A song for the ghost

"Miss Ghost, are you seriously out of your mind?"

"No, I'm simply out of ideas," Tang Zhixi replied, grinning broadly. "Besides, it's not like we have anything better to do. Why not sing to that female ghost? Maybe she'll enjoy my voice and let us go."

Pei Xingcheng pursed his lips. "But —"

"Tsk," Tang Zhixi interrupted with a click of her tongue, glaring at him. "Xingcheng, if you have a better idea to get us out, then speak up. Otherwise, keep quiet and let me sing for the ghost."

"Suit yourself," Pei Xingcheng rolled his eyes and chose to ignore her.

Tang Zhixi inhaled deeply, cleared her throat, and gently closed her eyes. Then, she began to sing:

"Oh ghost, dear ghost, can you hear my plea?

We're stuck in the attic, can't you see?

Open the door and let us out.

We promise not to haunt or shout.

Oh ghost, dear ghost, please hear my plea,

Let us out of here, and we'll be free.