Selective Amnesia

When Pei Xingcheng heard Nan Zhizhi's words, he laughed refuting it immedietely. "Don't joke with me, Zhizhi. He and I can't be friends. That is something that will never happen, like ever. Even if the earth passes away or the heaven disappears, I can never make Ye Qingze my friend."

Hearing that, Ye Qingze snorted coldly. "As if I am dying to be your friend..."

"Humph! Even if you die, I won't make you my friend," Pei Xingcheng sneered back.

Ye Qingze rolled his words. "Who wants to die for you? Even if I want to die for someone, it will be my wife, my Zhizhi. I can live for her and I will die for her. As for you, I still regret agreeing with that stupid condition."

"What condition?" Pei Xingcheng questioned sharply.

At this, Nan Zhizhi smiled at Pei Xingcheng and explained slowly. "Before I got married I put a condition in front of you two and the condition was that I will only get married if you two reconcile, stop your unnecessary fight, and become friends."

"And I agreed to that?!!!" Pei Xingcheng was shocked.

"You did," Nan Zhizhi chirped.

"Why would I agree to such a stupid condition? Why can't I remember it? What is wrong with me?" Pei Xingcheng muttered to himself in disbelief.

He tried hard to think of that memory but nothing came to his mind. He didn't give up. He forced himself, putting pressure on his mind, however, suddenly that was a sharp pain in his head. Pei Xingcheng's face paled and he held his head, letting out a loud scream.

"Ahhhh!!!! My head!!!!" he cried out loudly.


Immedietely, Pei Qinshan grabbed his brother's arm and looked at him with worry. "Xingcheng, what's going on? What is happening? Are you okay?"

"My head.... it freaking hurts!!!! Elder brother, I feel like my head is about to burst," he moaned in pain.

Seeing his younger brother's face turning visibly pale, Pei Qinshan's eyes turned red. "Doctor!!! Someone call the freaking doctor!!!!"

Ye Qingze was already on his way. Seconds later, the doctor arrived and send everyone out of the room. He ran a few tests on Pei Xingcheng and asked him several questions. After stabilizing the pain in his head, he left the door.

Seeing the doctor, Pei Qinsan quickly asked. "Doctor Si, how is my brother?"

"Mr. Pei, we need to talk. Come with me."

Pei Qinshan nodded and followed behind the doctor to his office. Ye Qingze and Nan Zhizhi looked at each other and decided to follow along. After getting inside the office, all of them sat down in the chairs. What they couldn't see was that there was another person in the room, actually, another entity - a ghost inside the room.

It was the same ghost that Pei Xingcheng had interacted with earlier. She was standing in one corner of the room, hearing the conversation between the doctor and Pei Qinshan.

Doctor Si removed his spectacle and put them down on th table, and looked at Pei Qinshan with a serious expression.

"Is everything okay, Doctor Si?"

"No," Docter Si shook his head. "I am afraid to say this but Mr. Pei because of this accident, Pei Xingcheng had lost his memory. He is suffering from selective amnesia. He doesn't remember anything that happened in the past three years."

"Doctor Si, when will he recover?" he asked next.

Doctor Si explained calmly. "Mr. Pei, every mind works in a different way. I can't say anything about when will he remember but there is one thing that I need to remind you all. You can't tell him or talk to him about anything that happened in the past three years. And when I say this, I mean about her. You can't tell him about her. "

"I have heard about your loss, and I am so sorry. But, this is not the right time. His mind is not ready to handle that loss."

"You all have already seen how he reacted when he tried to remember his past, so don't try to be it up and make him remember anything. Otherwise, his situation will worsen."

Pei Qinshan's heart sank and a gloomy look flashed through his eyes.

Selective Amnesia?

Forgot everything about the past three years?

Forgot about her?


How can he hide such a big thing from her? Given the relationship between her and Pei Xingcheng, how can he hide her death? And even if he does, what if one day, Pei Xingcheng remembers everything?

How will he face his younger brother then?

Doctor Si looked at the grave look on Pei Qinshan's face and sighed slowly. This was a tough decision but for the betterment of the patient, they needed to do this. "Mr. Pei, I know this a difficult situation, but if you want your younger brother to live well and recover well, you have to do this."

Pei Qinshan pursed his lips and his brows furrowed. "Doctor Si, my brother is an actor. His life had always been under the camera. How can I hide that from him? How can I hide all that happened in the past three years?"

"It's difficult but isn't impossible. Just tell him, some simple things, and as for the rest, let him remember it on his own."

Pei Qinshan nodded slowly.

As the doctor and Pei Qinshan began to discuss further Pei Xingcheng's health and all the necessary things, they needed to do to take of Pei Xingcheng, the beautiful ghost left the room with a complicated look on her face. She stood in the hallway with a dazed look on her face as the people crossed right through her.

So I can't say anything to him? He needs to be kept in the dark...

Why did things come to this?

Everything shattered in the blink of an eye. One moment she had everything and the next moment, everything was snatched from her.


Even after death, why is she still here? Shouldn't she leave and go ahead to reincarnate?

And, why can only Pei Xingcheng see her or hear her?

What is the reason behind this?