You can't quit

Pei Xingcheng burst into his room in a state of panic. His heart was pounding with fear as he quickly shut the door behind him. He began to scan the room, his eyes darting nervously back and forth, searching for any sign of Miss Ghost.

"Miss Ghost, Miss Ghost?" he called out frantically, his voice laced with desperation.

He scanned every inch of the room, hoping to find some clue as to her whereabouts, but she was nowhere to be seen. The realization that he might be left alone in the room frightened him.

He didn't know what to do, so he started calling out to her, his voice growing more and more desperate with each passing moment, "Miss Ghost, Miss Ghost..."

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at his door, causing him to jump in fright. "Xingcheng, Xingcheng, open the door!" the voice called out urgently.

It was Tang Qin's voice. 

Pei Xingcheng glanced nervously towards the closed door and took a deep breath. He opened the door slightly and let his manager enter.

"Xingcheng, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Tang Qin asked with concern in his voice.

Pei Xingcheng shook his head. "No, I'm not fine." 

Tang Qin noticed Pei Xingcheng's unease. "What happened? What is the problem?"

"I'm scared," Pei Xingcheng admitted honestly. "Tang Qin, I'm scared of ghosts, and I don't know why I signed up for this freaky horror movie."

Tang Qin smiled and patted Pei Xingcheng's shoulder to reassure him. "Xingcheng, I understand that you're scared of ghosts, but you can be at ease. There are no real ghosts in this house. We're safe here." 

Pei Xingcheng snorted coldly in his heart.

Safe? In this horror house where a female ghost wants to eat his heart? What a joke!

Thinking of something, Tang Qin couldn't help but ask. "Xingcheng, are you scared because of the rumors I told you about?" 

Pei Xingcheng was in a dilemma. He wanted to confide in his manager and tell him about everything that was going on with him. But he knew that doing so could only lead to his manager thinking he was crazy.

Moreover, Tang QIn was his brother's person, and he would definitely pass on this news to his brother. This would only add to his elder brother's worries, who was already troubled due to an accident and someone trying to harm him. Therefore, Pei Xingcheng decided to keep quiet and not say a word to his manager. 

Feeling uneasy about the situation, he finally mustered the courage to speak up and announced to his manager, "Tang Qin, I want to quit this movie."

This sudden declaration shocked Tang Qin. "What?!" he exclaimed in surprise.

Pei Xingcheng sat down on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair, looking tired. "Yes," he said, nodding. "I don't think I can continue with this movie anymore. You saw what happened tonight, and if I continue to act like that, it will only do me more harm than good."

Tang Qin sat down next to him and sighed. "This movie is a golden opportunity," he said. "You get to work with Director Ye, who is a famous director. Moreover, his works always get nominated for the Golden Lotus Awards. Isn't it your dream to win the Best Actor Award?"

Pei Xingcheng frowned slightly, considering Tang Qin's words.

"Xingcheng, not many people get this type of opportunity, and when you get it, don't let it go to waste," Tang Qin continued. "I know you're scared of ghosts, but you will have to overcome it."

"Moreover, even if you wanted to quit this movie, you can't," he added with a smile.

"Why is that so?" Pei Xingcheng asked, looking confused.

"Because of the contract you signed," Tang Qin replied. "You're legally bound to complete the movie. If you quit now, it could have serious consequences for your career."

"What?!" Pei Xingcheng was shocked. "Which idiot made this type of contract?" 

"You," Tang Qin chuckled. 

Pei Xingcheng: "........." 

"What?" he asked, staring at his manager in confusion. 

"I asked the company, and they told me that you specifically wanted this type of clause to be added to the contract. No matter what happens, you will have to complete the shooting of this movie," Tang Qing explained the situation to Pei Xingcheng.

Even he was puzzled by Pei Xingcheng's weird actions and wanted to know the reason behind such a strange decision. Unfortunately, Pei Xingcheng had no memory of it, and the only other person who could know the reason behind this decision was Pei Xingcheng's former manager, but she was dead.

With a sigh, Tang Qing got up from the bed and tried to calm Pei Xingcheng down. "Look, Xingcheng, there are no ghosts in this house. So, chill out and concentrate on your work."

Pei Xingcheng nodded stiffly as he continued to curse himself in his heart. 

Dammit!!! Why would he ask for such a stupid clause in the contract? 

Was his brain hammered or something? Or did he lose his brain while making such a decision?

As he was crying over his stupid decision, he noticed that Tang Qin was ready to leave. Overwhelmed with fear, Pei Xingcheng jumped out of bed and grabbed his arm. "Tang Qin, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my room," Tang Qin replied, gently trying to pull his hand free.

"No, you're not going anywhere," Pei Xingcheng said firmly. "You're going to stay here with me tonight."

Tang Qin frowned slightly. "But, Xingcheng-"

"No!" Pei Xingcheng interrupted, his voice resolute. "You're staying here." 

Miss Ghost was already gone, and if Tang Qin left him too, then how would he spend his night in this haunted house? What if that female ghost came back for him?

No matter what, he was not going to stay the night in this room alone. 

Sensing Pei Xingcheng's fear, Tang Qing agreed but couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable as he tried to free his arm from Pei Xingcheng's grasp.

"Okay, okay, I'll stay in your room," he said, "but can you please let go of my hand?"