Big brother

Nan Zhizhi stood in disbelief, shaking and moving her ears to check whether they were working fine or not. Did this stupid guy really say when she heard him say?

It seemed so when she saw the shock of betrayal in his eyes. Instantly, she became confused and grabbed his arm, " Xingcheng, what is wrong with you?"

"Everything is right with me," he sneered angrily, and wanted to push her hand away but then looking at her stomach, he shook it off lightly. "It's you who is wrong, Zhizhi. How could you do this to me?! How could you cheat on me?!" he demanded angrily.

"How could trample my love, my dignity, and my trust? I loved you so much and you, you got pregnant with someone's else child."

"Why? Was there something wrong with me? If you didn't love me, then you should have told me. I would have broken up with you. I wouldn't be like those annoying boyfriends, pestering and stalking you. We could have separated happily and peacefully."

"But you, you heartless woman!!!!! Instead of breaking up with me, you went ahead and cheated on me. Not only did you cheat, but you also got pregnant with his child."

"Tell me, Zhizhi. Who is this arrogant person? Who is this scum?" he demanded loudly. "Who dared to snatch my, Pei Xingcheng's woman? Who dared to put a green hat on top of my head?"

Nan Zhizhi: "......" (Who am I? Where am I? What am I hearing?)

The two nurses passing by: "...."

Nearby people: ".........."

Nan Zhizhi saw the astonished look on the nurses' faces and saw their accusing eyes. They were looking at her as if she had committed some big crime, had done some big sin. At once, the corner of her mouth twitched and she couldn't stop herself from pinching Pei Xingcheng's uninjured arm.

"Ouch!" Pei Xingcheng was shocked.

"Zhizhi, how could you? You pinched me?" he cried out in pain. "Woo.... my girlfriend is so heartless. Not only did she cheat on and get pregnant with someone's else child, but now she is practicing domestic violence."

"Shut up!" Nan Zhizhi snapped immediately.

This stupid man.... can't he see the looks these nurses, and nearby people were giving her? It was as if she was a big heartless scumbag...

"Shut up, right now! And, come with me," she said and grabbed his arm.

Pei Xingcheng frowned. "Where are you taking me?"

"Back to your room. You need rest," she said.

Immedietely, Pei Xincheng stopped. He recalled the beautiful ghost in his room, and his feet couldn't move. Nan Zhizhi tried to pull him, but when he didn't move, she glared back at him angrily. "Xincheng, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"I-I...I... I don't want to go back to that room," he said fearfully and grabbed onto her hand desperately. "Zhizhi, don't take me back to that room. There is a ghost in that room."

"Don't act like a child, Xingcheng," she chided him angrily, annoyed by his stupid antics. "Ghosts don't exist!"

"No! They do! They do!" he whispered anxiously. "Trust me, Zhizhi. There is one big beautiful ghost in my room. But don't look at her pretty face, she has a vicious heart. She was dazzled by my beauty and wanted to suck all my essence. But, I fooled her and escape from the room, the first chance I got."

Suddenly, thinking of something, he laughed sneakily. "And you know what, I recommended that nasty guy Ye Qingze to that beautiful ghost. I wonder, where she is on her way to suck that stupid guy's essence? Hehehe..."

Nan Zhizhi: "........." (He recommended my darling husband's name to the ghost?)

Miss Ghost who was hiding and watching the entire drama from one corner: "......." (Since when did he see me having a vicious heart?)

Seeing the sneaky smile on Pei Xingcheng's smile, Nan Zhizhi had the urge to smack his forehead. What was wrong with him? Why was he talking weirdly?

Wait! Did he lose his mind in that accident?

Now, she was starting to get seriously worried.

When Pei Xingcheng saw that, he frowned slightly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Let's go back to your room. We need to show you to the doctor, ASAP! I think there is something wrong with you," she said and was about to help him back to the room.

However, Pei Xingcheng refused her help. "Did you just call me crazy?"

"What's there to call?" she shrugged calmly, "You are one."

Pei Xingcheng: ".........."

"Xingcheng, let's go back to your room," she said sternly.


Nan Zhizhi glared at him, hissing slightly. "Enough! There is no ghost in your room. And, if there is one I will deal with her. Now, stop creating a scene, and let's go back. Can't you see that everyone's watching us?"

At this point, Pei Xingcheng realized, looking around, and saw that a few nurses were watching them. He blushed slightly in embarrassment but still refused to go back to his room. He did not want a second encounter with that beautiful ghost.

Nan Zhizhi became annoyed by his stubbornness and was about to yell at him when suddenly, a cold voice came from behind them.

"What is going on over here?"

Pei Xingcheng's eyes brightened immediately. He let go of Nan Zhizhi's hand, turned around, and finally laid his eyes on a tall, handsome man walking towards him. His eyes were sharp and his expression cold. He wore a lavish business suit that screamed luxury and abstinence.

Well, another man was walking behind him, but Pei Xingcheng purposely chose to ignore the second person.

When the man's cold eyes fell on Pei Xingcheng's face, it softened immediately. "Xingcheng, you're awake," the man said softly and hugged Pei Xingcheng carefully.

Pei Xingcheng hugged his big brother back. "Big brother, you are here..."

"Hmm..." Pei Qinshan broke the hug and looked him up and down. "How are you feeling? Are you okay? How is your body?"

"I am fine, Big brother," Pei Xingcheng answered obediently.

Pei Qinshan nodded and then looked at Na Zhizhi. "What happened? Why are you two arguing in the hallway? And, why is he out of his room?"