Let's go home

After seeing the footage missing, the doctors and bodyguards in the room panicked. They all could visibly feel the temperature in the room rising and it was all due to Pei Qinshan's anger. They felt it difficult to breathe inside the room and had to lower their sense of presence so that Pei Qinshan's anger would not fall over them.

"What the hell! Where is the footage?" he questioned angrily and glared at the doctor.

"Sir Pei, we really don't know anything," the doctors answered with shame in their voices. "We all are very sorry."

The doctors knew that it wasn't their fault that Pei Xingcheng was attacked, after all, they were doctors and their foremost job was to treat patients that came to their hospital and not be their bodyguards. However, since they worked in the hospital, they had to be responsible for this mishap and negligence.

Pei Xingcheng was a VIP patient and if something would have happened to him in their hospital, all of them would have suffered.

"You're sorry?" Pei Qinshan scoffed angrily. "If something would have happened to my brother, then you would have lost all your jobs."

"Sorry, Mr. Pei." the doctors apologized. "We promise, nothing as such would happen again.

"Humph! I don't trust your hospital's awesome security," Pei Qinshan sneered sarcastically and then looked at his younger brother. Touching the top of his head, he took a deep breath. "Go and prepare my brother's discharge papers. We are leaving, now!"

"Yes, yes sir." The doctors nodded and left the room in a hurry as if there was a angry dog chasing behind them. Well, at this time, Pei Qinshan was no less than an angry dog. He was extremely mad and angry.

"Sir, we have the lobby, the hallways, the interior part of the hospital, the exterior, but we all the footage of that specific time is gone. They are completely destroyed. I think this person who wants to harm Young Master Pei has a hacker by his side." the bodyguards explained.

Pei Qinshan nodded. "I thought so too..."

"Big brother, I don't remember anything, but who do you think can be this person? Do you have any idea? Who could hate me so much?" Pei Xingcheng questioned. As far as he remember in his years, he had only one enemy and that was Ye Qingze but he woudl never do something like this.

This person who hates him and wants to take his life must be someone who he met in the past three years. Unfortunately, he didn't have that memory.

"I don't know, Xingcheng," Pei Qingshan looked at him with apologies in his eyes. "But don't you worry, I will definitely search for this person and not let him harm you ever again."

"I know." Pei Xingcheng flashed him a smile.

Pei Qinshan smiled back and help him back. "Let's go home."

"Which home?" Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but ask. In the afternoon, Nan Zhizhi told him that after he had finished college, he moved out of his ancestral home, the Big Pei Mansion, and started to live on his own. After he started earning and became a famous actor, he purchased his own home and he used to stay there.

So, where was his brother taking him? To the old home or his own home?

Pei Qinshan looked at his brother and sighed in his heart. He definitely couldn't take his younger brother that his own home, after all, there were several things in that house that could make Pei Xingcheng suffer from another headache. The only thing he could do was to take Pei Xingcheng back to the ancestral house.

Moreover, after what happened tonight, he felt that putting Pei Xingcheng back in the ancestral house, right under his nose, would keep him a lot safer than anywhere.

"We are going back to the Pei Mansion," he informed.

"Oh!" Pei Xingcheng replied in a not-so-excited voice. Thinking about a certain person, a dull pain emerged in his heart and he looked down at the ground. "Big brother, have you asked her?"

Hearing that, Pei Qinshan gave him a strange look. "What's there to ask? Why should I ask her? That is your home too."

"Not according to her," Pei Xingcheng said uncomfortably.

As far as he knew, that woman hated him. She never liked him in that home and if she knew he was coming back, she would definitely get upset. And, he didn't want to upset her. Even if she never accepted him, he still considered her as his mother.

"Xingcheng, whether she likes it or not, that is your home. You are welcome to live there anytime your want," Pei Qinshan comforted his younger brother. "Our father, that old man made it quite clear that half of that house belongs to you. And, no one, not even her can take that away from you."

"That's why she hates me," Pei Xingcheng humored himself.

"But, I don't," Pei Qinshan tried to cheer him up. "I am your big brother and I love you a lot."

Pei Xincheng nodded and hugged his brother sideways. No matter what happened in his life, this is the one thing that has never changed in his life. He was extremely grateful and thankful for having such a wonderful big brother like him.

"Let's go home."

Pei Xingcheng nodded and walked with his brother's help. Just as he had taken a step outside the room, he looked back in, hoping to see Miss Ghost for one last time. However, there was no one in the room. She disappeared after he rejected her.

Maybe, she is angry with him for rejecting her. Or maybe, she has gone to look for another person.

With a disappointed sigh, he stopped looking for her.

"What's wrong?" his elder brother inquired.

Pei Xingcheng shook his head. "Nothing. Let's go."

As they slowly walked out of the hallway, they suddenly, stumbled into a person. It was the dean of the hospital, and for his looks, everyone could say that had just woken up from the bed. Just like his elder brother, the dean was also in his pajamas, sweating profusely.

The moment the dean saw Pei Qinshan, he halted and bowed immediately. "Mr. Pei, I am sorry. It's all my fault. I apologize for everything that has happened to Young Master Pei."