We need to work on your vocabulary

Miss Ghost gazed intently at the person in front of her, a warm smile spreading across her face as she watched his childish actions. It was as if she had been transported back in time to the days when she was alive and used to have silly fights with him.

She remembered how he would cover himself up, just like he was doing now, and how she had to coax him out. Otherwise, he would stubbornly stay inside, suffocating himself rather than coming out to talk to her.

As she reminisced about these beautiful memories, a hint of both nostalgia and sadness flickered through her eyes, causing them to glisten with emotion. 

Meanwhile, Pei Xingcheng was hiding under his blanket, trying to hear any sound coming from outside. However, he couldn't hear anything, which made him feel worried. 

Did she really leave him alone?

Humph! He should have known better. How could he trust an annoying ghost like her?

Torn between whether he should look outside or stay under the blanket, his heart was conflicted. Eventually, his fear won, and he decided to look outside.

If she left him alone in this room, then he would never, never talk to her again.

With bulging cheeks and angry eyes, he carefully pulled down the blanket from his face, but when he saw her sparkling eyes staring at him, he quickly felt embarrassed and blushed. Without thinking twice, he quickly covered his face again, feeling ashamed. 

Upon witnessing his immature behavior, Miss Ghost couldn't help but burst out laughing. "You're really cute Xingcheng," she remarked.

"I AM NOT CUTE!" he shouted from inside.

With a faint smile on her lips, Miss Ghost gazed at him, her eyes filled with amusement. She couldn't help but notice how embarrassed he seemed, making her want to tease him even more.

Finally, she spoke up, her tone playful yet gentle. "Okay, okay, you are not cute. You are adorable."

Inside the blanket, Pei Xingcheng: "........" (Cute? Adorable? What the hell? Does this ghost have no good words for him in her dictionary?!)

He knew that if he allowed her to continue calling him cute or adorable, she might continue doing so for the rest of his life. He did not want to be called by such names and therefore, felt the need to correct her. 

Removing the blanket, he sat up and stared at her with a serious expression. "Miss Ghost, we need to work on your vocabulary." 

Miss Ghost, surprised by his sudden reaction: ????

"Miss Ghost, men can never be cute. They can never be adorable, or sweet, or lovely. You cannot call me that. You need to delete these words from your vocabulary for me." 

Miss Ghost: "..." (Wait, when did this teasing session turn into a teaching session?)

"Look, if you want to call me something, call me handsome, sexy, hunky, enchanting, amazing, attractive," he suggested seriously. "I usually prefer the first three, but the rest of them are fine as well, but never cute, adorable, or any such stupid words." 

"Do you get it?" he asked, after seeing no reaction. 

Miss Ghost stared at Pei Xingcheng in silence and crossed her arms over her chest. Instead of answering his question, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you done being angry?"

Pei Xingcheng suddenly realized that he was still angry with her. He grabbed the blanket and covered himself fully, putting it over her head. "No, I'm still angry," he mumbled from inside and snorted coldly as if he would remain inside the blanket if she didn't coax him out.

Miss Ghost laughed at his cuteness and finally agreed. "Okay, okay, I understand, Mr. Handsome Pei Xincheng. Now, come out of that blanket, or you'll suffocate."

When Pei Xingcheng heard her give in and acknowledge his handsomeness, his eyes sparked with victory. The corners of his lips curled into a big grin, and he felt giddy inside the blanket.

Humph! He knew he would never lose against a ghost.

See, did he make her agree that he was the most handsome man on this planet? 

Just as he was celebrating his little victory and feeling happy, he heard her next sentence. Immediately, his smile disappeared as if someone had poured cold water over a hot pan.

"Well, if you want to stay inside the blanket, I don't mind," she continued. "But, you are an actor, and it won't look good if the news in tomorrow's tabloid reads 'The Great Actor Pei Xincheng survives an accident but couldn't survive a blanket."

Pei Xingcheng: "......."

"Hahaha, wouldn't that be funny?" she chuckled. 

Removing the blanket from his face, he glared at her angrily, "You, you, you... you are really the most annoying ghost I have ever met!" 

Miss Ghost smiled funnily. "Oh, so besides me, you have met other ghosts? How are they? Are they as good as me? Do they treat you well?" 

"You.... ugh!!!! Why do I even bother?" he muttered unhappily under his breath. Turning over, he decided to ignore her and covered himself with the blanket, once again. 

Out of sight, out of mind!

He repeated over and over his head, and only then did he feel a little calm. 

Meanwhile, Miss Ghost laughed at his actions while shaking her head slightly. 


Later that evening, the filming of the movie commenced with the first shoot. Director Ye was gathered with everyone in the hall, explaining the details of the first shot. All the arrangements for the scene and the setup were completed. The actors and actresses were already dressed in their desired costumes and had their makeup done.

The horror movie was named 'Whispers of the Haunted Heart.' The movie was a blend of romance, horror, and mystery, revolving around a young reporter who visits a village where rumors of paranormal activities are circulating. Being a person who never believed in such things, he decided to expose such false rumors. 

However, on his way to the hotel, his car breaks down, and he ends up staying in a mansion for the night. There, he meets a beautiful girl and is immediately attracted to her. While staying at the mansion, he experiences paranormal activities. The story follows how he falls for the woman and helps to unravel the mystery surrounding the mansion while fighting against the ghostly occurrences.