First scene - II

After Pei Xingcheng entered the large mansion, he followed the woman inside. The rain was pouring down heavily outside, and Pei Xingcheng was completely drenched. He was leaving a trail of water on the hardwood floor as he walked behind the woman. Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but notice how grand the mansion was, with its high ceilings and marble columns. 

The director was extremely keen to capture his expression, his eyes shining with joy to see the scene being done exactly like he wanted without any Ng. 

Recalling the next scene in the script, Pei Xingcheng looked down at his boots, which were covered in mud, and saw that he was leaving dirty marks on the floor. "I'm sorry about the mess," he apologized. 

The actress, who had turned around, gave him a faint smile. "Don't worry about it," she reassured him. "The servants will clean it up. You must be cold and wet. Let's get you dried off and warmed up." 

Pei Xingcheng smiled faintly as he took the slippers from the actress. They were a bit too big for him, but he didn't mind. He quickly removed his muddy shoes and put them on, feeling a sense of relief as he did so. The heavy, drenched coat he had been wearing was next, and he hung it on the coat rack before walking down the dimly lit hallway.

As he entered the hall, he could feel the warmth of the room enveloping him. It was a stark contrast to the cold, wet weather outside. The actress called over a servant and instructed him to show Pei Xingcheng to the washroom. He was grateful for the opportunity to freshen up and change into warmer clothes.

As Pei Xingcheng made his way to the washroom, he couldn't help but wonder about the actress's intentions. She had seemed friendly enough, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more going on.

Unbeknownst to him, the actress showed a creepy smile as he walked away. She had a plan, and he was the unwitting participant.

The director was satisfied with the shot they had just captured and yelled "Cut!" with confidence. He praised the cast and crew, saying "Good, good, good. That was so good. Let's prepare for the next scene."

After the director yelled "Cut," two assistants approached Pei Xingcheng. One handed him a big towel to wipe his wet hair and body, while the other gave him a cup of hot chocolate to keep him warm. Pei Xingcheng thanked them and smiled warmly as he took a sip, enjoying the feeling of warmth in his throat. While drinking the hot chocolate, he looked around the set. 

Tang Qin stood by, smiling. He was appointed by Pei Qinshan, Pei Xingcheng's older brother, to be Pei Xingcheng's exclusive agent and was therefore aware of his memory loss. Before the shoot began, Tang Qin was worried about whether Pei Xingcheng would be able to do well, but after seeing his acting, he was relieved. 

Certain individuals possess a natural talent and an irresistible aura. Once they appear on the screen, they captivate and impress anyone watching. Pei Xingcheng was one such person who was born to rule the screen.

"Xingcheng, you were absolutely brilliant," he praised with sincerity in his voice. "Just keep on working like this, and this movie will definitely do well. You've got a bright future ahead of you."

Pei Xingcheng hummed absentmindedly, with his gaze wandering around the room as if searching for someone. His eyes darted from one person to another, as if he was trying to find someone specific.

When Tang Qin noticed his behavior, he furrowed his brows and asked in a concerned tone, "Xingcheng, is everything alright? Are you looking for someone?"

Pei Xingcheng shook his head and replied, "No, not really," but his eyes still continued to search the room, as if he was looking for a familiar face among the crowd.

Where the hell is Miss Ghost? Is she angry with him? 

But why is she angry? He is the one who is supposed to be angry, isn't it?

Although he was somewhat relieved that she wasn't there to disturb or embarrass him, deep down he slightly missed her. He was so accustomed to her presence and chatter that this sudden silence was beginning to bother him.

However, Pei Xingcheng didn't have time to dwell on her absence because the next shot was being prepared, and he had to quickly change his clothes for the next scene. He hastily handed the empty cup to his assistant and entered a room that was set up for actors to change their clothes.

Pei Xingcheng quickly changed into his next costume, which was a simple, casual homely outfit consisting of a plain shirt and jeans. After getting ready, he walked out of his dressing room and saw the director going over the next scene with the actress. 

Upon seeing Pei Xingcheng, the director waved his hand, calling him over. Pei Xingcheng approached the director and smiled warmly. The director then explained the scene in detail. 

"In your next scene, you will sit with Linlin and say your dialogues. While you both are talking, you will suddenly see a dark shadow behind her," the director explained, pointing to the spot where the shadow would appear. "It will all be done using special effects, so you just have to pretend as if you are confused and intrigued." 

"Okay, Director Ye," Pei Xingcheng nodded. 

The director's voice echoed through the room, "Okay, everyone, let's start the shoot."

The actress gracefully took her place on the sofa, in front of the crackling fire, as the camera began to roll.

"Action!" the director shouted, and Pei Xingcheng walked into the living room, his breath visible in the chilly air. He rubbed his hands together and blew on them to warm them up. As soon as he saw the actress, his face lit up with joy, and he walked over to her, taking a seat next to her.

"It's quite cold, isn't it?" he said, trying to break the ice.

The woman nodded slowly, her eyes gazing into the flames dancing in the fireplace.

"So, what is your name, Miss?" Pei Xingcheng asked, his eyes twinkling in the firelight.