
118 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Walking along the path toward where my Wife said she would be waiting for me after the Small Council meeting I freeze in place as I spot her.

She is not alone.

"Daeron!" My wife spots me and smiles wide and I feel my instincts tell me to run away while I still can.

My gaze passes over the other women sitting on the grass or on a large blanket next to a large fountain. I purse my lips seeing a small army of 'younglings' and slowly take a step backward knowing the path forward will only end in suffering.

I love all of my children, but dear God above when there are almost twenty of them... it can be a handful to manage them all at once.

This is why I dread the large gatherings that my Good Father seems to want to host at least twice a year. 

The entire family seems keen to meet up during these times and things get rowdy fast.

"Don't you run!" My Mother calls out and I quickly walk forward pretending nothing happened as most of the people in the gathering turn to look at me.

It's too late for me.

This is the end.

"Look who it is." Rhaenyra who is holding our youngest waves Viserra's small chubby hand at me. "Your Kepa." She kisses our almost one-year-old babe on the cheek and I smile as the adorable babe smiles with closed eyes due to the Sun beating down from above.

Spotting Lewyn as I sit down beside my Wife I toss him a pleading look but he turns to observe the clouds without any hesitation.


"How was the meeting?" I sigh hearing my wife's words.

"Boring." Nothing happens in these damnable meetings, just a bunch of henpecking if I am honest.

"Kepa!" Aegon lunges at me and I catch the five-name day old boy and he squeezes me tightly.

"Kepa!" Nymeria my sweetheart of a Daughter follows her older Brothers lead and closes in on my free side and sits on my thigh.

"Have you been behaving?" I ask sternly and both shake their heads with mischievous smiles.

"They have." Aemma speaks up while brushing Visenya's hair, Visenya is showing her displeasure by glaring at the ground with crossed arms.

"Good." I kiss Nymeria on the head while letting go of Aegon with one arm so he can adjust himself and sit beside me.

"Can we go fishing again?" He asks quickly cutting off Myriah who was about to speak.

"Later." I ruffle his hair and smile at my Sister while she holds Gaemon our Son in her lap.

The Future Heir of Driftmark... man I am starting to feel bad but at the same time I don't.

Is this shame?

I thought I lost the last of that 'stuff' when I started bedding my Good father's young Wife, the Daughter of a man I murdered.

"Lady Royce just gave us some rather wonderful news." I raise a brow at my Sister and slowly turn to the woman in question who is playing with a wooden horse with her Son Yohn the heir to Runestone.

I don't feel as bad about this one, Daemon had it coming and Yohn is going to be a badass when he grows up. He already has a Valyrian steel sword 'Lamentation' with his name on it and I have been working toward the goal of Yohn claiming Vermithor. His 'Father' is a Targaryen and according to the law Rhaenyra will one day pass, he has the right to claim a dragon.

His children won't be able to, but at least he will... well his children might could if he ends up marrying a Targaryen or one of the other Dragons 'owning' Houses.

Firstly there is House Targaryen of course.

Second is House Velaryon due to the actions of King Jaehaerys.

Lastly is House Nymeros Martell due to my own actions and the agreement made between the throne and my Father.

I don't even want to begin to think about marriages though, so that can wait until he is actually a man-grown and he can decide what path he wants to take and I will support him from behind.

I just think it would be cool if his personal sigil was a Bronze dragon.

"-are you listening?" I snap from my thoughts as Lady Royce waves a hand in front of our Son who I was watching as he played with his short brown hair.

"I was not." I admit earning a chuckle from Aegon beside me who is unrepentant as he laughs joyfully.

"Kepa you have to listen!" Nymeria who likely has no idea what is going on attempts to 'lecture' me as I bounce her on my knee.

"I will." I nod finding her actions adorable and she smiles happily in response.

"I received word from my 'Husband' who has been gifted with yet another Daughter." I hum while wondering why the Small Council has not received this news yet Lady Royce has. "Daemon had word sent directly to me here in Kingslanding shortly after my arrival..." I freeze as I slowly put puzzle pieces together.

Daemon wants to have 'his' Son marry one of his Daughters... at least that is what I think is happening.

"I will be sure to send him a congratulatory gift." I will also let the King know before I do so he can also send one along with mine. "Was it Mysaria?" I purse my lips as Lady Royce nods.

That is four.

Daemon has four children, and as far as we are aware none of them have hatched an egg despite the King sending him some.

Baelon the silver-haired and red-eyed Son of Daemon and Melisandre of Asshai who died giving birth... not that I believe that, he likely killed her and then married Mysaria once the crazy bitch was dead.

It caused some conflict with the Red Faith as well... but I think they are holding out for young Baelon to end up following his mother's Faith.

Mysaria has now birthed three children for Daemon, first being a Son named Maegor whom I still can remember the Small Council's reaction to hearing the name of. I almost did not need to kill Otto to take his place as he nearly had a heart attack knowing Daemon not only was gaining more power in Essos but named a Son after the Cruel. Then there is the first Daughter, Alysanne Targaryen... not much is known about her and no one reacted poorly to such a 'good' name.

"What's the baby's name?" I ask looking down at the blanket where a few of my own babies sleep peacefully despite the harsh sun.

Laena's twin girls, Rhaena and Baela Nymeros Martell... their one-year-old Brother is busy fussing over Lewyn withholding some toy behind his back. Despite not wanting to do the 'act' of child making Lewyn has seemingly enjoyed every moment with 'his' children anytime I am around them.

"The note said the girl is named Daena Targaryen." I hum wondering what Daemon even wants so many children for.

He won't marry them to Essosi 'scum' so I can only imagine he plans to marry them to each other or maybe one of mine... but it's pointless to try and guess his motives.

"Rhaenys don't pull on Helaena's dress." I speak up to stop my Daughter from pulling on my other Daughters dress.

Yeah... I am going to burn in hell for all of these kids I have had on other people's wives.

Sometimes I wish Rhaenyra got jealous.

"Sorry Kepa... she keeps trying to pick up the bug." I chuckle as Alicent swiftly picks up her Daughter seeing in fact she was trying to pick up a bug.

"Good Job, don't let anyone eat bugs." I playfully joke with my Daughter and she scrunches up her nose.

"Nasty!" She shakes her head and quickly heads over to my Mother who is holding my second Son by Rhaenyra.

Aerys Nymeros Martell.

The Second youngest of my children by Rhaenyra, a robust boy who has a pair of lungs that can enable him to bellow like a full-grown man if he really wanted to.

My Mother is also hovering over my only 'Bastard' which I still feel a pit in my stomach as I look at the baby girl.

Saera Stone, named after my Mother if I had to guess, Jessamyn named her on her own... I didn't even know she was pregnant. I knew Jeyne was pregnant, she had a hasty marriage with a Knight for 'love' and gave birth only five months later. Her boy named Artys has the Arryn name thanks to his Mother's 'sacrifice' in the form of marrying someone despite not wanting to. Not that she actually is a Wife to the guy, I think she picked a gay guy who just wanted to leave his name in the history books by 'fathering' a Arryn.

Artys has his Mothers coloring, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Saera was not so lucky, at least not fully.

She has my purple eyes and mostly silver hair with streaks of red in her Mothers coloring.

That is a bit hard to hide... and she did not get married... so Saera is fully a 'bastard'.

I will change that.

I can figure something out for her.

Maybe she can claim a dragon and form her own House?

That likely is too much if I am honest, but I can't help but want to do something for her and let her live out a fulfilling life.

Maybe she can marry Aemond?

Aemond is a Prince so it would be hard to pull off... but if she had a dragon she would need to be tied back to one of the dragon-riding families... so it could work?

"Are you alright?" Rhaenyra asks while running a hand through my hair.

"No." I am thinking too much, being Hand of the King has started to show some side effects.

My mind never rests.

"Do you need to go lay down?" I snort feeling like her words make me sound like an old man.

"I am not that bad off, I just have a lot on my mind and want to eat something as well." Rhaenyra hums in acknowledgment as she continues rocking Viserra who is slipping into blissful sleep.

Letting out a sigh I lay back on the ground while pulling Aegon with me against my side and Nymeria falls onto her stomach on top of my own.

"Maybe a nap wouldn't be so bad..." I mutter while Aegon wiggles his way out of my grasp so I instead wrap my arms around Nymeria who is huffing and puffing trying to escape like her Brother.

Yeah... it's nap time.


New Aux Chapter for the children should be up soon.