Married to his enemy

Nan Zhizhi was about to open her mouth and explain the situation along with Pei Xingcheng's weird behavior when suddenly, Pei Xingcheng jumped ahead and began to complain. He pouted his lips and pointed at Nan Zhizhi with a grieved expression on his face.

"Elder brother," he sniffled slowly. "This woman is a liar, she is a cheater. She betrayed me. You know when I was unconscious, she broke my trust and got pregnant with someone else's baby. Elder brother, she put a green hat on the top of my head. Woo... I feel so heartbroken..."

Being interrupted, Nan Zhizhi leaned back on the wall and threw her hands up in surrender with an expression of 'Here we go again.'

Meanwhile, Pei Qinshan and Ye Qingze were shocked by Pei Xingcheng's words.

Pei Qinshan held his younger brother's arm. "Xingcheng, what are you talking about? Nan Zhizhi didn't cheat on you. Don't you remember, you two broke up?"

Now, it was Pei Xingcheng's turn to be dumbfounded. "What?!"

"Yes, Xingcheng," Nan Zhizhi nodded from the side. "That's what I have been trying to tell you for so long. We broke up."

"When?" he questioned.

"Three years ago," she answered.

Pei Xingcheng's mind buzzed. What?! They broke up three years ago?! But, how's that possible? Were they joking with him? They had to be otherwise, why doesn't he remember anything? What is wrong with him?

Wait! This accident...

Did he lose his memory in this accident?"

No! Pei Xingcheng's eyes widened and his eyes were filled with horror. His mind and his heart were not ready to believe this truth. From his childhood until now, he remembered everything. There was no loophole in his memory.

If he had lost in his memory, then why does he remember his past, his family, and his childhood? This was all just a big joke.

He looked at his brother, knowing that he was the only person out of the three who would answer him honestly. However, when his eyes met his elder brother's eyes which were filled with concern and worry, his heart sank.

"Elder brother," he grabbed onto his elder brother's arm anxiously, hoping that this was all just a nasty joke, a bad, extremely bad nightmare. "This is not true right? This can't be true? How can we break up three years ago? We just began to date three months ago. You all are trying to play a nasty joke on me, right?"

Then he looked at Nan Zhizhi and asked, "Zhizhi, you are still my girlfriend, right?"

"No!" Suddenly, a cold voice spoke up. "She's not!"

Hearing that voice, Pei Xingcheng rolled his eyes. "Ye Qingze, if you don't speak, no one will consider you an idiot. So, just shut up!"

"And why are you even here? I don't remember us being best friends that you become so concerned and came to drop me a visit. Oh! Wait, I know why you are here. You are here to see whether I am still alive or not?"

Ye Qingze stared at the man in front of him and found it quite funny and amusing. Suddenly, he smirked and shook his head. "No, I am not here to visit you. I am here to accompany my wife."

Pei Xingcheng: "............." (This annoying guy got married? No wait! There is actually someone in this world who wants to marry this annoying guy?)

"You're married?" he blurted out in shock, while his face was full of disbelief.

Ye Qingze nodded with a big proudful smile on his face and raised his hand to show off his wedding ring. "Yes, I am married."

Hearing that, Pei Xingcheng burst out laughing. "Hahaha... I pity that woman. Who is so blind and stupid to marry you, an annoying arrogant brat?"

Pei Qinshan coughed slightly while Nan Zhizhi glared at Pei Xingcheng.

The only person who seemed happy to hear Pei Xingcheng's words was Ye Qingze. Seeing this, Pei Xingcheng became confused. Why was this guy laughing? Shouldn't he feel angry?

"Why are you laughing?"

"Why don't you ask my wife whom you just called blind and stupid on how she feels after marrying me?"

Pei Xingcheng was shocked and he began to look to his left and right, looking for any pretty woman who could be Ye Qingze's wife. "Your wife is here?"

Ye Qingze smiled. "Hm-hm..."


Suddenly, Ye Qingze looked sideways at Nan Zhizhi and smiled. "My dear wife, why are you silent? Say something!"

Pei Xingcheng followed Ye Qingze's gaze and was shocked to realize that Ye Qingze was talking to Nan Zhizhi. Immediately, a small gasp left his mouth and his pupils condensed. "No! Impossible! It's you?" he asked her in disbelief.

"Yes," Nan Zhizhi hissed under her breath and nodded.

Pei Xingcheng: ".............."

He looked back and forth between Nan Zhizhi and Ye Qingze and finally, it dawned on him that this was true. His mind buzzed as all of it was just too much for him to take. "This has got to be a fucking terrible nightmare," he cursed under his breath and fainted on the spot.



Unanimous shouts filled the hallway. Everyone was shocked by Pei Xingcheng's sudden state. Pei Qinshan quickly held his brother and tried to pat his cheek. "Xingcheng? Xingcheng? Wake up!"

However, Pei Xingcheng remained unmoved.

Seeing this, Ye Qingze quickly advised taking Pei Xingcheng back to his room. Pei Qingshan nodded and with Ye Qingze's help, they brought Pei Xingcheng back to his room, laid him down on his, and called for a doctor. Once the doctor arrived, Pei Qinshan quickly filled him in on Pei Xincheng's condition.

The doctor heard everything, send them out of the room, and began to check Pei Xingcheng's body.

Outside the room.

Nan Zhizhi sat down on the waiting chair, fretting about Pei Xingcheng's condition. When Ye Qingze saw this, he sat down next to her, took her hand, and began to comfort her. As for Pei Qingshan, he was standing on the opposite side with his back towards them.

His face was dark, and his eyes were filled with a gloomy and desolate look. Thinking about his younger brother's state and everything that happened in the past two days, he felt angry and helpless at the same time.

"Damn it!" he hissed angrily and punched the wall in front of him.