Visiting the ancestral grave - I

Pei Xingcheng, feeling embarrassed and humiliated after a terrible breakfast, couldn't wait to leave and be alone in his room. He was eager to reprimand Miss Ghost and tell her to get lost from his life.

However, just as he was about to exit the dining room, his elder brother stopped him. "Xingcheng, get ready. We are going to visit someone," he said, without explaining who they would meet or why.

Pei Xingcheng was confused by this sudden change of plans and expressed his confusion with a slight frown.

"He's taking you out to find your lost brain," mocked Miss Ghost, adding to the confusion with a slight chuckle.

Pei Xingcheng glared at her before turning to his brother and asking, "Brother, where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Pei Qinshan replied mysteriously.

He was worried that Miss Ghost's words might come true, so he looked at his older brother hesitantly. However, before he could ask anything, his elder brother stood up from his chair and instructed the housekeeper to prepare a plate for their mother. Then, he proceeded to walk upstairs to their mother's room.

Housekeeper Xu quickly attended to the task.

Pei Xingcheng realized he had missed his chance and had to give up. He returned to his room with the help of a servant, expecting Miss Ghost to follow him. However, she was nowhere to be found when he reached his room.

He asked the servant to leave and waited for her, but she never showed up. After waiting for a while, Pei Xingcheng decided to get ready. Although he didn't know where his elder brother was taking him, he hoped it wasn't to see a doctor.

Half an hour later, Pei Xingcheng was seated in the front passenger seat of a luxurious car his brother was driving. It had been precisely thirty minutes since they embarked on their journey. The vehicle was occupied by the two brothers and Miss Ghost, who was sitting in the backseat in a strange, floating manner.

As they traveled, several bodyguards followed them in different vehicles, one leading the way while the other trailed behind, keeping a close eye on the surroundings.

Pei Xingcheng caught a glimpse of Miss Ghost through the rearview mirror and gave her an angry look.

Miss Ghost noticed his expression and taunted him, "What? Got your panties in a twist?"

Pei Xingcheng remained silent and continued to stare at her with hostility, knowing that he couldn't talk to her in front of his brother. He didn't want to commit the same mistake thrice.

Miss Ghost laughed, "If you keep staring like that, your eyes might fall out of their sockets."

"You!" Pei Xingcheng snorted in response.

Pei Qinshan, who was driving, heard Pei Xingcheng's voice and asked him if he had said something. Pei Xingcheng angrily rolled his eyes at Miss Ghost and then looked at his big brother.

"Big brother, where are we going?" he asked.

"To meet someone," Pei Qinshan informed.

"Who?" Pei Xingcheng inquired with a puzzling look. Thinking of what happened at the dinner table, he couldn't help but ask his brother. "Big brother, are you taking me to a doctor?"

Pei Qinshan looked at him for a second and smiled. "Yes."

Hearing that, Miss Ghost laughed in the back seat. "Yo, finally, something to look forward to."

Pei Xingcheng couldn't bear her words any longer and yelled angrily, "You shut up!"

Startled by his younger brother's sudden outburst, Pei Qinshan looked at him with concern and asked, "Xingcheng, are you okay? What's going on with you?"

"I-I... I mean, nothing... Big brother, please don't take me to the doctor. I'm fine, trust me!" He begged, feeling like he had no other choice.

What could he possibly explain to his older brother?

What could he say?

He definitely couldn't tell him that he was being annoyed by a stupid female ghost. If he did, his older brother would surely have him admitted to a mental hospital.

"Big brother, please, please, please, don't take me to a doctor," he begged.

"Okay, okay, I was just kidding. I am not taking you to a doctor, Xingcheng. Calm down," Pei XIngcheng said when he saw the nervousness and agitation in his younger brother's eyes.

"Then where are we going?"

"To our ancestral cemetery," Pei Qinshan answered.

Pei Xingcheng nodded silently. He was fine as long as he wasn't going to the doctor.

After the brief pause, they embarked on a twenty-minute journey to their family's ancestral grave. The Pei Family ancestors purchased the plot a long time ago, and since then, every deceased Pei family member has been laid to rest there. It was a place of family heritage and tradition, a sacred ground for the Pei family.

As they arrived at the ancestral grave, Pei Xingcheng and his brother, Pei Qinshan, stepped out of the car and began to walk inside. At first, Pei Xingcheng assumed that they were visiting their father's grave, but to his surprise, his older brother was leading him toward another gravestone. The newly erected tomb was unmistakably fresh, and Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but wonder who was buried there.

Standing before the grave, Pei Xingcheng asked, "Big brother, whose grave is this?"

The question lingered in the air, and Pei Xingcheng could feel the weight of the moment.

"Your manager," Pei Qinshan answered weekly.

"My manager?" Pei Xingcheng frowned slowly.

Although he couldn't recall her, he had acquired a great deal of information about her. She was a competent and competitive woman who had aided him substantially during his difficult times. She helped him advance his career in the acting industry by providing him with many excellent scripts. He held a great deal of respect for her in his heart.

However, there was a question that nagged at him. "Brother, why is my manager's grave located here? I mean, she isn't a member of the Pei family," he inquired.

Pei Qinshan was anticipating this question; fortunately, he had already prepared an answer. "She used to be your manager. She was an orphan, and I treated her like a younger sister. Since no one else was to look after her, I decided to let her rest here in peace."

"That was a wise decision, big brother."