
Sensing his intrigue and curiosity, the corner of Miss Ghost's lips curled up. "Come closer."

Pei Xingcheng moved a little closer.

"More," she instructed.

Pei Xingcheng gave her a look but his feet obeyed her command. In his heart, he had already thought that this Wei Chen must be some actor, singer, or model otherwise, this pervert ghost wouldn't be salivating after his body.

Now, he was standing extremely close to Miss Ghost. His body was slightly slanted, and his ears stood inclined towards her.

"Wei Chen is....."

"Wei Chen is?"



"figment of imagination!" she chuckled and quickly disappeared from his sight.

Pei Xingcheng: "....."

Pei Xingcheng: "!!!!"

"You, you, you, intolerant woman... I mean ghost," he exploded immediately, his face turning red and green from anger. "How dare you! You blind woman... I mean ghost! Do you have eyes on your face or buttons? How dare you say that some figment of imagination looks better than a alive and healthy man?!"

Standing outside the cold door, Miss Ghost listened to Pei Xingcheng's wonderful scolding. For a slight second, she almost forget that she was a ghost and that she was dead.

Interacting with Pei Xincheng brought her back to those days when they met each other and were constantly bickering with each other. Recalling those beautiful memories, there was a smile on her face, but yet, it could not hide the sadness and pain in her eyes.

If she could cry, she would have cried her heart out.

This was hurting her so much. To be in front of the man she loved, to pretend that she doesn't know him, to see that he doesn't remember her, to know that he has forgotten all about her.

How much she desired to be human again, to hug him, to be with him, to hold his hand and to touch his lips, and to tell him that yes, he is the sexiest man alive.

The pain was immense and yet, there was a slight comfort in this pain. Just the fact that he could see her, and talk to her was enough for her.


After a long while, Pei Xincheng came out of the washroom. However, the moment he looked at his bed, his feet stopped. He dropped the towel and dragged his injured self towards the bed.

"You, you, you, Miss Ghost what are you doing?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Are you blind?" Miss Ghost asked. "I'm sleeping," she answered him casually without opening her eyes.

Pei Xingcheng scwoled angrily. "Ofcourse, I can see that you are sleeping but why are you sleeping on my bed?" he yelled. "The rules clearly state that you can't sleep on my bed!"

"Well, I don't care about your stupid rules."

"What?" Pei Xingcheng glared at her immediately. "If you don't care about my rules, then leave my house right now!"

"Why should I?" Miss Ghost argued back. "I like it here. I like this bed, it's comfy."

"Ofcourse, it is," Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but agree more. "But this is my bed, you need to leave. I don't share my bed with anyone unless I am sleeping...."

Miss Ghost raised her brows.

Pei Xingcheng coughed slightly and paused. "Look, what I am saying is that if you want to sleep, go sleep on that couch. This bed is mine."

Miss Ghost looked at him, then looked at the small couch and turned over to the other side, showing her back to Pei Xingcheng. His eyes widened on seeing her stubbornness, but he wasn't the one to give up.

He limped over to the other side and glared at her decisively. "Miss Ghost, get out of my bed."

"No!" she spoke and turned to the other side.

Seeing this, Pei Xingcheng's heart was full of anger. Yet, he limped over to face her. "You, you, you.... why are you so stubborn? This is my bed. Get out of her. It's against the rules!"

Miss Ghost chuckled. "Well, rules are made to break them."

Pei Xingcheng's eyes widened immediately. "That means you lied to me in the washroom?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"That means you don't care about my rules?"


"You will do what you want regardless of whether I approve of it or not?"

"Yes." she nodded again.

Pei Xingcheng: "........"

Miss Ghost saw the broken look on his face and her heart softened. She decided to stop teasing him and got out of bed. "Fine, fine, don't cry like a baby. I am leaving!"

Pei Xingcheng felt offended. "Hey, I am a man! I don't cry!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Miss Ghost rolled her eyes and vanished immediately.

Seeing her gone, Pei Xingcheng didn't feel strange anymore. He got used to it. However, troubled by the ghost's antics, he decided to look for solutions to get rid of this ghost. Though he felt that Miss Ghost was quite harmless, but he can't have a female ghost hovering over his head wherever he went.

He has to get rid of her. Otherwise, his life would be troubled.

With this thought, Pei Xingcheng lied down on his bed, covered himself with the duvet, and closed his eyes.


The next morning, as the sun timidly peeked through the curtains, Pei Xingcheng found himself in a murky haze of dreams, half-awake and half-asleep. He lay in the bed, tangled in a web of blankets, his hair standing up like a wayward porcupine.

A series of sudden knocks woke him up. "What is it?" he yelled in a low sleepy voice.

"Second Master Pei, everyone is waiting for you downstairs." A servant informed him.

"Okay, I am coming...." he replied.

Groggily rubbing his eyes, he got out of his bed and walked towards the washroom. Twisting the handle, he entered inside his luxurious washroom when suddenly, he heard a female yell.

"Ahhhhhhhh... pervert, pervert, pervert!"

Within seconds, Pei Xingcheng's sleep was gone. He opened his eyes and quickly looked around. "Where is the pervert? Where is the pervert? Why are you shouting?"

"You are the pervert!" Miss Ghost shouted angrily.

Pei Xingcheng: "???"

"Pei Xingcheng, where are your manners? How can you enter someone's washroom without knocking? I am a female and what if I was doing something in here?" she asked rightfully.

"Are you?" he asked with a blank look.

"No," she shook her head, "but I could be." Then giving him a weird look, she said, "I didn't know that you have such perverted behavior!"

"You are a ghost!" he deadpanned with a blank look.