
115 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Home sweet home." I mutter aloud as Nymeria nuzzles her head under my neck while sleeping peacefully.

I will never know how she slept through that loud 'welcoming' and I will forever be jealous of her 'skill'.

"I thought you hated it here." Rhaenyra huffs as she rocks Rhaenys in her arms as the small baby lets everyone know she is displeased with being awakened by all the loud noises.

"I do." I nod while looking around with narrowed eyes.

We will be staying in Rhaenyra's new room, this is the 'official' Heirs room and is the third best in Maegor's Holdfast. Only the King and Queen have a better room, this used to be Daemon's room and Rhaenyra never wanted to move into it. But it has been cleaned of all of the old junk and replaced with all new which I double-checked before I had my own stuff sent in here.

I need to find all the hidden entrances and passageways.

I know for a fact there are a few.

Rhaenyra's old room had as many as three and it was admittedly not the best of rooms in the Holdfast.

How many does this room have?

"Aegon don't eat things you find on the ground." I speak up without even looking fully at my Son as I saw him bend over to pick something up and instantly made an effort to put it into his mouth.

"Kepa!" Startled by the 'Fatherly' voice I used he almost trips with his little legs before toddling over to me and wrapping an arm around my calf. "No!" He shouts as she squeezes my leg and I sigh as I carefully lean over keeping Nymeria against my chest with one arm and scooping Aegon up with the other.

"Shhh." I shush my boy as I set him on my hip and keep my forearm under his butt to keep him hoisted up. "We are looking for secrets, you have to be quiet." I mutter softly and he nods even though I know for a fact he has no idea what I am talking about.

It's the tone.

He knows I am up to something and is just happy to be a part of the fun.

"What secrets?" Rhaenyra asks as she sits on the bed with Rhaenys slowly calming down and instead of screaming is now smacking her lips.

"Passageways... I won't feel comfortable sleeping in here until I have tried to pry out each stone in the walls." Not only so we won't be spied on from behind the walls, but also so I know the quick escapes in case we need to use them.

Though, if anyone tries their luck I will just kick their teeth in or make them beat themself to death.

"Maybe my Father would know?" I hum feeling a bit dissatisfied with my wife's 'help' as I would prefer to do it myself, it's all part of the fun.

But... I do need to butter up the old man.

I need to work my way onto his Small council, any starting position will work for now.

I want to see how things are run, then I will push Otto out of a window and get the Hand of the King pin.

I am certain Viserys will see it as a good thing that I have 'experience' in helping to rule the realm for when Rhaenyra takes the throne. Not to mention I have probably talked to more of the Lords of Westeros than he likely has after the Royal Progress. My insights into their lives will be worthy quite a bit, I am just a bit worried about Lord Strong.

House Strong.

Lords of Harrenhal.

They hold two small council positions... sorta.

The acting Lord Strong who is the Master of Laws.

Then there is his Son who is the current Commander of the City Watch, though he does not attend Small Council meetings like Daemon did when he held the position.



"Found one." I walk toward the corner that I had guessed would have a secret door and spot an odd-looking brick.

Obviously, since this is a corner room two of the walls can't have doors since behind the brick is the outside world. So it was pretty easy to find one when I knew there was a room on the left side of the room and 'nothing' on the right side.

Pushing a well-worn brink inwards with the hand holding Aegon my Son giggles as the brick slides in and soon a loud click is heard. Part of the wall starts to swing outward and I marvel at the ingenuity that went into creating a fake wall that swings outwards.

"Ohh." Rhaenyra stands up from the bed while cradling Rhaenys who has slipped into sleep once more. "We can check it out once Aegon goes to sleep as well." Rhaenyra's voice has a hint of excitement and I nod while shutting the 'door' and I smile wide as it clicks back into place and the brick is pushed forward once more.

Pretty cool, not going to lie.

"I wonder where it leads?" I hope not directly outside... that is a huge 'health hazard'.

"Maybe the passageways, half of the old tunnels lead to the same place." I freeze and tilt my head.

"Half?" Does that mean this room is connected to most of the other rooms in Maegor's Holdfast?

"Maybe... I remember a lot of twisting tunnels and I got lost..." I shake my head as my Wife pouts her lips while getting lost in thought.

We can check it out later, I want to make sure if we have a direct tunnel leading into other people's rooms.

If we do?

Might come in handy to spy on people.

Not that I care to do it personally.

Actually... I wonder if this secret passage connects at all to any of the Tunnels that lead to the Queen's room?

Now that would be useful... in the future.


115 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"Aegon... don't eat that." I sigh as my Son drops the flower he almost stuck into his mouth.

This boy.

He is going to send me up the walls trying to keep a close eye on him.

"He has grown quite a bit." Alicent speaks for the first time since awkwardly approaching to sit at the same bench as I am inside of the Gardens.

Before leaving for the Vale I had quite a few lingering feelings about the things that happened with Alicent. But after burning a fair share of the Mountain Men that day, I have not really felt that way even when I try to.

I know how easily someone can turn from a living breathing person into ash scattering with the wind.

"So has Aenar." Alicent flinches at me mentioning her Son, my half-brother.

Aenar... poor baby boy.

I know people will try to twist and turn him this way and that way despite the foolishness of doing so. There is no way I am replaced as Heir, not since I married the Prince of Dorne and finished uniting Westeros with my womb. But there will still be those bitter about a woman leading them, they will try any means to not have me sit on the Iron Throne.

I can already guess a few ways... maybe Aenar marrying one of my Daughters.

I... I honestly can't even think about them getting married, they are so small and defenseless that I can't even begin to imagine agreeing to lead them wed someone. I want for them to choose who they marry which is what my Husband also wants, in fact, I think he is hoping they just never marry and instead remain small and defenseless.

"Alicent." I speak up seeing one of the few women in my life that I can say knows me well lost for words of what to say. "Nothing has changed, I will prove it through my actions but like both I and Daeron have said before Aenar is not in danger from us and never will be." Her lips tremble a bit as she clenches her laced fingers together.

"I don't-" She stops as her voice breaks and she takes a deep breath. "I don't want to think about either of you wanting to harm Aenar... but I can only hear it so many times before I start to have... thoughts about it happening." I almost frown but instead, I keep my emotions held as I feel the urge to once more burn someone.

Who has put this thought into her head?

Her Father most likely... but are there others?

I need to find out.

Otto's days are numbered as far as I am concerned, he should be satisfied with knowing his blood has seeped into House Targaryen but I can tell it's not enough for him.

My Husband also wants his position on the Small Council.

"Like I said, I will show it through my actions that I mean him no harm." I smile and reach out to stop Alicent from trying to pick at her fingers. "Aenar and Aegon will grow close as we do not plan to leave Kingslanding again any time soon, at least not for long." Ideally, Aenar could grow up to take up a white cloak and serve Aegon as his most trusted protector, but I doubt that will happen.

Maybe he can be groomed for a Small Council position... it's 'risky' to put the thought of him growing up to be the Hand of the King for Aegon... but it might could work.

Time will tell, Aenar is still far too young to really plan out anything for his future, he might decide he wants to be a sailor or something.

He will however squire under Daeron, that much is certain.

"I trust you." Alicent tightens her grip on my hand and my smile turns a bit truer as I meet the gaze of my old friend.


Maybe Daeron and I could practice a little more... 'spread legs diplomacy' with Dear Alicent.

I mentioned it before and for the first time, Daeron seemed a bit... offput.

He does not like the idea of nailing Alicent knowing she is married to my Father.

But after what my Father did... maybe a little 'payback' will help mend that wound I have still in my heart with my Father.

I love him, I always will.

But I also am still hurt over how things went down.

I think I always will be.

It's long past and nothing can go back to how it was.

But... I think I know just the way I can patch up that leaking wound in my heart.


This might just work.