voice, she is missing her other Grandchildren.

I wisely decide to end the conversation and I wave for a servant to come over as I take a seat a few chairs over.

Daeron you poor fool, you are playing around in the Northern part of Westeros and have not even sent a letter to our dear Mother.

For shame.

She will have choice words for him.

"I was actually making some friends last night-" I roll my eyes seeing the exasperated look from my Mother. "-trading friends from the Summer Isles." I clarify and she slowly starts to nod.

"Good." She adjusts the baby in her arms with a pout of her lips as she looks down at the frustrated baby.

"Some exotic timber along with some rare tamed birds... I am aiming to become a middleman between them and the Narrow Sea trade in the future." Although they keep the 'good' wood to themselves ever since the Slave wars many years back, the wood they do want to trade is still valuable.

Maybe not for a fleet which is what I was hoping to work toward, the ships from the Summer Isles are some of the best after all. But I can still trade their exotic lumber to rich Lords on the East of Westeros and rich merchants on the west side of Essos.

Baby steps but they are adding up.

In a decade or two I might actually start to see some real progress toward the goal we have envisioned for the Step Stones.

With the number of ships I have stop by for supplies already at my island, it won't be long until the bigger trade deals kick off.

Just the 'Dragon Protected Storage' is enough to attract many traders.

One of Daeron's ideas to build large buildings high on the cliffs and easily kept guarded next to my tower. The buildings will serve as rented storage for any traders passing through who don't have the connections to immediately offload the goods and don't want to be skinned alive by the powerful merchants in the Narrow Sea.

In time when I have the coin myself I will also be able to offer to just buy in bulk the stuff people can't easily offload without getting a bad deal. I of course will not give them the best deal but I won't give them the worst either, but I need a better information network to know the prices better before I can do this.

Lots to do.

Lots of friends to make.

But my Mother only sees it as me drinking away my days instead of 'properly' ruling the lands I have been given.

How sad.

Oh well though, she is not really upset, she is just voicing her concern for me.

I will prove it to her though when I have success in the future.

I will prove it to all of them.