Don't ignore me!

When Ruan Suqing looked at him, she immediately noticed the broad smile spread across his face. Disgust flashed through her eyes, and her lips curled into a mocking smile. "Don't think too much," she sneered coldly. "I don't want you to be killed just because I don't want my son to doubt me again."

Her words hit him like a ton of bricks, crushing his happiness instantly. His smile faded, and he lowered his eyes, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over him.

"Yes, mother. I will be careful," he responded quietly, his voice laced with sadness.

Ruan Suqing waved her hand dismissively as if shooing away a disgusting fly. "You may leave now," she said in a tone that made it clear that she wanted him gone.

Pei Xingcheng's heart sank as he felt extremely sad. He clenched his fist and started to walk away from his mother, but suddenly, he stopped and turned back to face her.

"Mother," he called out to her in a low voice. 

Ruan Suqing looked up at him coldly.

"Mother, elder brother didn't mean to doubt you. Please don't be upset about this matter. Elder brother loves you very much, and you are more important to him than I am," he explained. "Moreover, I understand that no matter how much you dislike me, you will never kill me. If you wanted to, you would have done so a long time ago."

With a final turn, he strode out of the hall, leaving Ruan Suqing alone with her thoughts. At that moment, she almost crumpled the magazine tightly in her hand, the sound of tearing pages echoing in her ears. The words of Pei Xincheng lingered in her mind, taunting her like a venomous snake.

She didn't believe that he was speaking on behalf of her son, but instead, she felt that he was making fun of her. He was taunting her, suggesting that her son trusted him more than he trusted his own mother.

As this thought crossed her mind, sadness flickered across her eyes. "Even this scoundrel knows I'll never kill him, but my son doubts me. Can any mother be more unfortunate than I am?" she whispered mournfully before closing her eyes.


Pei Xingcheng opened the door to his car and stepped into the backseat. He wasn't surprised to find Miss Ghost sitting there, waiting for him. When she saw him, she flashed him a big smile, but he didn't return the gesture. Instead, he decided to take a rest and closed his eyes.

Miss Ghost noticed his lack of response and frowned slightly. "Hey, are you ignoring me?" she asked.

He didn't answer, and that made Miss Ghost even more worried. She moved closer and asked, "Xingcheng, talk to me. Are you ignoring me?"

Still, he remained silent, ignoring her. 

Miss Ghost pouted. She didn't like being ignored, especially by the person she loved. "Xingcheng, are you upset with me?" she asked, moving closer.

He remained silent.

She pouted her lips and moved to sit next to him. "Please don't ignore me. Talk to me. I promise to be obedient and not embarrass you."

Pei Xingcheng opened his eyes and glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. He quickly touched a button on the side with his pinky finger, and a partition rolled up in the car to separate the backseat from the front. "Can I really trust you?" he asked.

Miss Ghost nodded immediately and patted her chest. "Ofcourse, you can trust me. I promise you." 

"And what if you break your promise?" 

Miss Ghost answered immediately, "I will not break my promise." 

"Please, I got to know you very well in these two months. You never stick to your words," he sneered. 

"Am I so unreliable that you can't trust my words?" 

"Aren't you?" he mocked. 

Miss Ghost: "........" 

As he expressed his doubts, she pursed her lips in disbelief. She couldn't understand why he had such an unreliable image of her in his mind. But then, she recalled the mischief she had been up to in the past two months and decided to let it go. 

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes. "I will stick to my words this time."

Pei Xingcheng looked at her and nodded, "Okay, that means you will not disturb me today." 

"Yes, yes," she nodded. 

"You will not embarrass me," he continued. 

"Yes, yes," she nodded again. 

"You will be obedient and listen to everything that I say," he said. 

"Yes, yes," she agreed again. 

"And, if you don't, you will leave my house forever," he added. 

"Yes, yes," Miss Ghost nodded readily, agreeing to his words, but then, she finally reacted. Glancing at him, she raised her brows. "What? No! Never! I am not leaving that house. That's my house, too." 

Pei Xingcheng snorted while rolling his eyes. 

Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. "You just want me to leave, right?" 

"Yes," he admitted. "I just want you to leave." 

Miss Ghost's eyes widened with anger. She pointed a finger at him and hissed furiously."You, you, you... Xingcheng, I never knew that you were such a cruel man. Is your heart made of stone? How could you let me, such a pitiful little beautiful homeless ghost, stay on the streets? What if I get bullied?" 

Pei Xingcheng: "......." 

Pitiful? From which angle?

Miss Ghost, are you sure you know the meaning of the word pitiful? Everyone who stays with you is pitiful, okay? 

Also, who is going to bully you? You are the bully who is bullying him at every turn. 

"Does your heart not hurt when you say such cruel and harsh words to me?" she sniffled, trying to wipe her imaginary tears.

Pei Xingcheng: "........"

What are you trying to wipe? There are no tears on your face.

Miss Ghost spoke without any knowledge of the inner turmoil in Pei Xingcheng's mind. "I thought that during these days I have stayed with you, our relationship has grown closer, and I hoped you would consider me a friend. But it seems like I was mistaken."

"You still considered me as your enemy and want to get rid of me. I feel so heartbroken, Xingcheng!" 

Pei Xingcheng: "........" 

Friendship with you? A ghost? No, thank you.