Ghostly good luck charm

Two months passed by in a flash.

Pei Xingcheng had been recovering for two months now and every day brought him closer to a full recovery. With the help of skilled doctors, a range of medications, therapy sessions, and a strict exercise regimen, he was making steady progress toward regaining his health.

Unfortunately, his mother still hated his presence and hence, he chose to stay in his room. He spent most of his time practicing his acting skills, taking selfies for his fans, and being tormented by Miss Ghost. 

As he struggled to get back on his feet, his elder brother was consumed by his investigation into the person who was targeting Pei Xingcheng. Despite his best efforts, he had hit a wall and could not find any leads. Every avenue he pursued turned out to be a dead end, leaving him with no choice but to beef up security around his brother. It was the only way to keep Pei Xingcheng safe from any further attempts on his life. 

As for Miss Ghost was having a great time in her life. Each day, she would come up with new ways to embarrass or trouble Pei Xingcheng. Along with that, she was also waiting for the person who wanted to harm Pei Xingcheng to make a move. However, to her surprise, the last two months had been remarkably peaceful.

After receiving a positive assessment from his doctor, Pei Xingcheng immediately resolved to resume his acting career. As he prepped in his room, his eyes fell upon Miss Ghost, who was deeply engrossed in a drama streaming on his phone. When she sensed his gaze, she asked, without turning her head, "What's up?" 

"What are your plans for the day?" he inquired curiously. 

"I'm going to follow you," she replied enthusiastically, still staring intently at the screen.

"No!" he immediately objected, striding over to her. "You can't come with me."

"Why not?" she queried.

"Today is a crucial and important day for me, and I don't want you to-"

"Since it's such an important day, I must be there to support you as your lucky charm," she interjected.

Pei Xingcheng's eyes narrowed as he heard her words.

No, thank you, he thought in his heart. He didn't want such a ghostly good luck charm.

Today was a big day for him. he was finally starting to shoot the new movie that he had signed before his accident. The shoot was supposed to start much earlier, but it had to be delayed because of his unfortunate incident. 

Ever since he met the ghost, she had been nothing but trouble. She seemed to have a knack for popping up at the wrong time and making him react in strange ways. Whether it was in front of his mother, his big brother, or even the servants, the ghost always seemed to be around, causing chaos and confusion. 

This was also one of the reasons why, he chose to stay in his room most of the time. He was embarrassed to face them, as he knew they were all thinking that something was wrong with him because of the accident. He didn't want anyone to know about the ghost's presence, as he didn't want to be labeled as crazy or delusional.

Although he tried to get rid of the ghost, he wasn't successful. He sought help from Taoist priests who claimed to deal with supernatural occurrences, but they turned out to be scammers. His failure only made her laugh at him, considering him foolish for falling for such fraudulent people. As a result, he had to abandon his attempts to get rid of her and focus on other matters.

"Miss Ghost, would you mind not coming with me?" Pei Xingcheng asked, trying to sound gentle.

He knew that if she accompanied him, he wouldn't be able to shoot properly. He cared about maintaining his image and didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the entire crew and set.

Miss Ghost looked up from her phone, raising her eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you so insistent on this matter? What will happen if I come with you?" she inquired.

"I will be embarrassed," Pei Xingcheng muttered under his breath.

Hearing that, Miss Ghost narrowed her eyes and floated towards him. "Xingcheng, what did you say?"

Pei Xingcheng took a step back and sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Look, today is a very important day for me, and I don't want you to ruin it for me," he explained.

"Do you mean that I ruin things for you?" Miss Ghost asked, looking at him innocently with wide eyes as if she couldn't believe he would make such an accusation. 

"Well, don't you?" he retorted, sneering. 

Miss Ghost shrugged helplessly and said, "Well, I was training you." 

"Training me for what?" he asked suspiciously. 

"For reflex," Miss Ghost grinned, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Pei Xingcheng: "......" 

Good lord, why did he even bother to talk to her?

He couldn't help but let out a groan inwardly as he caught sight of the smile on her face, knowing full well that he should have been prepared for such a nonsensical answer from her. Frustrated and unable to deal with it any longer, he quickly picked up his phone, turned his back to her, and left the room without another word.

"Xingcheng, wait for me..." came a feminine shout from his room, but he ignored it completely, knowing fully well that even if he didn't answer her, she would still follow him.

As he descended the stairs, he noticed his mother casually flipping through a magazine. He greeted her politely and was surprised when she asked him where he was headed.

"I have a movie shoot today," he answered slowly. 

"Be careful then," she said to him.

Pei Xingcheng's eyes widened with surprise. This was a rare moment of motherly concern that he had never experienced before. This was probably the first time where she might have cared about him. 

Hence, he couldn't help but smile at her. "I will take care of myself, mother."