First scene - I

It was a simple horror movie script with little drama and a lot of suspense. Pei Xingcheng couldn't help but wonder why he had agreed to sign up for it in the first place.

Did he lose some kind of dare or something?

Feeling slightly uneasy, he failed to understand the reason behind his decision. But now that he had committed to it, he knew he had to go through with it. He felt a knot in his stomach, and his palms were sweaty as he took a deep breath and tried to focus on his lines.

The director was busy talking to the lead actress about her role and actions, and Pei Xingcheng was trying to listen, but his mind was elsewhere. Suddenly, he felt a cold breeze behind him, and before he could turn around, he heard a voice whisper in his ear, "All the best, Pei Xingcheng."

It was Miss Ghost's voice. 

He was still upset with her and refused to speak to her. He pressed his lips tightly together as he turned his face away from her, making it clear that he didn't want to speak to her and treating her as if she was invisible. 

Miss Ghost's expression hardened at his cold treatment, and she narrowed her eyes as she let out a cold snort. "Stingy," she muttered under her breath.

Pei Xingcheng rolled his eyes internally, ignoring her as he rehearsed his lines. He could feel her presence, but he refused to acknowledge her.

Seeing that he was still ignoring her, she pursed her lips in frustration and disappeared, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 

Pei Xingcheng glanced at her sideways, making sure she was truly gone; he breathed a sigh of relief. Despite his inner turmoil and the fear in his heart, he knew he had to give his best performance. He focused on his role, letting the character take over and transport him to another world, away from the drama of his personal life.

The director's voice boomed across the set, "Okay, I hope everyone is ready. Let's shoot the first scene."

In response, the crew quickly exited the mansion, carrying props and cameras. The first scene depicted Pei Xingcheng's car breaking down in a heavy downpour and him discovering a beautiful mansion nearby. Since it was a rainy scene, the crew had already prepared artificial rain to create an authentic atmosphere.

As the crew set up, a pristine jeep was positioned outside the mansion, ready for Pei Xingcheng to hop in. He settled into the driver's seat, and the director gave him a thumbs-up, signaling that they were ready to begin. 

After receiving the signal, Pei Xingcheng nodded.

The director picked up the megaphone and yelled, "Action!"

Pei Xingcheng started the jeep, and the scene began to unfold. The rain poured down as he drove the car, adding to the dramatic effect of the scene. The crew captured the moment from different angles, ensuring that they had all the footage they needed to create a masterpiece.

As the rain poured down in heavy torrents, Pei Xingcheng took on the role of Si Liwei, the character he was playing in the movie. He tried his best to embody the character's emotions and thoughts as he struggled with his car, which had broken down.

Thumping his fingers on the steering wheel, he pleaded with the car to start, but it didn't budge. He could feel the panic, frustration, and irritation building up inside him, just like the character he was playing.

Finally, he stepped out of the car and kicked it with full force, letting out a stream of curses under his breath. He was completely drenched in the rain, but that didn't seem to bother him. With his fingers running through his hair, he tried to calm himself down, all the while staying in character.

The director was ecstatic as he watched Pei Xingcheng perform. He knew this would be a defining moment in the movie, with close-up shots of the actor struggling in the rain, looking all handsome and sexy.

His eyes were excited knowing that Pei Xingcheng's charm would bring all his fans to the movie theater. 

Pei Xingcheng kept scanning the area when he noticed a magnificent mansion in the distance. Despite the mysterious flickering lights amidst the storm, he had no other choice but to walk through the muddy path and reach the mansion. As he approached, he knocked on the ornately carved wooden door.

Moments later, the door creaked slowly and opened, revealing a stunning young lady played by the actress. The moment she stepped out, Si Liwei, played by Pei Xingcheng, was immediately captivated by her beauty.

She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen, with striking almond-shaped eyes and a gentle smile. Her long, lustrous black hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, and she was wearing a delightful pink pajama that hugged her curves perfectly.

"Excuse me, Mr.?" the actress spoke her first line.

Remaining in his character, Pei Xingcheng continued to gaze at her, entranced by her beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off her, and for a moment, it seemed as if time had come to a standstill. 

The actress blushed slightly and cleared her throat. "Excuse me, Sir. Can I help you?" she repeated, her voice like a sweet melody in the rainy night. 

Si Liwei was taken aback by her striking presence, her beauty almost distracting him from the task at hand. "Excuse me, miss," he said, quickly regaining focus. "My car broke down on the side of the road, and I saw this grand mansion in the distance. I was hoping that I could find shelter here from the pouring rain."

The actress looked at him skeptically, her frown deepening by the second.

"Please believe me when I say that I mean no harm. I couldn't hurt a fly. I just need a safe place to wait until the rain subsides and perhaps the use of a phone to make a call," Si Liwei explained, hoping that his sincerity would put her at ease.

The actress looked at him for a second, then let him inside the mansion. "Come in."