
Pei Xingcheng's heart skipped a beat.

Noticing her sad look, Pei Xingcheng's heart began to ache. The look on her face was that of a heartbroken pet who was abandoned by his master.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand with the intention to caress her furry little head, but upon realizing that it was not a furry little animal's head but a pretty ghost's head, he pulled his hand back abruptly.

"Hey, don't be sad. If you want, you can stay here for the time being," he told her.

Immediately, Miss Ghost cheered up and her eyes lit up. "Really?"

He nodded, wondering whether he was going to regret this decision in the future or not.

"Thank you, Xingcheng." Miss Ghost thanked him.

Seeing the small smile on her face, Pei Xingcheng felt relieved. But then thinking that one more person was going to stay with him, he quickly decided to set some rules. "Look, I agreed to let you stay here but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. I have some rules that you have to follow. Do you understand?"

Miss Ghost nodded slowly.

Pei Xingcheng hummed. "First rule. You can't go anywhere near my bed."

"But why?"

"What do you mean by why? Because it's my bed!" he blinked his eyes incredulously. "Moreover, why would you want to go on my bed? You are a ghost, you don't sleep."

Miss Ghost raised her brows mischievously. "And how do you know that?"

"T-that... that's how is it shown in the movies and dramas," he muttered in a low voice.

"Well, then you need to stop believing in everything you see about a ghost in a movie or a drama," she smiled lightly. "Everything you know about a ghost is going to change, now that you have started living with me."

Pei Xingcheng frowned, and his eyes were intrigued. "Does that mean ghosts can sleep too?"

Miss Ghost looked at him and smiled. "No."

Pei Xingcheng: ???

(You could have said so earlier. What was the need to waste his time?)

Taking a deep breath, he decided to make his point clear. "I don't care whether you can sleep or not. You are not going anywhere near my bed. If you want to sleep, you can sleep on the big couch in the room."

"Okay," Miss Ghost agreed casually. "What's the next rule?"

"Since you are in my home, you have to be obedient to me."

Miss Ghost raised her brows and asked, "Do you think I am your slave?"

"No," he shook his head. "But, if you want to stay here, then you have to do everything I say and you can't go against me."

"Okay, okay," Miss Ghost waved her hand perfunctorily and asked for the next rule. As for whether she was going to obey them or not was something that only time could tell.

Pei Xingcheng gave her a side look and told her his next rule. "The next rule is very important to me. You, you have to follow this rule strictly."

Miss Ghost nodded, her eyes narrowed slowly wondering what kind of rule this man would make for her.

"The last and the more important rule is that you can't peep at me. You can't enter my washroom when I am in the washroom. You can't look at me when I am naked, shirtless, or with a bath towel around my waist."

Hearing this, Miss Ghost was dumbfounded. "Are you serious?"

Pei Xingcheng nodded his head.

"Fine, fine, I won't look at you when you are naked, shirtless, or with a towel wrapped around your waist. Happy?"

Pei Xingcheng nodded with a little smile on his face. It was like finally getting rid of a pervert who was bent on harassing you. Seeing this, Miss Ghost sneered coldly and the corner of her mouth showed a small dimple.

She crossed her arms over his chest, raked her eyes over his shirtless figure, and mocked, "You don't have anything to worry about. Why would I look at you anyway? You are nothing compared to Wei Chen."

Pei Xingcheng: "........"

"Your body is not as good as his body. Hah! Your muscles.... well, they don't even compare to his. And your abs, well, forget it. There is nothing too good to talk about your abs."

Pei Xingcheng looked down at his body seriously. He didn't see any problem with his body. Infact, he thought that his body looked even hotter than before. The muscles were firm and tight, which indicated that he worked out every day in these forgotten past three years.

"Why can't you talk about my abs? What's wrong with them? Look, how firm and nice they are," he said while touching one of his abs.

Seeing that, a slight smile flashed through Miss Ghost's eyes but it was just for a fleeting second. "But they are not as good as Wei Chen's."

Pei Xingcheng's heart felt wronged.

The one thing that Pei Xingcheng has always been proud of since his youthful age was his handsome face and his body. All the women in his college used to compete with each other just to be with him and to take a look at his sexy body.

And, yet, this woman in front of him was telling him that his body wasn't as good-looking as some other guy's body.

How could such a comment go down well with a man who's been always proud of his looks?

"Who is this Wei Chen?!" he asked her immediately, inadvertently looking my a jealous boyfriend mad about his girlfriend praising another man.

Suddenly, he felt envious of the man she admired. He wanted to see who this Wei Chen was and wanted to compare with him to see who was the better man among them.

"Why should I tell you?" she looked at him playfully.

Pei Xingcheng narrowed his brows. "Because this is my house."


"So, you have to answer my every question," he said rightfully.

Miss Ghost snorted lightly. "I don't have to do that. There is no rule as such."

"Starting now, it is," he wiggled his eyebrows smartly.

Miss Ghost smiled suddenly and her face brightened up. She moved closer to the man and looked at him attentively. "Want to know who Wei Chen is?"

Pei Xingcheng hummed.