You are a very famous actor

Immedietely, both the men stopped fighting and looked at her.

"What is this place? What is your age? Just look at you two, one is a great businessman and the other is a great actor, yet you two are here, fighting like nine-year-old kids. Aren't you two ashamed?" she fumed and glared at them angrily. "I don't know about you two, but I am ashamed to be your best friend and your wife," she said pointing to each of them.

Seeing his wife's red face from anger, Ye Qingze was the first to apologize. He knew better than to provoke an angry pregnant woman. "Baby, calm down. Don't say such things. I am sorry. I apologized for making you angry but it was all this guy's fault. He's the one who provoked me, first."

Seeing an arrogant man like Ye Qingze apologizing to his wife, Pei Xingcheng felt refreshed but when all the blame was pushed onto him, he immediately became furious. "Hey, hey, hey, Qinze! Don't put the blame on me like always. I did nothing. You are the one who's at fault."

"No, it's clearly you -"

"Argh!!! Shut up, both of you!!!" Nan Zhizhi yelled immediately. "If I hear another word from your stupid mouths, I will immediately throw your both out of this room."

Suddenly, Pei Xingcheng pulled Nan Zhizhi's sleeves. "Zhizhi?"


"You can't throw me out. This is my room," he said sheepishly.

Ye Qingze couldn't help but agree. "Yes, honey. This is his room. You can't throw him out."

Nan Zhizhi: "..........." (Just now these two were fighting like arch-enemies and now they are talking like sworn brothers. What's with this sudden change of equation?)

"By the way, Zhizhi, what were you saying? I am a famous actor?" Pei Xingcheng asked, to move Nan Zhizhi's mind out of her anger.

Nan Zhizhi nodded. "Yes. You are a very famous actor."

"Really?" Pei Xingcheng muttered to himself in disbelief. "This... this means that I was able to achieve my dreams?"

Nan Zhizhi smiled. "Yes, you did achieve your dreams, Xingcheng. You fans are crazy for you."

"Here, take a look." Ye Qingze said and passed his phone to him.

Pei Xingchneg took the phone and looked at an article on the screen. This article was all about him and his journey. It explained well on how he debuted and how he worked hard for his position. It talked about all the dramas and movies that he worked on and how successful they were.

Surprisingly, as he was reading the article, Pei Xingcheng noticed something strange. He looked up from the phone with a big question mark on his face. "In these three years, I never dated anyone? I was single? How did that happen? Are you sure that everything written in this article is true?

Nan Zhizhi and Ye Qingze were taken by surprise at the sudden question. Both of them looked at each other, not knowing how to answer that question.

Pei Xingcheng noticed the strange look on their faces and fell into doubt. "What is it? What are you guys hiding from me?"

The couple laughed hesitantly. Just when they were about to reply, someone else did it for them. "No, you never dated anyone, Xingcheng." a cold voice spoke.

Pei Xingcheng saw that it was his brother who replied to the question.

Seeing Pei Qinshan in the room, the couple breathed a sigh of relief. Nan Zhizhi gave her chair to Brother Pei and walked back to the sofa with Ye Qingze.

Pei Qinshan sat down and continued. "Xingcheng, you hooked up a few times, but the paparazzi were never able to catch it. So, your affairs remained a mystery. Moreover, sometimes I would help you to keep it hidden as this kind of publicity is not good for an actor's image and reputation."

"Hmm." Pei Xingcheng nodded slowly.

Since it was his brother who said that, Pei Xingcheng chose to believe it. He put the phone aside and looked at his brother. "Tell me more. I want to know more. What about this accident? How did this happen?"

"No," his brother shook his head. "What you need is rest."

"Please big brother," Pei Xingcheng asked, acting like a kid as he knew this trick always worked on his brother. "Just tell me about this accident. I won't ask for anything more. I promise."

Pei Qinshan looked at his younger brother and his hard heart just melted immediately. "Fine. But I will only tell a little about this accident," he said sternly, "Right now, you can't handle too much information."


As Pei Qinshan began to talk about the incident, he began to observe his brother's expression carefully. He didn't tell him much and hid many things from him. He told him about the manager and driver's death but left out the part where she died in the same accident.

"I have to go to her grave and pay my respect," Pei Xingcheng voice out, feeling sad that his manager died in the accident along with the driver. She might have helped him a lot in the growth of his career. He needed to pay his respect to her. He owed her that.

Pei Qinshan nodded. "You do. I will take you to her grave but after you get better. Until then, take good rest and stop thinking about your forgotten memory."

"Big brother, when will I get discharged?"


Pei Xingcheng nodded, lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes obediently.


It was already midnight when Pei Xingchneg woke up due to thirst. He was all alone in his room. Nan Zhizhi and Ye Qingze went back to their home as for his brother, he wanted stay with him tonight but Pei Xinchneg refused him sternly.

He could see the dark circles on his brother's face and his tired look. It was quite evident that his elder brother hadn't rested well during these days. Hence, he sent his brother back home. However before leaving, his elder brother stationed two guards outside his room to watch over him.

Though Pei Xingcheng felt that it was unnecessary, for his elderbrother's peace, he let the bodyguards stay.