You cannot fall in love with my big brother

Pei Xingcheng stood in front of a grave and experienced a strange sensation.

As he gazed upon the grave, he noticed a large cloth draped over it, concealing the name of the person who was buried there. He furrowed his brow and turned to his older brother, seeking an explanation. "Big brother, why is this grave covered with a cloth?" he asked, pointing towards the grave. 

Pei Qinshan anticipated his brother's inquiry and had already prepared an answer. "Xingcheng, it was her last wish," he said, feeling a pang of guilt for lying to his brother. 

"Her last wish?" Xingcheng repeated, still puzzled. He looked at his brother with a questioning gaze, silently urging him to elaborate.

Pei Qinshan took a deep breath before continuing. "She wanted to be remembered for the person she was, not for her name," he explained, his voice softening. "The cloth is a symbol of her wish to remain anonymous, even in death."

Pei Xingcheng listened intently, absorbing his brother's words. Though it didn't make any sense to him, however, since this was his manager's last wish, he respected it. 

He burned some incense, paid his respects to the deceased, and then rose to his feet. He looked over at his brother and asked, "Shall we go now, big brother?" 

However, his brother didn't answer him. He stood there watching the grave calmly, with a weird expression on his face that he couldn't understand. 

Many questions arose in Pei Xingcheng's mind. 

Was his former manager his brother's so-called sister? 

Why did it feel that this was not the case? For some reason, he felt as if his big brother was hiding something from him. But what could it be? 

"Big brother?" he called again.

"Xingcheng, go and sit in the car. I will be there in a few minutes," answered Pei Qinshan.

Pei Xingcheng furrowed his brow slightly. He sensed that something was amiss with his brother, possibly related to the grave or the person buried there. He wanted to inquire but then decided against it.

"Okay," he replied and turned to leave the ancestral graveyard.

As he approached the car, he noticed Miss Ghost standing beside it. She was staring attentively at his elder brother. Instantly, his mind was filled with alarm bells, and he started to feel a sense of crisis.

Oh no! Has this Miss Ghost taken a fancy to his brother? 

"Miss Ghost, why are you staring at my big brother?" he asked.

Miss Ghost remained silent, not giving any answer to Pei Xingcheng's question. Worried, he moved closer to her and called out to her in a low voice, "Miss Ghost, please stop staring at my brother."

Yet, she still gave no response, ignoring him completely.

Pei Xingcheng's anxiety turned to annoyance and he stood right in front of her. With a cold snort, he warned her viciously, "Stop staring at my big brother! I am telling you he is off limits."

Miss Ghost: "......" 

"I'm sorry, what?!" she exclaimed, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she finally responded to his words. Her eyes, a striking shade of grey, stared at him with a mix of curiosity and confusion.

Pei Xingcheng's heart skipped a beat for some inexplicable reason. From the moment he met her, he knew that Miss Ghost was an incredibly attractive woman, but in that moment, she looked absolutely breathtaking. He couldn't stop himself from admiring her beauty. 

"You...," he began to speak, but his words faltered as he struggled to form a coherent sentence.

"What did you just say?!" she asked, again out of confusion. 

Immediately, Pei Xingcheng snapped out of his daze and coughed slightly, feeling embarrassed. He could see the confusion in her eyes and couldn't help but curse himself inwardly for being so distracted by her appearance.

What the hell, Xingcheng! 

Don't forget she is a ghost! A vicious stupid troublemaking ghost! How could you feel that she is beautiful?

Humph! She must be seducing him with hauntingly beautiful grey eyes! 

"Stop staring at my brother! He's is off limits!" he glared at her. "I don't allow you to fall in love with him." 

Miss Ghost: "........" 

As soon as she heard his words, an intense feeling of anger surged through her body. She could feel the corner of her lips twitching and an immense urge to beat the man in front of her came to mind.

How could he even think that she would fall in love with Big Brother Pei? Was he crazy?

"Xingcheng, tell me something honestly. Did you really lose your brain in the accident?" she retorted back with a cold voice, her eyes locked onto his. 

Pei Xingcheng: "........" 

Pei Xingcheng was feeling incredibly frustrated. "Y-you, you, you...." He could feel his entire body trembling with anger at her words. He even raised his finger with the intention of poking her forehead, but then he remembered that he couldn't touch her. He quickly lowered his hand and warned her, "I'm telling you, you can't fall in love with my big brother."

As she looked at him, a smile suddenly came onto her lips. Pei Xingcheng immediately felt goosebumps all over his body and stuttered, "W-why are you staring at me like that?" 

She replied, "Xingcheng, an early mental stage can still be treated. Seek help before it's too late," suggesting with a tone that implied she was saying it for his own good.

"Shut up, I am not a mentally retard," he hissed angrily

"Every mentally retard says that. No worries we still have time to treat you," she said and disappeared from his sight. 

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Don't you dare come in front of me you stupid mental ghost!!!!

Pei Xingcheng's body trembled with rage as he leaned against the car. His face was a deep shade of red, and his eyes glared with a murderous gaze that could make anyone shiver.

"How in the world did I end up in this damn situation?" he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. The more he thought about Miss Ghost, the more it got clear to him that needed to do something to make her leave him forever. 

Because he realized that if this continued, then he would surely go crazy with anger or with madness.