Attack at midnight

Pei Xingcheng poured himself a glass of water and walked towards the window. Staring outside the window, he sighed slowly. During these past few hours, his life changed so much. He never imagined that one day, he would forget his partial memory and live like this.

Though he was happy to be alive and to know that he has fulfilled his dreams of becoming an actor in these past three years, however, for some reason, his heart felt empty.

It was as if he was missing something. As if he had forgotten someone important.

But who?

It was a terrible feeling of knowing that you have forgotten something important and not remember who or what it was. Whenever he tried to focus on that feeling or that forgotten part of his memory, there would be a dull pain in his head.

Pei Xingcheng groaned slowly and rubbed his forehead to ease the pain in his head. He leaned against the window, letting the cold wind hit his face when suddenly, there was a 'click' sound behind him.

Who could be here at midnight? He wondered.

Narrowing his eyes slowly, he turned round. He looked at the door and saw a male nurse entering the room. He was tall, buff, and wore a typical nurse costume with a mask covering half of his face. When the male nurse entered the room, he paused after seeing that Pei Xingcheng was awake. There was a look of shock on the male nurse's face which didn't go unnoticed by Pei Xingcheng.

"You are awake..." the man muttered under his breath.

Pei Xingcheng nodded slowly. "Why are you here?"

"To check your temperature." the male nurse answered with a tinge of uncertainty in his voice.

"In the middle of the night?" Pei Xingcheng raised his brows. There was something about the male nurse that just didn't look right to him.

Which nurse would check their patient's temperature in the middle of the night? And even if they do, he wasn't suffering from fever or anything. He was perfectly fine. There was no need to check his temperature in the middle of the night.

Moreover, he could feel a cold shiver run down his spine as the male nurse stared at him. There was something about his eyes, about his voice, and about the way he stood, that scared him a little.

Hearing the question, the male nurse laughed.

Suddenly, the man's aura changed and his eyes turned vicious. He was eyeing him as if he was the man's prey.

Pei Xincheng shivered subconsciously and took a step back.

"You know what, superstar, I will be honest with you," the man laughed viciously. "I am not a nurse."

"You.... who are you?" Pei Xincheng questioned, as his hand clenched the cup in his hand tightly.

"Tsk... tsk... what a typical question!" the man laughed. "I am bored of questions such as who am I? Why am I here? What am I going to do? etc.... etc... But since you are a superstar and this is the last night, I feel like I am obliged to answer you."

Pei Xingcheng's face turned pale. "W-what... what do you mean?"

The man's lips curled viciously and his eyes were stained with a shining light as if liking the fear in his prey's eyes. "I am an assassin and I am hired to kill you," he said and without giving any time for Pei Xingcheng to react, the man took out his dagger and dashed towards him.

Under the bright moonlight, the dagger gleamed beautifully. Pei Xingcheng's mind froze for a second and he didn't know what to do. He could see the dagger coming closer and closer to him, however, just when he thought that the dagger was about to slash his neck, something strange happened.

The assassin that was right in front of him suddenly disappeared and then reappeared right at the door.

Pei Xingcheng: "........"

The assassin: "........"

"What the fuck! What just happened?" The assassin cursed out in confusion.

He looked at the dagger in his hand and then at Pei Xingcheng and then at his position. Wasn't he supposed to kill Pei Xingcheng by this time? How did he appear at the door?

"Hey superstar, how did I get here? Did I just disappear from your sight?" he voiced his doubts.

However, Pei Xingcheng ignored him completely and was looking in one direction strangely. Seeing this, the assassin frowned, followed Pei Xingcheng's gaze, and looked in the direction that he was staring at, but he didn't see anything. Confusion began to fill his eyes and he couldn't stop himself from asking out loud. "What are you looking at superstar?"

Pei Xingcheng pointed at the beautiful ghost infront that was standing just a few feet away from the assassin and questioned, "Don't you see her?"

"See who?" the assassin asked, as fear began to fill his mind and he began to look all around frantically. Along with the strange thing that just happened to him, he was easily scared.

W-was... was there a ghost in this room?

No! That's impossible. There is no such thing as ghosts in this world. Otherwise, he would have already been dead. He would have been killed by the ghosts of all people he had killed in all these years. Thinking so, his confidence reappeared and he glared at Pei Xingcheng.

"Hey superstar, I am not scared of your silly tricks," the assassin hissed viciously while waving his dagger in the air. "No matter what, today I will kill you. And, trust me when I say this, when I take a job to end someone's life, I will do everything to fulfill it."

With that, he raised his legs and was about to rush towards Pei Xingcheng but before he could do so, his pants fell.

The assassin: "......" (What the hell!)

Pei Xingcheng: "......." (Eww... Seriously, no underwear?)

Miss Ghost: "........" (Oops. Hehe, if she said that she didn't mean to do that, would you believe her?)