
Because of the darkness in the hallway, he was still unable to recognize that the ghost in front of him was Miss Ghost. Hence, he continued to cry out in fear. "Please, please, please don't kill me.... don't kill me... I am not even married yet, and I-I... I am too handsome to die..... woo....." 

His panicked voice echoed throughout the room as he cried. "Wooo... Miss Ghost, Miss Ghost, where are you? Save me, save me, Miss Ghost!!!!!" 

Miss Ghost couldn't resist a laugh at the sight of Pei Xingcheng's fear. "Xingcheng, if you keep screaming like that, you'll have the whole cast and crew thinking you're scared of ghosts," she teased him.

Pei Xingcheng, taken aback by her sudden appearance, opened his eyes wide and looked at her warily. "Miss Ghost, is it you?" he asked, trying to discern her features.

"It's me," she replied, stepping further inside the room. 

The moment she stepped inside the room, everything changed. The room, once cold and eerie, suddenly felt warm and welcoming. The flickering lights, which had been causing Pei Xingcheng's fear, stopped, and the sense of unease dissipated.

Seeing her, Pei Xingcheng was filled with relief and gratitude. It was as if his prayers had been answered. For some time, he had really thought that she would never return, but the sight of her was a great comfort to him. His eyes welled up with tears as he gazed at her, feeling that she was his savior. 

Overwhelmed by emotion, Pei Xingcheng ran towards her, wanting to hug her and stay close to her. However, as he reached out to touch her, he realized she was a ghost and could not touch her. He touched his nose in frustration but still remained close to her, in case the other ghost that was here in the room would return to haunt him. 

Miss Ghost chuckled at his reaction. "You are really scared, aren't you?" 

Pei Xingcheng, now a little embarrassed by his reaction, quickly regained his composure and replied, "No... I am not scared." 

"Really?" she asked, looking at him with playful eyes. "You are not scared at all?" 

Wanting to keep his face, Pei Xingcheng shook his head. "I-I... I am not afraid of anything."

She found his fear amusing, so she couldn't help but continue teasing him. "Not even of ghosts?" 

Pei Xingcheng shook his head. He was determined never to accept that he was scared of ghosts. Over the past few months, he had grown to know the woman well. He understood that she would continue teasing him relentlessly if she discovered his fear of ghosts.

"No. You are a ghost, and I have already seen you, so I am not afraid of ghosts," he replied. 

"Then why were you shouting and screaming?" 

Pei Xingcheng's cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "T-that... that... that....," as he thought for an excuse, his eyes fell on the script on the nightstand. Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he lied, "I was practicing for my scene."

"Oh," Miss Ghost nodded in understanding, not exposing him. "Since you are not scared of ghosts, I think I should take my leave." 

Pei Xingcheng: "........" 

"Leave? Leave where?" he inquired. 

Hiding the smile in her eyes, Miss Ghost said. "Pei Xingcheng, I understood your point and realized my mistake. I realized that I was wrong, and what you said to me in the car was correct." 

Pei Xingcheng: "........." (No! He takes that back. He was the one who was wrong!!! Just don't leave him alone here.)

He opened his mouth to correct her, but how could Miss Ghost let him have the opportunity to ruin her fun? She was having way too much fun teasing him. 

"You know, I've been thinking about it, and I believe I was wrong. You are a human being with your own life, dreams, and aspirations, while I am just a pitiful little ghost with no life and no memories. I shouldn't have stubbornly clung to you and caused trouble in your life."

"Starting today, I have decided not to bother you anymore. I will go far away from you and never appear in front of you again," she said, trying to look as pitiful as possible. 

Pei Xingcheng felt increasingly guilty as she continued to speak. He felt like a cruel, heartless villain harming a helpless ghost. As he realized she was just like him, a ghost with no memory, he began to feel remorseful about being so harsh on her. After all, she was just a ghost with no recollection of her past, and the pranks she played were quite harmless. 

"Miss Ghost, you -" 

Before he could speak, she interrupted him. "No, I understand. You don't have to say anything. I'll go now."

"No, you...." he began, but she cut him off again. 

"Goodbye, Pei Xingcheng. It was nice meeting you." 

Being interrupted again and again, Pei Xingcheng felt extremely irritated. At the same time, he was also guilty, and he didn't want her to leave him alone in this haunted room. 

"Miss Ghost, you don't have to leave," he said quickly, fearing that she would interrupt him again. 

"Huh?" Miss Ghost paused and looked behind. 

"Don't go," he pleaded gently. 

"But I have made trouble in your life. You asked me to leave," she said. 

"I was wrong," he said, "Infact, I realized that I shouldn't have those things to you. I was mean, and I wasn't thinking." 

"That means... you are accepting your mistake?" she asked in a low voice. 

He nodded. 

"And you are apologizing to me for being harsh on me?" 

He nodded again.

"And you agree that you need me in your life?" 

Pei Xingcheng paused, but then, thinking that he needed to stay with him in this room, at least for the time he was shooting this movie, he nodded again. "Yes." 

As soon as she heard that, all the facade she had put on earlier vanished, and a big smile spread across her face. "Tsk... tsk... Xingcheng, didn't I tell you that you need me in your life? If you hadn't said those things to me back in the car, you wouldn't have had to suffer during the time I was gone," she said with a laugh. 

"Now, do you regret your words?"