I am good ghost with morals and values

Pei Xingcheng found himself in a situation where he finally comprehended the true meaning of the phrase "digging your own grave." He understood that she was still teasing, but what else could he do apart from getting teased? He had offended her, and now, he needed her help. 

Once again, regret washed over him, and he knew that the only way out of this mess was to apologize and plead for forgiveness. He took a deep breath and lowered his arrogance and pride as he approached Miss Ghost.

"I'm sorry," he sighed slowly. "I need your help, Miss Ghost. Please, would you protect me?" he asked politely.

Miss Ghost gazed at him for a moment, considering his request. She could have easily teased him further but decided to stop it. "Alright, I'll help you, but not because you apologized to me, but because I'm a good ghost," she stated.

Pei Xingcheng was instantly relieved. "Okay," he said, grateful for her help.

Miss Ghost smiled, but the next moment, her face scrunched slightly. "Now, you can go take a shower. You stink!" she added, waving her hand as if dismissing a lowly servant from her presence. 

Pei Xingcheng: "......." (What are you? A ghost? An emperor? Or my ancestors?)

As he observed her actions, he couldn't help but feel as though he wasn't living with a ghost but rather with his ancestor, who was difficult to please. Though he wanted to scold her for how she was treating him, he knew he needed her help and decided to ignore her for the moment.

Now that she had agreed to protect him, he felt at ease. He opened his suitcase, took out his clothes, and walked towards the washroom.

He entered the spacious bathroom and closed the door behind him. Slowly, he began to remove his clothes, feeling the cool air caress his skin. He turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature just so. As the warm droplets began to cascade all over his body, he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension in his muscles begin to dissipate. 

Lost in the moment, he even hummed a small tune until suddenly; his ears picked up a faint chuckle somewhere within the bathroom. His eyes flew open, and he looked around in alarm, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. But the bathroom was empty, and the only sound was the soft patter of water droplets hitting the tiled floor.

A shiver ran down his spine, and his heart began to race as he tried to shake off the fear that was creeping up inside him.

"No, no, no, Xingcheng," he muttered to himself. "Don't be afraid. Don't get scared. It was nothing. You heard nothing. Remember, Miss Ghost is right outside. She will protect you."

Mustering up his courage, he continued to take his shower when suddenly he heard another small chuckle that sent shivers down his spine. He froze, his heart pounding in his chest, and quickly scanned the bathroom, desperate to identify the source of the noise.

"Who... who is it?" he asked, his voice quivering with fear. 

The voice chuckled once more, making him feel even more uneasy. "Tsk.... tsk... You have quite a nice body, Pei Xingcheng," the female voice laughed eerily and continued, "I wonder if you would give me the honor to enjoy it?" 

Pei Xingcheng's eyes widened with horror, and he felt a cold sweat break out on his skin. Without thinking, he called out repeatedly, his voice full of panic, "Miss Ghost! Miss Ghost! Miss Ghost! Come inside! Come inside!" 

Miss Ghost was taken aback by his sudden shout, so she hurriedly entered the washroom. To her surprise, she found Pei Xingcheng huddled in the corner, with the shower curtain tightly wrapped around him. "What happened?" she asked, trying to suppress a chuckle when she noticed his frightened expression.

"I heard her again," he explained, his eyes wide with fear. 

Miss Ghost looked all around the washroom, but she couldn't detect any other presence. "Xingcheng, don't be scared. There is nothing here," she said. 

"No, I am not lying. She was here," He said fearfully. "She said that I looked good, and she wanted to enjoy me." 

Miss Ghost: "......." 

Her lips curled in irritation as she listened to his self-centered words. Despite the fear and horror surrounding him, he still didn't forget to praise his own beauty. The subtle hint of pride in his voice made her even more annoyed. 

"Then let her enjoy you," she snorted coldly.

Pei Xingcheng was taken aback by her response. "What? Miss Ghost, how can you go back on your words? You said you would protect me!"

"Even in the washroom?" she asked, incredulous, raising her eyebrows.

He nodded, his expression serious. "Everywhere."

Miss Ghost sighed slowly. "But she's gone now. There is no need for me to be here." 

"But what if she comes back?" he argued.

"But, Xingcheng, I am a good ghost with morals and values. I don't have any voyeuristic habits, nor do I like to stare at people while they are showering," she said seriously. 

Pei Xingcheng: ".........." 

How come I didn't see you having morals and values when you were teasing him and making fun of him?

She was just a duplicitous little ghost! Taking advantage of him whenever she could. Humph!

"Also, I remember back when we were staying at the Qin Mansion, didn't you put this rule that I was not allowed inside the washroom while you were taking a shower?" she continued. "What happened to that rule, huh?" 

"How come you forgot all my rules and only remember this one?" he asked through gritted teeth. "Anyways, it's decided. You are staying here until I finish my shower." 

Miss Ghost laughed. "Xingcheng, you do realize that you are a grown man, right? Even kids are not scared of ghosts as much as you are." 

"Just shut up and turn around," he said, his face slightly flushed with embarrassment. 

"Okay, okay, geez!" Miss Ghost chuckled, raising her hands up in surrender. "Menopause is really terrible. Thankfully, I am a ghost and not a human." 

Pei Xingcheng: ".........." 

One day, he would be really pissed to death by this ghost.