
Pei Qinshan looked at the dean indifferently.

"You are very lucky that nothing happened to my brother, otherwise, I would have shut down this entire hospital."

The dean trembled with fear. He knew that Mr. Pei was extremely angry with what happened tonight and he could definitely shut down this entire hospital if he wanted to. As the dean of the hospital, he accepted that it was all his fault. He should have improved the hospital's security but now, what was down was done. He couldn't erase what had happened but the least he could do was apologize.

"Mr. Pei, I deeply apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. I promise such a thing will not happen again, " the dean lowered his head to apologize humbly.

Pei Qinshan snorted coldly. "Don't do it for me, do it for the patients in this bloody hospital."

"Yes, yes Mr. Pei..." the dead nodded obediently.

"I am taking my brother away. If we need something, I will give you a call," Pei Qinshan informed, and walked away from the dean along with Pei Xingcheng.

Seeing their leaving figure, the dean almost collapsed in the nearby chair and wiped his sweat on the back of his hand. All these years of experience felt like nothing when he stood in front of Pei Qinshan. It was like facing a giant and letting it do what it wants without having the courage to fight back.

Pei Qinshan was a powerful man and not someone to be trifled with. He has achieved several achievements not only in the technology field but also in several other sectors. Along with the giant Pei Industries behind him that spread all over the globe, he was a man to be highly respected and feared.

Thinking about the person who dared to harm two members of that family, the dean could only light a candle for that person in his heart.

Who knows which stupid idiot wants to harm a person from the Pei Family?


Two hours later.

A luxurious black sedan entered through the massive iron gates of the mansion and stopped right at the entrance. The driver of the car got down in a hurry and opened the door for his master. Pei Qinshan stepped out of the car and hurried over to the other side.

He wanted to help his brother, however, before he could do so, Pei Xingcheng was already out of the car. Looking at the grand mansion that stood tall and imposing amidst the lush greenery of the estate, his heart began to race. All those dark memories, that longing feeling, that pain and hurt began to resurface in his mind.

No matter how much pain this place might have given him, Pei Xingcheng couldn't deny the fact that he missed this place. This was his home, the place where he lived and grew up as a child, a place where he got a big brother, a place where he made friends and a place where he stayed for a long time.

"Xingcheng, you okay there?" His brother asked, concern and worry flashing in his eyes.

"I am fine, big brother." Pei Xingcheng answered with a weak smile.

"Shall we go inside then?"

"Yes," Pei Xingcheng nodded.

With Pei Qinshan's help, Pei Xingcheng walked slowly toward the big mansion. Its grandeur was apparent in the intricate details of the design, from the ornate railings to the gabled rooftops. It was a marvel of architecture, a symbol of wealth, and power that commanded respect and admiration from all who laid eyes upon it.

As they passed by the guards and a few servants, they bowed their heads with respect and surprise. A strange looming feeling came over Pei Xingcheng as soon as he entered the grand hall.

"You are finally back, Qinshan," a pleasant but stern voice spoke out loud.

Immedietely, Pei Xingcheng noticed a beautiful woman, sitting on the long sofa, drinking tea. She was in her mid-40s and yet, she looked young and beautiful as if she was just in her twenties. Her skin was soft, well-maintained, and nourished. Her delicate hands held the porcelain cup gently, her grace reflecting in her every moment.

A strong amora of tea waffled throughout the entire room, giving everyone a nostalgic and refreshing feeling. However, the smiling expression on the woman's face changed the moment her eyes fell on him.

"Oh, and you brought someone else back," she clicked her tongue with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"Hello, Mother." Pei Xingcheng greeted the woman in front of him.

The woman looked at him indifferently and her eyes flashed. "How are you Xingcheng? I heard that you almost died in that accident and it's a miracle that you are still alive..."

"Indeed," Pei Xingcheng nodded.

"What a pity!" the woman sighed slowly, "And, I am sorry for your loss. I knew how much you loved that woman. She was your -"

"Manager," Pei Qinshan interrupted immediately and gave a look to his mother.

The woman frowned, not understanding why her son stopped her from mentioning that woman, but since he said so, she listened to him. "Yes! Your manager... she was a good woman. She took care of you. If you have time, you should go and visit her grave tomorrow. That way, her soul would finally be able to rest in peace."

Pei Xingcheng was a little confused but he didn't object to his mother's words. "Yes, mother. I will go and visit her grave tomorrow."

Pei Qinshan looked at his mother and knew she had a lot of questions. Since they can't talk in front of Pei Xingchneg, he decided to send his brother upstairs. "Xingcheng, you must be tired. Go upstairs and have a good rest."

"Housekeeper Xu, help the second young master to walk upstairs." The woman commanded softly.

Housekeeper Xu, who was standing at one side from the beginning nodded immediately. "Yes, Madam Pei."

"Goodnight big brother, goodnight mother."

"Goodnight Xingcheng," Pei QInshan greeted back while his mother nodded indifferently.

After wishing them, Pei Xingcheng walked upstairs slowly with the help of Housekeeper Xu. After they were gone, Pei Xingcheng loosened the top button of his pajama shirt and sat down on the couch, next to his mother. Immedietely, one of the maids brought a glass of cold water.

Pei Qinshan took the glass and took a small sip.

"Qinshan, is he going to stay here?" the woman asked.

Pei Qinshan nodded and placed the glass back on the tray, ignoring the blushing look on the maid's face. "Yes, mother."