An irresistible sound

The actress turned her face and gazed at Pei Xingcheng. A smile appeared on her lips, and she raised her brows. "You are a stranger staying in my home. Shouldn't you begin by introducing yourself first?"

Pei Xingcheng was a little taken aback and let out a small chuckle. With a smile, he was about to introduce himself when suddenly, he saw a creepy ghostly face appear right behind the actress. It was as if the face had been there all along, but he had only just noticed it.

The face was extremely pale, almost translucent, and its eyes were hollow, with white orbs bulging out of their sockets. It was a horrifying sight, and Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but stare in shock and disbelief.

Instantly, he forgot about all his lines. His face paled, and he let out a loud scream. "Ahhhhh!!!!" he yelled, jumping away from the sofa in fright. 

The director, who was watching the scene, was infuriated by Pei Xingcheng's sudden outburst. "Cut! Cut! Cut!" he yelled angrily. "Xingcheng, what the hell are you doing? You are not supposed to yell in the shot?! Didn't you hear my instructions well?"

Despite the director's angry reaction, Pei Xingcheng was still in a state of shock. He tried to explain, "B-but.... but... but... D-director Ye, there is a....."

However, when he looked behind the actress, to his surprise, there was nothing there. All he could see was an empty space, and the ghostly face had disappeared.

Pei Xingcheng frowned in confusion. 

Where did that ghost go? She was right there, right? He surely wouldn't have imagined her, right?

The actress blinked her eyes innocently, looking all confused. "Senior Pei, are you alright?" 

"I...I...I..." Pei Xingcheng stammered, at a loss for words. He looked around anxiously, hoping to see Miss Ghost, but she was nowhere to be found.

When the director noticed Pei Xingcheng's distress, he became concerned. "Are you okay, Pei Xingcheng? Do you need to take a break?"

Pei Xingcheng took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm his nerves. After a few seconds, he opened them again and looked towards the director, who was staring at him with a concerned expression.

"I am fine, Director Ye. Let's restart," he said, not wanting to show his fear in front of everyone. 

Director Ye looked at him for a moment, still not entirely convinced. "Are you sure? Do you want me to go through the scene once again?" he asked, wanting to make sure Pei Xingcheng was ready.

Pei Xingcheng shook his head, "No, I am fine. Let's continue."

"Okay, then," Director Ye nodded, satisfied. He took his position and signaled to the cast and crew that they were ready to resume the shoot.

The camera began to roll, and everyone got into their places. Pei took a deep breath and got into character. "Action!" Director Ye yelled, and the scene began.

As the actress repeated her line, Pei Xingcheng swiftly slipped into his role. He flashed a charming smile and launched into his introduction with confidence. "You're absolutely right. I should have introduced myself before asking for a beautiful woman's name," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

The actress blushed slightly, clearly amused by his playful demeanor.

Pei Xingcheng continued, "I am Si Liwei, a dedicated journalist from City Y. I'm 25 years old and happily single," he said, his voice smooth and polished.

The actress laughed at his amusing introduction, clearly impressed by his wit and charm. "So, Mr. Si is here to investigate the rumors surrounding our town?" she asked, her eyes shining with curiosity and anticipation.

Pei Xingcheng opened his mouth, ready to deliver his lines, when suddenly, he felt a cold breath on his left ear. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly, and he shivered as if someone was standing right behind him. His heart rate increased, and his palms became sweaty as he struggled to regain his composure.

His mind went blank as he tried to speak, making him feel helpless and vulnerable. Ignoring this feeling, he opened his mouth, but right at this moment, he heard a familiar ghostly voice that he had heard once before in the washroom.

The voice whispered in his ear, "BA-DUM-BA-DUM-BA-DUM. What an irresistible sound! I wonder what it must taste like." 

The voice was female, and it spoke in a seductive, eerie and horrifying tone. 

Pei Xingcheng was frozen in fear, unable to move or speak. 

"Dear Pei Xingcheng, would you be willing to give your heart to me?" the voice continued to chuckle in his ear. 

Suddenly, he couldn't take it anymore and screamed in terror, "Ahhhhhh!!!" He jumped away from the sofa and looked around frantically, searching for the female ghost who had spoken in his ear. 

However, there was nothing there.

The director was extremely furious. "Cut! Cut! Cut!" he yelled angrily. "Xingcheng, what the hell are you doing? What are you screaming for?" 

Hearing the director's shout, the cast and the crew started to talk and whisper about Pei Xingcheng's strange behavior, adding to the tension on set.

Pei Xingcheng was at a loss for words. His mind was in complete chaos, and he didn't know how to react. It was then that Tang Qin, his manager, noticed that something was wrong with him and spoke up.

Tang Qin apologized to Director Ye, explaining that Pei Xingcheng had recently recovered from a terrible accident and was experiencing a sequelae reaction. He requested the director's forgiveness and suggested that Pei Xingcheng was under a lot of stress and needed some rest.

Director Ye was a friendly person, but when it came to his work, he was the strictest and expected the same from the people around him. He was slightly dissatisfied with Pei Xingcheng, but when he heard Tang Qin's explanation and saw the actor's extremely pale face, he let out a slow sigh. "Okay, Pei Xingcheng, go take some rest. I'll shoot your scenes tomorrow." 

Pei Xingcheng apologized and thanked the director for his understanding. He then hurriedly left the hall, as if he was being chased by a ghost.

What the people present didn't know was that there was indeed a ghost who had set her sights on him, since the moment he stepped inside the mansion.