
"You," she answered.

Pei Xingchneg's face turned a deep shade of red as he glared at Miss Ghost, his eyes blazing with anger. "No," he said firmly, his voice laced with irritation. "I don't want you to sleep with me." 

Miss Ghost was thoroughly amused by Pei Xingchneg's reaction. She found it entertaining to tease him, whether as a human or a ghost. He was still as thin-skinned as ever.

She raised her eyebrows and blinked her eyes innocently, enjoying the reaction she was getting from him. "But didn't you ask me to sleep with you?" 

He glared at Miss Ghost with anger and frustration. He had asked her to sleep next to him, but she had misunderstood and thought he wanted to sleep with her. "No! No! No!" he exclaimed, trying to make her understand. "I was asking you to sleep next to me, not with me, you annoying ghost!"

 Miss Ghost was taken aback by Xingcheng's harsh words. "Annoying?! Xingcheng, you think I am annoying?" she asked, hurt by his words.

"Yes, I do," he spoke through gritted teeth. 

Suddenly, Miss Ghost's expression changed. She began to cry, wiping her imaginary tears and staring at him with big, sorrowful eyes as if she had suffered a great injustice. "Okay," she sniffled slowly. "Since you find me annoying, then I will leave."

With that, she turned to leave.

Pei Xingcheng: "..........." 

Realizing she wanted to leave him alone in this room, his anger disappeared and fear replaced it. Thinking about staying in this room, all alone, accompanied by an unknown ghost, goosebumps arose all over his body.

"Miss Ghost, Miss Ghost, don't leave, don't leave me alone, please," he pleaded while staring at her with regret in his eyes. 

"But you said I was annoying," she muttered slowly. 

"No, no, I am wrong. I am sorry," he apologized. "You see, since I have entered this room, I have been talking all kinds of nonsense. Don't take my words seriously. It's not you, but me... I am the one who's annoying." 

"Oh!" Miss Ghost raised her brows with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, you are annoying?" 

Pei Xingcheng nodded, putting on a flattering expression. "Yes." 

As long as he could appease and make her stay with him in this room, it didn't matter whether he admitted that he was an annoying person. 

"Well, in that case, since you are the one who's annoying, why should I stay with you?" she asked while staring at him with an amused glance. "You see, I love to live peacefully. I don't want to stay with an annoying person, so I think I'll leave." 

Pei Xingcheng: "........." 

If there was one murder forgiven, he definitely knew that the first person he would kill would be this damn annoying ghost! 

Why was she so, so damn irritating?

"Is it fun?" he asked tiredly, moving his fingers through his hair. 

"Fun," she admitted. 

"Why do you love to tease me so much?" he asked. 

Miss Ghost floated over to the bed and chuckled slowly. "I have two reasons," she said. "Firstly, I am a ghost. I can't touch anything or do anything. Since you are the only person who can see me, teasing you is my idea of fun."

Pei Xingcheng raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "What's the other reason?" he asked.

Miss Ghost glanced at him, a small smile playing on her lips. "The other reason is that you look extremely cute when you are being teased," she said. "Your face turns red, like an angry pufferfish. It's so damn cute!"

Pei Xingcheng looked a little taken aback. "Wait, wait, wait, Miss Ghost," he said. "Men can never be cute, they can only be handsome. So call me handsome, not cute."

Miss Ghost giggled. "Okay, handsome it is," she said. "But you have to admit, you do look pretty cute when you're flustered." She floated a little closer to him, her ghostly form shimmering in the moonlight. "Don't worry, though," she said. "I won't tease you too much. After all, I don't want other people to know about the cuteness of my actor."

My actor... she called him... her actor

For some reason, his heart skipped a beat as he gazed at her. He was attracted by her smile, which was so beautiful that it left him speechless. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her. He felt as though if she was a human being right now, he wouldn't mind having a relationship with her.

However, he quickly realized where his thoughts were going and became immediately flustered. He turned his gaze away, his face turning red instantly. "I am not cute!" he exclaimed, trying to hide his embarrassment. 

Not knowing what was going through his mind, Miss Ghost laughed at his reaction and teased him, "But, Xingcheng, you are cute." 

"I am not cute!" he glared at her, feeling even more embarrassed. 

She continued to tease him, "Still cute," making him feel even more flustered.

"Ugh! It's pointless to argue with you. I'm going back to sleep. Stay if you want, go if you want, I don't care," he said angrily. He grabbed the blanket and covered his head completely.

Under the blanket, he breathed helplessly, wondering why he had even considered having a relationship with her. She was a ghost, and he was a human being. They could never be together.

So why did his heart beat so fast at the thought of her?

Why was he getting flustered and his heart so excited at that thought? 

Wait, was he attracted to her? 

Pei Xingcheng was taken aback by the thought that he might be attracted to a ghost. He immediately denied it, reminding himself that no matter how beautiful she was, she was still a ghost and it was impossible for them to be together.

He shook his head to discard these weird thoughts from his mind and tried to listen to the sounds outside the blanket. His eyes moved fearfully, wondering whether Miss Ghost had really left him alone in the room.

Did she... did she leave him alone?