
Miss Ghost just stared at him. "So?"

"You don't need to take a bath, you don't need to do skincare, you don't have the urge to pee or poop, then what are you doing in the washroom so early in the morning?" he questioned through gritted teeth.

It was only the first morning of the first day, and this ghost was already testing his patience.

"You are correct," Miss Ghost said quietly, nodding. "However, that doesn't give you the right to barge into this washroom while I'm using it."

"Using it to do what?" He almost yelled. "You are a ghost!"


"That means to get the hell out of my washroom, you stupid and idiotic ghost!!!" he shouted through clenched teeth.

Pei Xingcheng was on the verge of tearing his hair out. Enraged, he could feel his entire bloodstream boiling beneath his veins. At the same time, he realized there was no point in arguing with a ghost, much less someone who was so irrational.

Miss Ghost: ???

Miss Ghost was taken aback by his enraged yell. She didn't think she'd done anything wrong. Instead, she gave him a strange look when she saw Pei Xingcheng angry so early in the morning. "Oh god, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry? Is this some sequela from your accident?"

"If that's the case, you should see a good doctor and get yourself treated," she added with genuine care and worry in her eyes. "You know, excessive anger is bad for your health. People grow wrinkles on their faces at a young age."

"What's more, you're an actor; therefore, you should take better care of your skin, Xingcheng!"

Pei Xingcheng saw her genuine care; he felt like crying but had no tears. He pointed to the door and said, "Get out!"

Miss Ghost was perplexed. "What?"

"I said, 'Get out!"

"Are you telling me to leave?" Miss Ghost inquired innocently, pointing to herself. She was perplexed and didn't understand why he was so angry.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, his teeth clenched.

As it became apparent that the man was growing increasingly agitated, Miss Ghost decided to leave. However, before departing, she felt inclined to offer him a piece of her mind.

Humph! Who is he to tell her to get out of his washroom?

"My goodness, it seems as though being kind to others is no longer considered a virtue," she remarked discontentedly. "Let me tell you something; feel free to remain angry. Feel free to let the wrinkles etch themselves onto your face."

"Do not come running to me when your fans abandon you due to your ugly appearance." she mocked.

Without waiting for a response, she vanished from sight.

Pei Xingcheng cursed angrily when he saw the empty space. "Argh! You are hideous! Your entire family is hideous! You illogical stupid ghost!"

However, his mood soon shifted as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. Recalling the ghost's words, he did not forget to inspect his appearance in the mirror. A smile crept onto his face as he admired his smooth and blemish-free complexion. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, thinking to himself, "Humph! She is simply envious of my nice looks!"

With that, he removed all thoughts of that annoying ghost from his mind and continued with his routine.


After taking a refreshing shower, Pei Xingcheng decided to check his room for Miss Ghost. Thankfully, she was nowhere to be found. He then called for a servant to assist him in getting dressed. As he admired his appearance in the mirror, he couldn't resist taking a quick selfie to show his fans on Weibo how well he was recovering.

As soon as the image was uploaded, a flurry of likes and comments flooded the post. The comments were primarily centered around his well-being, with individuals inquiring about his health and urging him to rest and recuperate promptly.

A few of his female fans conveyed their apprehension about his condition by using crying emojis. Despite his wounds and bandages, he also received numerous compliments on his appearance.

Pei Xingchneg's face lit up as he went through some of the comments. It made him happy to see their love and response. This had always been his dream, and it had finally come true. At the same time, it reawakened his fighting spirit, making him eager to recover as soon as possible.

Upon receiving aid from his servant, Pei Xingcheng gracefully descended the stairs and was greeted by the sight of his brother, Pei Qinshan, seated at the head of a meticulously arranged dining table. Pei Qinshan exuded an air of authority and refinement, with his immaculately tailored suit and impeccably groomed hair.

Seated next to his big brother was none other than their mother, Ruan Suqing. Her long, slender digits held a beautifully crafted bone china teacup, which she cradled with utmost care and finesse. The fragrant scent of Earl Grey tea wafted through the air, as she reveled in the delightful aroma.

"Morning, Xingcheng," Pei Qinshan greeted his brother with a warm smile.

"Morning, big brother," Pei Xingcheng replied as he moved towards the dinner table. "Good morning, Mother," he said to his mother.

Ruan Suqing nodded slightly, mostly ignoring his presence as usual.

Pei Xingcheng's smile vanished. The next moment, his pupils dilated as he suddenly became aware of Miss Ghost's presence next to his mother. Her wide grin only added to his confusion and surprise. Unable to contain his astonishment, he blurted out, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Everyone in the hall was taken aback by Pei Xingcheng's unexpected response. Pei Qinshan and Ruan Suqing were both shocked, but the latter quickly became enraged upon realizing that Pei Xingcheng was addressing her. He had been looking in her direction, after all.

Ruan Suqing coldly arched her eyebrows at Pei Xingcheng and demanded, "Are you suggesting that I leave, Xingcheng?"

"Of course not, Mother!" Pei Xingcheng quickly apologized after realizing his error.

Miss Ghost laughed out loud when she saw this.

"Don't laugh!" he yelled again.

Ruan Suqing: "......"

Pei Qinshan: "........"