Trapped forever

Tang Zhixi glanced at the closed door and sighed. "Now, let's stop bickering and think of some ways to open this cursed door."

Pei Xingcheng couldn't have agreed more.

"We've already tried pushing it open to no avail. You don't have any ghostly power, so that's no help either," he said with a sigh.

"Indeed, and we don't have any hairpins to pick the lock," she added.

Pei Xingcheng rolled his eyes. "Right. So, what are our options?"

"Xingcheng, what if we call for help? Perhaps if someone hears you, they might rescue us," she suggested.

Pei Xingcheng gave her a blank stare. "Miss Ghost, have you forgotten we're trapped in an attic that no one knows about, and everyone's fast asleep right now? No matter how loudly we yell, no one will hear us."

"Dammit," Tang Zhixi muttered under her breath and racked her mind to think of something. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind, and she looked at Pei Xingcheng.

"What?" he asked.