A horror movie

Miss Ghost watched his disappearing back, gave a slight 'tut,' and vanished on the spot. 

Pei Xingcheng stared at the aloof mansion that stood before him, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the gloomy surroundings. As he took his first steps towards it, he could feel his unease begin to grow. The air around him felt heavy and subdued, infused with an indescribable energy that sent shivers down his spine.

The gloomy surroundings seemed to close in around him, making him feel trapped. Despite his unease, he walked towards the mansion. As he approached the heavy wooden door, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

Was Miss Ghost really telling the truth? Is this an abandoned haunted mansion?

No! How can that be possible?

She is just messing with his mind, he snorted. 

However, if she is lying to him, then why does he feel so scared? Why is he sweating? And what is with this feeling of coldness around him?

With a small gulp, he pushed open the door, revealing a hauntingly beautiful hall. The entire place felt old and frail, with ornate chandeliers hanging precariously from the ceiling. The chandelier crystals reflected the faintest glimmer of light, casting eerie shadows on the walls adorned with faded portraits of long-forgotten ancestors. 

The intricate details of the chandeliers, the faded beauty of the portraits, and the grandeur of the hall itself left him breathless. As he ventured further into the hall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The eyes of the long-forgotten ancestors in the portraits seemed to follow him, unblinking and unnerving. The air was thick with the scent of age and dust, and he couldn't help but feel that he was intruding on something he shouldn't be.

As he walked further inside the hall, Pei Xingcheng noticed the crew members busily setting up cameras and lighting all around the vast space. The sight of people working around him made him feel more relaxed, and all his fears began to dissipate.

However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance towards Miss Ghost for lying to him and for instilling fear in his mind, despite knowing that he was scared of ghosts.

As soon as the movie director caught sight of him, he quickly made his way over to welcome him. "Ah, Xingcheng, how are you feeling now? Are you doing better?" the director asked, clearly concerned about his well-being.

"I am doing fine, Director Ye," he replied, flashing a charming smile. 

Director Ye expressed his relief at seeing Pei Xingcheng back on his feet. "Hearing the news of your accident, I was very worried, but seeing you here now, I feel happy," he said, laughing merrily.

"We will start shooting tonight so that you can rest in your room on the upper floor," he added. 

"Thank you, Director Ye," Pei Xingcheng replied. 

After the director left, Pei Xingcheng frowned slightly as he realized something. Wait, did the director say that they were going to shoot at night? Why are they shooting at night?

Does the movie require them to shoot at night? If he shoots at night, then what about his beauty sleep?

He immediately began to regret not going through the script before coming to the set. In his hurry to start acting, he forgot the basic thing to ask his new manager about the movie he was going to shoot. The only thing he knew was that he had signed this script before his accident.

Just as he started looking for his manager, a few crew members approached him, asking about his health, taking autographs, and clicking selfies with him. For Pei Xingcheng, who has lost his memory, this was quite a novel feeling. 

His heart was filled with joy as he took pictures with his fans and accepted their love and care. Suddenly, there was a cough from behind. "Okay, everyone, go back to work. Actor Pei needs to rest now," a voice said.

Pei Xingcheng turned around and saw that it was his manager, Tang Qin, standing behind him. He smiled upon seeing him and greeted him warmly." Hello, Tang Qin; it's great to see you at last." 

Tang Qin returned the smile and bowed respectfully. "Good afternoon, Mr. Pei."

Pei Xingcheng disapproved of the formal address and gestured for him to be more casual. "C'mon, don't be so formal, Tang Qin. I am young, so call me Xingcheng," he said.

"Alright, Xingcheng," Tang Qin agreed while adjusting his glasses. He handed over a set of papers to Pei Xingcheng. "Here's the movie script. We'll start the shooting tonight, so take some rest in your room and go through the script." 

"Since we'll be staying here for the next month, your bodyguards have already placed your luggage in your room."

"Thanks, Tang Qin," Pei Xingcheng replied, taking the script from him.

As they walked towards the stairs, Pei Xingcheng asked curiously, "But why are we shooting at night?"

"Your first scene requires the natural light of the moon, so the director decided to take advantage of it. Besides, the eerie environment of this place will enhance the effect on the screen," Tang Qin explained.

"I see," Pei Xingcheng said while looking around. "This place looks really creepy and spooky."

"Of course, it should look like this. It's a haunted mansion, abandoned and forgotten by the world. It has to live up to its name," he said with a hint of amusement.

Pei Xingcheng's eyes widened in surprise, his body freezing for a moment as the words sunk in. "The what?!"

"An abandoned haunted mansion," Tang Qin repeated and turned around to glance at his actor. Raising his brows, he asked slightly, "Don't you know? This place is quite famous for being haunted."

Pei Xingcheng: "......." 

No, does this face look like the face of someone who knows?

No, I don't know!!!!

Ahhh!!!!! This is really an abandoned haunted mansion..... Miss Ghost wasn't lying!!!!

Ahhhhh!!!!! Why the hell is he standing inside a haunted mansion????? 

"W-what.... what kind of movie am I shooting?" he asked. 

"A horror movie," the manager replied. 

Pei Xingcheng: "..........."