I followed you

Pei Qinshan felt guilty and lowered his head. He should have known that even if his mother hated Pei Xingcheng, she would never do something such as kill him. If she wanted to do it, she would have done it long ago.

However, the damage was already done and he could nothing but apologize.

"I am sorry, Mother. I shouldn't have doubted you," he said.

Ruan Suqing smiled bitterly. "You still don't see it, do you?"

"What, mother?"

"Like mother, like son," Ruan Suqing chuckled mockingly. "That bitch was the reason why there were problems between me and your father. And, now, that bitch's son is becoming the problem you and me to the point where you are starting to doubt me."

"What will you do next, Qinshan? Break your relationship off me? Throw me out of this house? Or kill me to get justice for your younger brother?"

Pei Qinshan's eyes widened and he looked at his mother in shock. Approaching her, he sat next to her and took her hand in his. "Mother, I am sorry. I know I am wrong and I promise, I will never doubt you again. But, say such things. Nothing like that will ever happen. I promise you that."

"Xingcheng... he, he just wants our love. Nothing else, Mother," he sighed gently.

Ruan Suqing looked at her son who had his full belief in that boy, and her eyes hardened with hate. "You are trusting a backstabbing wolf, Qinshan. Be careful. That's all I can say to you."


"You must be tired. Go and get some sleep." she interrupted him harshly

Pei Qinshan stared at his mother, wanting to say something but when he saw the cold expression on her face, he sighed and got up to leave. "Goodnight Mother," he wished her, and then walked upstairs towards his room.

Ruan Suqing watched him walk away and finally, when he was gone, she swept her hand over the table, throwing everything on the ground.


All the expensive teapots and cups fell on the ground making a harsh breaking sound. Seeing this, the Housekeeper sighed in his heart, and without making a sound, he began to clean up all the broken glasses.

Meanwhile, Ruan Suqing's face was full of anger. Her eyes were cold and filled with hate. Thinking about her son's words, she hissed through gritted teeth. "Xingcheng! You bastard! Why didn't you die in that accident?! Why the hell are you still alive?!"

"I hope you die soon and never come back!" she cursed viciously, venting her anger.

Finally, when she was calm enough, she took a deep breath, composed herself, and went back to her room.


Upstairs, Pei Xingchen's room.

After such a terrible day, Pei Xingcheng was feeling sticky all over. He wanted to take a bath, however, he was highly instructed not to. Moreover, in his current state, he was completely useless. Except for walking and sleeping, he was unable to do anything.

Grumbling at his terrible state, he discarded his shirt and walked inside the washroom. He turned on the lights and moved towards the basin to wash his face. Cold water hit his hand and he splashed some of it on his face. Taking a nearby towel, he wiped his face and looked into the mirror when suddenly, his body froze.

A small yell escaped his throat. "Ahhh!!!!"

"Hello, Xingcheng." Miss Ghost waved at him from inside the mirror.

Pei Xingcheng: "...."

"What the hell! You almost sacred the shit out of me," he accused angrily and patted his chest. He could still feel his heart thumping like crazy.

Miss Ghost smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh really? Then what are you doing in my mirror? Can't you act more like a normal person and knock before entering my washroom?" he asked.

Miss Ghost blinked her eyes innocently. "Xingcheng, I am a ghost. I can't knock."

Pei Xingcheng: "....."

He coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment and glared at her. "So what? You can't knock, but you can speak, right? You could have called me before entering my washroom. What if, what if I was naked and or doing something else, you shameless ghost!"

Miss Ghost: "...."

She rolled her eyes slowly. "I knew you weren't doing anything else."

Pei Xingcheng narrowed his eyes. "How?"

"I could see right through that door," she answered.

"Really? That means you see through things?" he asked, his eyes seemingly curious.

Miss Ghost nodded.

Seeing her nod, a weird thought crossed his mind and he quickly covered his naked chest with his hands. But then thinking that she has already seen his chest, he lowered his hands to cover his private parts and looked at her strangely.

"Does that mean you can see right through my clothes?"

"What?!" Miss Ghost was confused. Seeing his strange and funny action, she quickly realized what he meant and she shook her head. "No! Ofcourse not!" she told him.

"Oh! Thank God," he breathed a sigh of relief and removed his hand.

".... because there is nothing to see there anyways," Miss Ghost continued.

Pei Xingcheng: "!!!!"

Immediately, his face turned red and his eyes glared at her. "Hey, what do you, a ghost knows anyways? There is a... No! Wait, why am I even talking to you about this?"

"How would I know?" Miss Ghost smiled and blinked her eyes innocently. "Maybe, you got hit on your hard that not only you lost your memories but you also started to speak nonsense."

"Shut up!" Pei Xingcheng glared at her.

"What the hell are you doing here anyway?" he asked. Then he narrowed his eyes and stared at her who was still inside the mirror. "How did you know that I lived here?"

"I followed you."

"What?! But why?"

Miss Ghost smiled and came out of the mirror. "Starting today, I am going to live here."

"But this is my home," he said to her.

"I know," Miss Ghost nodded. "And, from today onwards, this is my home too. Infact, your room is my room, your bed is my bed, your washroom is my washroom, and -"

"No, no, no," Pei Xingcheng interrupted her harshly and glared at her. "No! This is my home, my bed, and my washroom. You cannot live here. You go back to your home."

Suddenly, Miss Ghost's smile fell and she blinked her eyelashes unhappily. "But, I don't have a home...."